The Wormwood Geographic Location in The Kingdom of Eredhen | World Anvil
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The Wormwood

I have found the Wormwood to be a bleak landscape of muddy grasslands and sparse woodlands. It is the home of Eredhen's most prolific industrial center, Catun, and one of the six provinces of Eredhen. Within the pages included you will find a detailed account of my research into the land of Wormwood and in subsequent entries my first hand knowledge of its people and its sights.  

- Elais Dods, Scholar & Explorer


A majority of the Wormwood is dominated by muddy and seemingly endless grasslands only broken by the concessional sparse woodland or lone tree. The towns, villages and hamlets of the Wormwood all exist for the sole purpose of maintaining Catun. These settlements mine ore to be processed, produce food to feed the growing population, they chop lumber but most of all they act as way stations for the ever moving caravans back east.

Fauna & Flora

There is only one thing the Wormwood is known for other than its industry and that is its solitary species of tree. These trees for which the province is known and named for, are spiny and nearly completely devoid of leaves. Other than being a depressing lawn ornament it is known for being particularly useful in forges and furnaces as It is said that worm wood burns hotter and cleaner than coal. This has led to heavy lumbering of the land leaving very few of these magnificent and ancient trees standing. Though I must say my own research into the tree has shown its properties to be a shameless over exaggeration.

Natural Resources

The Wormwoods primary and only true natural resource is the Catun caldera from which a fortune is mined each year. I myself have never been given the chance to explore their deep and expansive mines but there are few metals or jewels that are not raised from its rocky depths. Though once numerous, the trees that covered the province are now all but gone.

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