Greatsword Item in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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Name : Greatsword
Skill : Melee - Heavy
Dam : +2 (Slashing)  
Crit : 4
Range : Engaged
Encum : 4
Hardpoints : 2
Price : 600
Rarity : 6
Special : Accurate 1, Powerful, Cumbersome 4   Greatswords are some of the most difficult weapons to wield effectively, and thus one usually sees them in the hands of knights or other highly trained warriors. These lengthy blades are precisely balanced and crafted to be both strong and flexible. Proper greatsword fighting emphasizes precise control of the pommel to send the tip of the blade into an unarmored chink in an opponent’s armor. Without that level of strength and control the wielder is left making clumsy swings that are easily blocked or dodged
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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