Veteran Starving Bandit (Rival) in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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Veteran Starving Bandit (Rival)

Veteran Starving Bandit
BRN - 3
AGI - 3
INT - 1
CUN -2
WIL - 2
PRE - 2

  Soak - 3 Wounds - 6 DEF 1/0

  Skills - Athletics 1, Coordination 1, Survival 2, Marksmanship 1, Melee - Light 1.
Talents: Abilities: Equipment: Utility Knife (Melee - Light; Damage +1; Critical 4; Range [Engaged];), Hunting Bow (Marksmanship; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium], Inaccurate 1.)

  They say hard winters make hard men, and lawless men who are denied shelter in civilized society are the best example of this effect. While they lack the sophistication and understanding of other men, a lifetime of desperation in the open wilderness has left them vicious and wild - albeit without the technical component of warefare that makes modern armies successful.
The life of an outlaw is hard and short, but those few that manage to make it through the first few years are often the most deadly and resilent of the bunch. This profile represents a more seasoned bandit who has adjusted well to a life in the wild.

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