Southwild Ridge-Cat Species in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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Southwild Ridge-Cat

A large, carnivorous feline native to The Southern Wildlands, the Ridge-cats have been known to terrorize and hunt exhausted travelers as they crest the summit of The Kaldross Mountain Range.   Large feline bodies with twin rat-like tails extending out from their rears, their thick fur is stripped and covered in bristled spines (particularly at the spine) to make melee assaults on the creatures a predicament. The creature is perhaps best known for its gaping maw of long-razer sharp teeth; all of which is nestled beneath a series of four beady black eyes - giving the cat an almost "spider-like" visage.   Often solo hunters, they have been known to group up in small packs of 2-5 in rare occasions; where they prefer to strike their prey unaware and deliver powerful strikes from behind to cripple their prey's ability to fight back or escape. Once engaged the creatures show an unusual level of tenacity for prey animals - likely due to the harshness of their local environment - and will typically fight to the death to secure their next meal.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found almost exclusively in The Southern Wildlands, they have been known to be found in the forested areas north of Kaldross Mountain Range in southern Kaldari Highlands(location:fc276e89-7140-48a7-b704-2963d522b7d7) and eastern @[Sylvian. In such cases even the enviromentalist Sylvian are quick to drive the creatures out of their lands and back into the mountain range that separates civilization from the wilderness.
Average Height
3 Feet
Average Weight
450 Pounds
Average Length
6 Feet w/o Tail; 14 feet w/ Tail Extended
Geographic Distribution

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