The Dragon Genocide Myth in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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The Dragon Genocide

While it may be difficult for human to grasp, The Alvain were once a young race themselves - and they spent the juvenile age of their spices cowering beneath the shadows of the ancient and horrifying Dragons. Great reptilian beasts of sky, earth, and sea - The Dragons once dominated every corner of the continent - laying waste to any seeds of civilization that dared grow beneath their hungering gaze. But the Alvain were patient, and nurtured their arcane powers, until at last the time came for them to rise up against the great beasts and take the fate of Alwaus into their own hands. Countless Alvain were slain in The Dragon Genocide, but in the end the surviving Alvain began ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity for all life in Alwaus.

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