Shemite Ethnicity in The Hyborian Age | World Anvil
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Connecting the world through their colossal networks of trade routes, the Shemites are born merchants and travelers.     The Sons of Shem descend from a nomadic people that left the Vilayet region circa 500 A.A. After hundreds of years of wars with Stygians and Kothians, the Shemites finally managed to establish themselves as an independent people on the region now known as Shem, occupying also the Great Eastearn Desert and some regions in Kush.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alumit, Daya, Idra, Bêlit, Jamila, Talitha, Yael

Masculine names

Bît-Yakin, Gebal, Gilzan, Khumbanigash, Zargheba, Abaddon, Arvad, Baruch, Eban, Gabai, Hyam, Lamech, Noam, Yadon


Major language groups and dialects

Given the multicultural nature of Shemite city-states and the importance of trade in Shem, their language is heavily influenced by outsider languages, namely Hyborian languages and Stygian, that are in contact with Shemite cities the most.

Culture and cultural heritage

Ishtar, Anu and Bel are the main gods of the Shemites, with other minor gods of the Shemite pantheon being worshiped by the desert tribes.

Shared customary codes and values

Shemites are fatalistic as a result of their religious concept of predestination. Shemites believe that when their day to die arrives then they can do nothing to change that outcome. Moreover, the Shemites do not fight against any outcome perceived to be preordained.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The desert-dwelling Shemites are predominantly nomadic, with individual tribes often ranging over truly vast areas. Perhaps the widest-travelled tribe is the Zuagir, who can be found from Zamboula to Zamora and the eastern edge of the Hyborian kingdoms. Tribal quarrels are common, though the tribes share a common hatred for their more civilised cousins, the Meadow Shemites.   Meadow Shemites are city dwellers, with city states being home to different tribes. These cities are the center of trade in the Hyborian Age, importing and exporting goods, services and knowledge. The most famous tribe of Meadow Shemites are the Pelishtim, settled right next to the Hyborian kingdom of Argos and famous for it's blue-bearded mercenary archers.
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