Mortemer Character in The Island of Wyn | World Anvil
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Sir Mortemer

The racist old Grandfather of the guild, many people see him as someone to be avoided. But people who have found themselves in life or death situations they know Mortemer will always have their backs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

All kinds of illnesses. When he wants to get out of work he usually says his gout is acting up

Body Features

Very saggy skin easily bruised

Physical quirks

Very nimble for his age in the Battle for the Empire's Ocean he was able to jump from his position into the under deck with relative ease.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a wealthy aristocratic family Mortemer was was groomed from the start to be a general for the Empires forces. However when he was confronted with a rebellion held up in a stronghold, instead of waiting for reinforcements he chose personal glory and ordered a charge. His forces won the day but at a very heavy cost. Stripped of his titles, land and disowned by his family Mortemer turned to a darker way to regain his lost forces. Of course when he spoke his idea aloud at first he was laughed at and thrown in the stocks. Passers by would taunt "Necromancy is an evil long dead." As he stood there the sun beating down on him he swore he would prove them all wrong and find his answers. He began his search for the forbidden magic of necromancy in the Empires largest library situated just outside the castle walls, he would often have to steal the books in the noble area. These books contained many aracanic secrets which Mortemer learned through his study. Of course he found little of the forbidden magic school of necromancy after 10 years of searching he had exhausted all of the books. He did come across one book speaking of how the third emperor had tried to find the key to immortality and forced the greatest elven wizard of all time Morxalim to find the answers he was looking for. After he killed the emperor with a magical concoction Morxalim was thrown out never to be heard from again. Mortemer searched 5 years to find him hoping to learn necromancy of course Morxalim laughed saying "Please if I knew how to cast necromancy spells I would be emperor" of course when asked about immortality Morxalim said "If you ever speak about that again I will send you the a realm beyond even demon lord's comprehension" Morxalim agreed however to let Mortemer stick around his library and after 15 years Mortemer brought his first zombie forth. He then struck out to the island of Wyn to regain his land, his titles, but most of all his honor.


Straight except for males from 18 to 28


Military Strategy Training and 50 years of teaching himself Necromancy

Accomplishments & Achievements

Killed a Kraken, survived Bamos the slightly upset Larger Alien. Continues to annoy Ordell, very proud of that Coxswain of the Gold Doubloon, and Silver Serpent

Failures & Embarrassments

His undead always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and get killed

Mental Trauma

Causing the death of the majority of his forces Being disowned by his family

Morality & Philosophy

"As long as their legal"- Dan Hagedorn


Hates the following: Drows,Tieflings,Druids,Warlocks,Sorcerers,Gnomes, certain clerics, and most of all people who judge him negativly based on his undead servants.

Personality Characteristics


After reclaiming his honor he wishes to spend his days building his undead army and find the key to becoming a lich to protect the island forever and eventually find the most bad ass way to die.


Smells of death and kept in the guilds basement


Religious Views

If Sanctus really wanted to meddle in human affairs he would have killed me long ago
Year of Birth
short and wispy

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Mortemer's Deadbeat Summer

Note: This journal was found in Mortemer's room and contains a lot of useful information. Unfortunately the reader has to get around the mad ramblings of his twisted mind to reach the impoortant information. Please do not read this journal if you have a weak stomach, are prone to thinking about anything in depth, or would rather not. With this Preface done please buckle in cause this sh*t gets weird.   Moon of Growing: As I left the humble wooden palisade with the shouting of progress behind me and enough coin "borrowed" from Ordell to buy my way into the Undead Court's Library in my pocket I had doubts: "Will I find anything of note?" "Where will I sleep?" "Did I shit my pants or is that Magnus Junior Junior?" When I reached the court it was clear, for better or worse I have my new home for the next 4 months. They were very amicable of course once I dumped out the coins and showed them my Guild (or is it Holy Order of Sanctis now?) membership. I have no idea what these corpses want with money but they gave me supplies for researching these next 4 months the key to the library and a guard, we'll call him Charlie since he doesn't seem to have a name. Charles did not seem too pleased with my being here, I heard a low moan and one of his superiors say cheerily "He could make a nice meal if he dies." I saw Chance's (eyes are the window to the soul and I don't think he has one of those) pupils (we'll go with that) light up as he shoved me into the Court's Library. I heard the door slam behind my servants and I got to work. 5/16   The first issue immediately came when I released I had no drinking water, after my stock of rations ran out, corpses need nothing to drink, nor do their ReDead counterparts as I have noted after 50 years of researching the Undead. My first step was to ask Chucky for water. He stood their soggy faced giving me a blank stare, so I asked again until I realized this was his resting face. I have heard there is a Druid spell for creating drinking water however Druids just kind of pull from nature's weave and I find that to be not quite on the level of cheating as a sorcerer or warlock but still close. Of course if Ordell can cast it then there is no reason for me to learn it, it would be quite funny if he forgot he could cast it and almost died of thirst. I digress, I found myself looking for water just outside the court. I found a little spring outside, it had a little oak sprout next to it, I made sure that was well taken care of and named it Ordell's Widow, then set Llero to bringing me fresh water. I've heard audible gasps occasionally, its almost as if they have never heard of an Undead servant, those absolute carcasses. 5/30   Research Results of the Growing Moon:   Moon of The Lost: So Channing came in pointed at my chamber pot, pointed at himself and walked out. I followed him thinking he had just called himself shit. However he pointed to a room with a big pile of feces in it and a furious living cadaver. I released I had Chips (named after our dear Admiral of 2 ships) dump it out where he found other decomposing things, as I was being chased back to the library. I gave the order to Chips to now look for a place other then my new friends room, and outside of Chad's vision to dump his (i mean my) shit. Now I look both ways when I go out of the library least the Poop Patrol comes looking for his next meal. 6/6 As I write this journal entry after a month of being in here, I can't believe I am saying this, I miss the guild a little bit. Sure the kobold is rowdy and the other Paladins are puppets to the Emperor, the Warlock (who's pretty cute) cheats at magic and has a screaming necklace, the bards can't carry much of a tune much less cast impressive spells, pointy ears and Beelzebub might murder me in my sleep, the druid likes nature a little too much, those halflings cast me nasty looks and Ordell pretty much hates my guts, but I haven't had a visitor at all and the looming ceiling and chilling silence makes me think I may have found my eternal resting place. I feel this driving urge to find something to occupy my time other than these books, all work and no play would make me a very dull boy indeed. 6/16   Oh thank the Weave! I am hungry and out of rations, now I can look for food to eat. Option one: I could eat the actual dead bodies in here but my hosts may not take kindly to that, but we'll put that away for emergencies only. Step 2: Hunt for it. That would fail as my fireball would precook the meat and unless I can dry it. I think the meat would rot away anyway, some kind of cruel irony not being able to have fresh meat in the presence of undead or a spell to keep alive humanoids away, or both. And it be a long walk back to where game would be, they don't call it the dead forest for nothing. Step C: look around the Court for something to eat. This was the one I settled on since I paid them all that money and Ordell wouldn't want me to waste away. As I wandered I heard a chewy sort of crunch but couldn't find the location before Chris grabbed me and hauled me back to the library. But now I have my secondary purpose to keep me sane find the source of that crunch, and cook up one of these corpse's legs for the next few rations. 6/28   Research Results of the Moon of The Lost:   Conqueror's Moon: I can't push that crunch out of my mind, it wasn't a bad bone breaking as there wasn't a moan associated with the pain of the Undead I heard, and the more and more I think about it, I bet it was chewing, and the sentient remains must have broken his jaw bone eating. But what could he be chewing? I heard no screams of dying alive people, I must find more but I have to be more sneaky this time. I channel my inner Franz-Urb and sneak around Chain. I make sure to go when Chips empties the chamber pot and most of Chadrick's attention is on him. I hear a snap, then a crackle, and a rather nasty sounding pop, and an undead lowly growl "Theirrrrrrr Great!" and I see some colorful orbs swirl around in a smooth white mixture with the orbs and the chewing commences. I retreat for the day, I will figure out what the hell is that and whether or not it is edible, but for now this arm doesn't look too important to this fella here. 7/9   All I can think about are those orbs. What ARE they? Some kind of stimulant to keep their minds functioning fully? A way to start out some kind of undead ritual? The source of Unlimited Power? I must eat some even if it kills me. But how to get them out of the room? I can't kill them, or turn them as that horrible Ordell would do. Do I dare sneak a mage hand in there? No I must eat with the white substance, its the only way to truly discover the powers of those orbs. While I continue my research in my spare time I must figure out how to pull this caper of the century, and find a nice torso to stew for the week. 7/18 Here is my plan: First use minor illusion to show Chazz me going somewhere I am not suppose to very fast. Second use my undead servants to pull the other NonDead out of the room of orbs, then use my empty quill vials to scoop as much of the orbs and liquid out as much as possible. We'll find out if my super genius plan is executed well. 7/24   I got them, I did it! My plan was perfect but of course Chunky almost caught me walking back to the library. He seemed well the same but his pupils were showing slight irritation. I pointed to the way outside shrugged and said "Fresh air" He seemed rather skeptical but I entered without much more than a side-pupil. Now I will eat these orbs for the first time as I write this. Get ready world Mortemer is about to find the secret of the code to the Empire's vault. Wait. This is... sweet. Its good and the orbs are chewy but.. my spells aren't empowered. I'm not dying and I don't know any new spells. Wait! These... are just... gay sugar orbs. A whole MONTH spent on trying to figure out what these are and... wait this might just be useful after all. I first must get back to research but I don't have to eat that mans rump 7/25   Research Results of the Conqueror's Moon:   Emperor's Moon: Now I know how my parents felt when I was born. So disappointed. I asked Magnus Jr Jr to go ask for some of those orbs and the Undead said no. They seem annoyed that I had stole some and put a second guard outside my door. Then I heard a knock on my door and was handed paper "You've been served" said Chancy and apparently I am being sued for stealing Intellectual Property, and I'll be caught dead before Ordell tries to make me take responsibility for my actions. It seems their trying to decide on what day to hold court so hopefully I can deal with this quietly. Oh the reason why their suing me? I figured the secret for those orbs pure unchanged sugar. I used it to torture Chase outside he almost bit my hand off with sugar in it. They seemed annoyed I found their one attachment to the living world. Back to work. 8/7   They almost held court but I got off on a plea. All I need to do is supply them lots of different sweets, and they won't eat me. So looks like now I am on the hook looking for new and interesting pastries, candies, and other sweets. I will be compensated for said sweets, and I must delver them sweets once a month or be slapped with a fine. If that happens I will forward the bill to Ordell. However I have a feeling that somebody will open up a pastry shop now that we know the legions of the Undead love themselves some sugar. So I won't think much about it, much like paying my taxes, or learning empathy. 8/16   I received a new mission today, I thought I was going home but I was told to research the underneath of the graveyard. Now why people were buried on top of a thing that transcends space and time I have no idea, but this place needs a name if I am to research it efficiently I must give it an offical name. WHat should I call something we will explore, probe, penatrate, go deeper into...? I got it! Sanctis's Asshole, a perfect name fitting of the place and the god. 8/25   Research Results of The Emperor's Moon: Fading Moon:   I'm starting to lose my mind. I tried to have a talk with Llero about the sanctity of life and how all life is sacred, then I thought about what I was saying for a second (the first time I've ever done that), and immeditly stopped threw my hands up in the air thought to myself, well I need someone to talk to. I think I know just the person too. 9/8   I tried talking to Christian today, however he looked me dead in the eye and said "AAAAAACHHHH" so I guess he isn't a smart undead. But I met a new friend I never knew I had. His name is Morry, he lives in my mouth, and tells me things like "Think about other peoples feelings" and "Don't eat that corpse's flesh." Of course I won't listen to him because these corpses look more like actual meals now then when I first started, unfortuatly Morry's voice keeps getting louder and louder.   Mortimer isn't here anymore, he's gone away. It's only Morry now. With my brothers Marry Corry and Lorry helping me, first we'll finish the research of the Infinite Dungeon, then unlock the secrets of UnDeath and my 10,000 year reign over the island will begin. First though I need the power that the guild provides. Hopefully though no one realizes anything is wrong with Mortimer. Who am I kidding, I will be a welcome change. 9/30


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