Windborne Cavalry Organization in The Iron Suns | World Anvil
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Windborne Cavalry

Might refer to the original Windborne Cavalry which fought in the First Temuri War, or the current organization of lancers based out of Fort Windborne in the Northern Wastes.


The original Windborne was a cavalry division within the ranks of the army of House Vitarus, the founders of Melandre. Lead by Doran Raines, the Windborne Knight, the group emphasized speed over power and tactical advantages over "honorable" warfare. The cavalry's skill, fierceness and efficiency played a large role in Melandre's conquest of eastern Athera and the eventual defense against the invasion of the Temuri warlords.   After the formation of the Atheran Republic, Melandre fell into a period of peace. During this time, Doran Raines fell ill and could no longer ride. The division was given a new leader, completely different in style, and the Windborne was no more.   For 300 years the Windborne did not ride, until the young son of a lord discovered their histories and became fascinated. Horas Valmont, fifth son of Lord Galan Valmont, dedicated his life the mastery of horse and lance. At the age of eighteen he departed his homelands in the north in search of information on the ancient order. Histories he found, but details of their formation and tactics were scarce. The few details he could discern were from the journals of other soldiers on the field at the time, witnesses to the skill and efficiency of the cavalry.   It was then Horas realized the key to finding the secrets of the Windborne. He began searching for the journals and logs of the military commanders that fought against the Windborne: the Lords of the Plains inland from the Brass Bay, the foresters in the north, with their red stallions and trained wolves, even a few Thosian generals who had wandered too far east.   From these, Horas cataloged the tactics and strategies of the Windborne Cavalry, traveling Athera for several years in search of more accounts of battle. Eventually he returned to Fenrigaar and began recruiting skilled horseman and lancers, aiming to rebuild the ancient division. Because Horas was the fifth son of Lord Valmont, he was far separated from the official duties and responsibilities of his four elder brothers. Blessed by the wealth of nobility and the freedom of being a fifth son, Horas funded the new Windborne Cavalry almost completely on his own.   The Windborne Cavalry has lived on for near 200 years since, each commander chosen by the men. Though considered equal to the other men of the cavalry, many Valmonts have been chosen to lead, including the current command Arik Valmont.

Current Status

The Windborne Cavalry are currently led by Arik Valmont, young brother of Rowen Valmont, Lady of Fenrigaar, seat of House Valmont, which provide food and support to Fort Windborne. Fort Windborne is the primary stronghold of the Windborne Cavalry. It lies in the Northern Wastes, a few leagues over the border from the Valmont lands in Melandre.
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