The Knights of Hallowed Stone Organization in The Kingdom of Eredhen | World Anvil
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The Knights of Hallowed Stone

The Knights of Hallowed Stone are a small sect of the paladin orders of the church. They believe in the protection of civilization at any cost. Their numbers are few but their devotion is unquestionable, for their cause they would lay down their lives and the lives of any other. They are taken from a young age and indoctrinated with the order's beliefs growing up to become perfect holy warriors.


The Knights are ruled over by a triumvirate of the most devoted and experienced of their cause. The order's path is never the will of one man but the will of many.

Public Agenda

The safety and continuation of holy civilization. For all the world must know Maelach's glory, Lilan's comforting arms, and Imloden's fierce retribution.


The order is small but capable of getting what they must.


Founded more than four centuries ago, the order was founded on the principle of protecting civilization. Not one monarch or one nation but anywhere where civilization could be found. It was founded by the most devote and outspoken of the followers of Maelach, Lilan, and Imloden. They blended their teachings into their religious doctrine and trained new generations in their way of life.
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Hallowed Knights, Stone Knights, Inquisitors
Members of the Knights of Hallowed Stone are identifiable to each other by the charm they wear around there neck commonly in the shape of a rook and carved from a stone taken from the orders monastery.   The symbol of the group is a sword embedded in a stone wall.

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Author's Notes

((If you come up with anything else or have ideas throw them at me))

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