Oliphaunt Species in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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Riding Elephant (Rival) – A trained elephant makes for an impressive and dangerous mount. Brawn: 5 Agility: 1 Intelligence: 1 Cunning: 1 Willpower: 2 Presence: 1 Soak: 8 Wounds: 26 M/R Defense: 0/0 Skills: Brawl 1, Resilience 2 Talents: None Abilities: Silhouette 3 Sweep (an elephant may spend 2 Advantage to hit an additional target with a successful Brawl check, if the additional target is Engaged with the first target) Trample (if an elephant takes a maneuver to move closer to its target before attacking with its Feet, it gains 1 Boost to its attack check and deals +2 damage) Trained Mount 1 (add 1 Boost to a rider's Riding checks while mounted) Beast of Burden 15 (add 15 to encumbrance threshold) Equipment: Tusks (Brawl; Damage: 10; Critical: 5; Range [Engaged], Concussive 1), Feet (Brawl; Damage: 12; Critical: 4; Range [Engaged], Knockdown)

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