Granlin Vendraster, Shopkeeper Character in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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Granlin Vendraster, Shopkeeper

Character Name: Granlin Vendraster Gender: Male Age: 38 Height: 5’9” Build: Has two servings of dessert after every dinner Hair: Dark Brown with a dusting of grey coming through Eyes: A deep blue navy like color Notable Feature: When he laughs he slaps his belly. Wears a peculiar ring that is rumored to be the sigil of some sort of secretive group. Strength: Negotiator and has a good eye for a person’s character. Strong intuition about people and his surroundings, like he deals with the kind of people he needs these skills for. Flaw: Not athletic and is self conscious about it and admits he will never do anything to change it. Knows he would not last in a fight. If threatened will call for help…and you would probably think no one was there to help him. Desire: To eat every damn pastry the “Flake and Fiddle” bakery makes. Has been told he cannot buy everything more than once. Fear: Terrified of magic. Pivotable Plot Point in Past: Not much is known about Granlin, he seems to have a mottled and secretive past. You almost get the feeling he is being watched and like he is not…free. Family / Relations: None to speak of and when questioned about it he quickly changes the subject. Role / Profession / Career: Marchant…and maybe more Biography: Not much is known about Granlin. He lives in a small hovel on the shore of the river a little downstream from town. He is not new to Tribute but showed up, set up shot and blended in quite quickly. There are a lot of rumors that surround this man as there is not much known about him. When asked he quickly changes the subject and tries to avoid eye contact. You get the feeling he is troubled about something and that he is sad. He does not like surprise visits and keeps to himself when he isn’t tending his shop, the “Leek and Sundry”.

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