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Karaka Cornwall-Braithwrath

Ilnox Cornwall-Braithwrath

It would be easy to blame others for the coldness in my heart. The exclusion I faced at the hands of my family, the loneliness that comes with a wealthy birth, the weakness of constant illness, or the tragedy of military loss. But truly, I was born cold inside. I held no love for my family, just as they held none for me. I was born to unite two warring families, but even my birth was a failure. My mothers family claimed me as a captain in a coming war, where I disappointed those under me with my lack of skill and those above me with debauchery.   I was chased after my defeat into a thick wood. The dogs of the enemy just moments behind me, so I ran. I ran for nearly an entire day, I ran until the shouts of men faded, I ran until the barks of dogs was muffled, I ran until the brambles and thorns tore the clothes from my back and pulled blood from my veins. I stopped then, at a clearing the wood, surrounded by short fruit trees of all kinds and streams of crystal clear water. Save the corpses of the other of my men who made the mistake of drinking the cursed water or eating the damned fruits, it was as Eden. At the center of the clearing, was the heart of the bramble, a twisted mass of blacked thorns that pulsed with a crimson glow.   It was that heart that gave me everything I have today, I pulled out my own broken chilled heart and got back the heart of the grove. The heart remade me more human then before, I am filled with the desires and feelings I never had before. Now I wish to spread the love of the grove to all those around me, to find those without ambition or drive and help them find there way. I even have ambition of my own, I will fulfill the purpose of my birth and claim both houses as patriarch.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is not fit, but seems to have lost a lot of weight recently. He looks much thinner then he truly is.

Body Features

This face looks immaculate, as do his hands and feet, however the rest of his body is covered in scars. Most scars are on his back, legs, and arms are small, however, his chest has a massive pattern of scars coming from the center of his chest. When he casts magic, a crimson glow can just been seen from where his heart would be.

Facial Features

A very pretty but generic face.

Identifying Characteristics

His eyes have a small dark ring around the iris.

Physical quirks

Walks slightly off puttingly, almost like his muscles are being controlled by something other then his brain.

Special abilities

Is a warlock.

Apparel & Accessories

Prefers to ware fine black clothes with long sleeves to cover scars.

Specialized Equipment

Has a fine orate cane and a signet ring with his mothers family crest on it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It would be easy to blame others for the coldness in my heart. The exclusion I faced at the hands of my family, the loneliness that comes with a wealthy birth, the weakness of constant illness, or the tragedy of military loss. But truly, I was born cold inside. I held no love for my family, just as they held none for me. I was born to unite two warring families, but even my birth was a failure. My mothers family claimed me as a captain in a coming war, where I disappointed those under me with my lack of skill and those above me with debauchery.   I was chased after my defeat into a thick wood. The dogs of the enemy just moments behind me, so I ran. I ran for nearly an entire day, I ran until the shouts of men faded, I ran until the barks of dogs was muffled, I ran until the brambles and thorns tore the clothes from my back and pulled blood from my veins. I stopped then, at a clearing the wood, surrounded by short fruit trees of all kinds and streams of crystal clear water. Save the corpses of the other of my men who made the mistake of drinking the cursed water or eating the damned fruits, it was as Eden. At the center of the clearing, was the heart of the bramble, a twisted mass of blacked thorns that pulsed with a crimson glow.   It was that heart that gave me everything I have today, I pulled out my own broken chilled heart and got back the heart of the grove. The heart remade me more human then before, I am filled with the desires and feelings I never had before. Now I wish to spread the love of the grove to all those around me, to find those without ambition or drive and help them find there way. I even have ambition of my own, I will fulfill the purpose of my birth and claim both houses as patriarch.

Gender Identity



Hope wont come up.


Has completed schooling fit for a noble and some schooling for warfare, but never excelled at classes and only really remembers events of his own life and common knowledge issues.


Is noble born, so only really lived a life of luxury. Has done some work as a commander in an army.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He is eager to attain these.

Failures & Embarrassments

Never made friends as a kid, lost the only battle he was ever in, was unable to untie his family.

Mental Trauma

Always helps people without direction in their life, and tries to help others though dark times.

Intellectual Characteristics

Is a talented performer and actor.

Morality & Philosophy

Nature should be respected. The strong live as do as they please, the weak do as they must. Does kill people in order to satisfy the black thorn grove.


The unambitious, or a lack of personal goals.

Personality Characteristics


Expand the grove, unite his family, make friends, and help people further their goals or find there goals.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good with interpersonal relationships, bad at strength based tasks.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves people, food, blood, music, dance, and the outdoors Hates people disrespecting nature, tyrants who crush dreams

Virtues & Personality perks

Tries to be a good person, is great at magic, can mimic other people

Vices & Personality flaws


Personality Quirks

Is quite different when looked at and compared to other people, there seems to be something just under his skin very different then true bone, blood, and flesh.


Is a very clean and put together person, he does not do much house work.


Contacts & Relations

No strong connections, does want to make some.

Family Ties

None anymore

Religious Views

Knows gods are real and exist, but doesn't worship any of them. His soul is claimed already.

Social Aptitude

Refined mannors of a noble, very charismatic though does not really understand people not having extravagant wealth.


walks and moves slightly unnaturally, almost like something other than muscles are causing his movements.

Hobbies & Pets

None, though does like walking in the woods, and trying to find a weaker person who is alone to kill and preform a ritual for the grove.


Talks in a fancy noble way, sometimes overly poetic.

Wealth & Financial state

Currently nearly broke, taking any job that pays to continue his lifestyle.

A handsome servant to a dark god that is also a plant.

View Character Profile
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
None yet
Braithwraith Mannor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, formerly pale
5 ft, 6 inches
140 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
I believe in you!
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Primordial,

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