Nascence Event Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Legends of Galea | World Anvil
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Nascence Event

Not to be mistaken with constellar cascades, nascence events include any phenomena that arises from an accumulation of nascent magic. These could range from sudden quasi-necrotic reanimation to a other planes slipping along ours and wreaking havoc on the surroundings.   Before I continue I would like to state something first. There are two major categories of events. The first that we will be covering today are natural events. These are natural accumulations of magical energy that eventually, after some kind of trigger (we theorize), is released resulting in one of three (so far) types of events. The other category of events are artificial ones where the phenomena in question are created by other means, though these means are often linked to unsavory, unlicensed practitioners.   Because of the incredible variety of these magically-based phenomena, the League of Arcane Study saw fit to categorize them and name all nascence events as under the jurisdiction of the magical collegiate. Obviously this rule is followed when convenient as the discovery and utilization of these events and phenomena for research and development are often too valuable for local lords and criminal syndicates to pass up. After all, the first skyship engine was created using arcomantic conductors excavated from the site of one of the largest nascence events ever recorded.   At the time of this writing, the so-called magical Renaissance of the third age is in full swing. Never have so many events appeared so quickly before, so much so that the League has too few expeditions to be able to address each one.   Despite the danger of these uncatalogued and unknown events, groups flock to be the first to plant their flag and wave whatever authority they deem fit to deter any competition.  



Type 1 - External

Includes changes of flora, fauna, and weather, as well as introduction of new weather events ie healing rain or incendiary tornados. Can include other events such as the reappearing of long-extinct species.  

Type 2 - Ontological

This category is difficult to explain, but I will try my best. Ontology is the study of being in a metaphysical and conceptual sense. A type 2 event is incredibly dangerous as it means the rules of the material world, of science, have been changed. Gravity may be weaker, animals may suddenly possess vast intellect, or the leaves of trees may have inexplicably turned to green mithril The epicenters of ontological nascence events are often heavily concentrated with the phenomena, that is why a trained and licensed seeker must be present if any lower ranking members of the expeditionaries wish to investigate.  

Type 3 - Resurgent

These are the most common phenomena, and often type 3 events are classified also as type 1 events. A type 2 and 3 event has only be recorded once, and I shan't get into that ghost story, suffice to say. The rising or reappearance in one way or another of a bygone Eternum edifice is often the sight of a type 3 event. These are incredible opportunities into the lives of our ancestors, the Ascora, of whom their artifacts we scavenge and kill over for their unprecedented capabilities. However, the resurgence of other design are also prominent. A cemetery or singular artifact may melt out of ice and be the focal point for the event that sometimes disappears as soon as the item is retrieved. How or why these ruins and relics have been reemerging is unknown, but Eternologists say there is a link to these events and the known derivative species of the Ascora such as humans, elves, and dwarves. Perhaps we are only now being deemed worthy to handle the tools of the bygones? Only time and careful study will tell.


The three categories of nascence events, while intrinsically different from one another, do share some similarities.   1) An increase in latent mana localized around the focal point which elicits the taste of arcomantically charged copper.   2) An agitation of ley lines, and occasional rewriting of catalogued lines to pass through the event.   3) A change in behavior of the fauna and flora around the event. Felines seem to be the most aware of these events, with their agitation sometimes preceding the event by more than an hour   It is also rumored by some sordid scholars at the colleges (who should be ignoring such idle fancy and working on their thesese) that the blasted moon of Pell Lun shines brighter during a nascence event, sometimes appearing visible even in the day, but there is no empirical evidence to support this.   See the categories listed above for more information.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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