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The Hyphae

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Without the existence of the Hyphae all species would be but lone islands floating across the vast void of space, separated by so many millions of light years, they could never see one another. But the Hyphae connects all of that. On a giant planet, the fifth planet from the great star Thoib, a miraculous fungus like being started sending tendrils curled around infinitesimal worm holes across the universe. Where the fungus crossed through one of the worm holes and died in the harsh void of space the wormhole died with it, but on the few habitable places where the Hyphae was able to take hold with it's tendrils, a new connection among the stars would take root. These branches or Hyphae connect all of the known life-bearing planets In the universe, and perhaps eventually the hyphae will connect us to even more habitable worlds. This is the Chronicle of all of the known worlds the Hyphae inter-connect from Bithim, to Dizdaire, To the lowly Terra and the stories of the collision of worlds.

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