The Hidden Kingdom of Bazruhabad Organization in The Kammerstein | World Anvil
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The Hidden Kingdom of Bazruhabad

Beneath a cavern network in the center of the Kammerstein holds Buzrahabad. The Secret Kingdom where the High King Durin resides with a select number of clans dubbed “The Honored Clans”. The people who live in Buzrahabad are hidden away from most of the Kammerstein, it is their duty to protect not only the High King, but the King’s Jewel as well. This King’s Jewel is also known as the Holy Stone or Arkenstone. It is a holy relic, mined at the beginning of time and forged by the greatest smith that ever lived. It grants the right to rule over all dwarven kings and unite the houses, clans and kingdoms as one. Both the Arkenstone and the High King reside in the sacred mountain city of Valheim. This was the original sacred mountain that birthed the Arkenstone.
Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories

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