Vel'on The First Light and the creation of the Universe

It is said that Aestharya was born of light, the word itself an old mix of celestial and Elvish meaning to come forth, or present light. So many of the cultures of Aestharya have a common root in the belief that light is primal to the worlds existence. The oldest of these legends is of Vel'on the light-bringer a kirin. While many of the races on Aestharya have their own versions of the myth, the common core is that Vel'on came from beyond the great black. That from the nothingness of the black they sprung into being and in sheer defiance of that nothing created the first light, Aestharya. In the beginning Aestharya was just light, and the darkness of the black fought against it, Vel'on fought back and with their power condensed ti to form a great crystal of pure light to hold itself against the crushing tide of the black. With this crystal their pwoer could be focused and during a battle Vel'on focused a beam of pure light into it refracting amidst the black and in reaction spawned the prime material plane, its reflections and its elements. From this Vel'on continued to create, but the great black also began to create in direct opposition, it took great offense at having its perfection disturbed and sees the life and light as a corruption to its perfect form.


Vel'on a being of questionable origins arrived in the world and created the material plane to fight against the darkness of the great black. In that light as it reflected back upon itself it then created the primal planes as well. Vel'on then took it upon themselves to create the world of Aestharya and in their quest to seek understanding and to not be alone they created guardians to protect the light. Guardians of the Sky, the Earth, the water and the Fire of life.

Historical Basis

There has only ever been one Kirin in Aestharya. Its accounts are far and wide and spans through the ages. It is redily belived to be Vel'on and the lore of the creation of the world stems from the continued sighting of this Being of pure light and its interactions with the Crystals of Aestharya


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