The Men Who Come Out of the Mountain Prose in The Known World | World Anvil
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The Men Who Come Out of the Mountain

The Watchers
Spooks, Ghouls, Cruel Observers

The following audio recording is dated: 4th, Month of Grey Skies, 391st year of Enlightenment -  
"Now? Very well. My name *inaudible* --what? What, louder? You'll have me wake the whole damned town as well I suppose? Fine, I'll start again.
MY NAME IS AGATHA LESSARD AND I - oh too loud now! Make up your mind lad, I'm too old to have much patience for this! I have lived in this city of Evar my entire life and I've seen enough of you spooks wander through here that I know what you're all about by now! You think we're all just ignorant peasants but I'll tell you something you pale little trog, we know all about your hideaway in the cave - oh yes! No one goes in, just a few of you wander on out, eh? 'Ob-ser-vi-tas', the elders used to call you before they were taken away by those things, but then you know all about that too don't you? One of your friends watched the whole thing, and did nothing to help I might add! So I hope you're proud of that because now we call you ghouls!"
  36th, Month of Hooks, 415th year of Enlightenment -  
"My name is Robert Lessard and my mother always taught me that your kind were not to be trusted. I'm still not sure I trust you. But when the last one of you came through here, he left with the promise that a solution to our problems was on the way, that the "truth of our plight would be determined." Nobody believed him then, but we cannot deny that you have brought our tormentors to justice. No longer need we fear the dark places of the forest, or the falling of dusk o'er our skies. The people of Evar are in your debt."
  29th, Month of Revel, 594th year of Enlightenment -  
"Oh no, I know sir, I must speak softly but clearly. My name is Ruby, I know your friend, Callum. He showed me how your strange little birds listen carefully and can recite what they hear. Yes, he even showed me how they fly home from anyplace. Well he and I became...close. I'll always remember when he stumbled into town, half-frozen and starving - but then most of you are, when you get here, and that's why my family's kept an extra room open in this inn for the last 150 years. When I first saw him, cheeks rimmed with red frostbite from his climb through the frigid gales of Skathi's Pass, I thought he might have already died and just been too cold to notice it. Why do they send you out here without proper furs and kit? How many Glass Men need there be?
Anyway, Callum took ill and stayed in the room for months while the sickness and the worst of the winter passed. He insisted that he earn his keep somehow, and took to educating any of the townsfolk who required instruction in reading or writing, and even tried to teach something called 'ah-rith-metik', but none of us much cared for that. Since I live here too, well, we spent a great deal of time together. He taught me many things. I thought maybe he would decide to stay with us. But...he left as the winter snows receded, I haven't seen him in months.
Do you know what happened to him?"
  45th, Month of Blue Frost, 600th year of Enlightenment -  
"Get that thing away from me, take your bastard child and make sure the next little bird you send flying home tells that you're no longer welcome here! I know you're not his father, but all you spooks are the same aren't you? You treat our town like it's here for your convenience, and move on the instant there's a real problem. Now he's yours as much as his real father's, so begone! I can't stand the sight of either of you! I hope the yeti eat you both!"


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