Dulazgh Geographic Location in The Kammerstein | World Anvil
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The largest forest in the Kammerstein.   Mushroom Forest, the most diverse life live in this underground forest. The trunks and caps stretch up thousands of feet, so the forest is split in both above and below the canopy. Many bats live above the canopy and soar over the massive fungi. This means that there is a large variety of guano which allows many types vermin to grow large and be fed upon by predators. Some areas are illuminated by particularly bright radiant crystals and can actually support green plants. Caves with this sort of dazzling illumination might be filled with grass, moss, ferns, creepers, or even small tress. Any such place is a treasure beyond price in the Kammerstein, and it is certain to be guarded by deadly spells, monstrous guardians, or both.
Alternative Name(s)
Forest of Plenty
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