Filianore "Filia" - Wife of Vargan Character in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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Filianore "Filia" - Wife of Vargan

Filianore (Filia) was a local fisherman's daughter. Her mother died while she was very young. She worked alongside her father until he passed away at which point she took over the family fishing boat. She was an only child, her upbringing (primarily being out on the boat with her father learning how to sail, fish and tie knots) lead her to be very independent and head strong. She was unmarried prior to our relationship due to a variety of reasons (she wasnt interested in having kids, she preferred her own company and she was not a stay at home mother which some people found intimidating).

  She was a well known and respected member of the community as she was a hard worker. She would visit the Pantheon every weekend and would commonly volunteer her time to help others. She was too old to have kids by the time I arrived in Tribute, therefore she really didn't have any suitors. Walder "introduced" us. Even though he may not be the brightest he has a good sense of people, he could tell we were kindred spirits.

He invited me to the market with him one day and we went to her stall where he slyly introduced me. The attraction was instant, I could tell by her eyes that she was as wild and independent as I was. From then on I purchased my fish from her. It took some time to get to know her via small talk but she gradually began to open up. One day I recommended a recipe with some rare herbs for her to try and she suggested we have dinner together. That marked the beginning of our relationship.

She moved in with me on the outskirts of town. We went out fishing, hunting and foraging together. We shared our knowledge of our respective fields. Many trips would be in complete silence as no words were necessary to convey our thoughts or feelings to each other. After some time we decided to get married. Father Wilhelm was the officiate but we requested that the ceremony take place outdoors instead of inside the pantheon (being my friend he was happy to oblige). After a few years of happy marriage Filia began to slowly grow ill. The sickness was slow at first but suddenly worsened. Her ailment was beyond my and Netty's expertise.

Her body finally gave out one night. I woke up the next morning to find her at eternal rest. We held a small funeral and she was laid to rest in the backyard. She was buried with her favorite fishing rod, foraging bag and of course an acorn.

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