Sara Goldheart Character in The Little Sorcerer | World Anvil
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Sara Goldheart

Andranean Sorcerer's Apprentice

The story’s main protagonist, apprentice of Lucas Goldheart. She has few outwardly appealing personality traits.


Sara has light skin, wavy brown hair and blue eyes. She wears a medium-long brown dress, a white undershirt with long billowy blue sleeves, a matching blue cloak, and reddish brown leggings and slip-on shoes.


Sara is bold and assertive, having a general mindset of doing whatever she wants to do and getting whatever she wants to get. Whenever she can, she puts herself above others, and tries to turn every situation to her advantage. If she doesn't get her way, she has a short fuse which easily turns into quips and stropping. Despite this, she makes an exception when it comes to her mentor, Lucas. She respects him and is very happy to learn from him, showing him mostly her enthusiastic and intelligent side.

Moral code

Initially selfish, but ultimately good.


Sara speaks solidly, frequently using sharper tones and blunt words and phrases. When nervous, she blurts her words out and cuts herself off rather than mumble with uncertainty.

Ambitions for the future

To become a famous sorcerer, just like Lucas.


Helena and Jan Berylian planned to have their child grow up together with them at the Academy, to later become a scholar alongside them. However, when Sara was born, they discovered that she had Blue Magic . Not having accounted for this rarity, Helena and Jan went to Lucas Goldheart personally, having been acquainted with him before, and asked him to take Sara as his apprentice; but also to be her guardian. Lucas agreed, and raised her with great love and care as a Goldheart.



  • Lucas Goldheart (Guardian/Mentor)
  • Jan Berylian (Father)
  • Helena Berylian (Mother)

Lucas Goldheart

Lucas is Sara's mentor and guardian. He is the only one close to Sara, and thus the only one she's truly cared about and shown any affection to throughout her life. She respects him greatly, to the point of idolizing him and being extremely sensitive to anyone who badmouths him or otherwise criticizes him.

Alexander Ashenwing

Sara meets Alexander and his Knight, Henrik Ashenwing, first in Leaftred, and then in Delbia when they save her from an ambush. When Alexander offers to escort her to Lighthamn City to investigate Hexer's necklace, she accepts out of convenience, and from there on the two end up sticking together. Sara is initially cold and snappy towards him, overtaken by her frustration and stress, but gradually comes to really appreciate his company and selfless protection. It is, however, something she's very inexperienced with expressing properly.



  • Hexer's Pearl Necklace

Light Satchel

  • The Golden Heart Spellbook
  • Bags of snacks (fruit bars, food seeds, biscuits)
  • Light fingerless gloves
  • Pronglet
  • An old broken pen
  • Crumbs

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Year of Birth
12215 12 Years old

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