Aliassa the Liar Character in The Hollowed World | World Anvil
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Aliassa the Liar

A wry smile, the cut of a leather coin purse and a lie told in confidence are all little worships given to the conniving Nightfather. The lord of good fortune, She who Stole the Stars, or The Father of Shadows, and the patron of burglars, confident men and women, and gamblers, almost everyone throws a brass or two to the Nightfather’s coffers when all else seems impossible. The Nightfather is a trickster, though not malicious; He often appears as a cunning knave or young orphan girl, otherwise in the form of a jackdaw such as a crow or raven. Many assert that the Nightfather was originally a mortal who tricked His way into ascending into the court of the gods. The lord of fortune’s Magicks are subtle and often appear as twists of fate on the surface, which is what the Nightfather desires: keep people in the shadows as to his true intentions.

Divine Domains

Thievery, Liars, Gambling, Addiction, Adultery.

Holy Books & Codes

The Scroll of Pennies

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two crossed daggers.

Tenets of Faith

Grey Guilders expound freedom and liberty in their tenets. You must live by your wits, hold your sword back from unnecessary violence and work the wheels of commerce in your favor. They don’t believe in honor, but trust is valued above all else. Oppression is a terrible sin; they consider it better to die than live under its yolk. The Nightfather demands that Grey Guilders donate one out of nine coins they have. They are expressly forbidden from wearing metal armor and commanded to only carry small onehanded weapons that can be secreted about themselves

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Nightfather’s priesthood is ragtag and disorganized at best. Calling themselves Grey Guilders, they operate more as a shrewd merchant or banking guild than as an overarching church like that of the Mother of Mothers. Guilders are cunning and often throw caution to the wind, knowing the Nightfather will bless them with good fortune and safe travel. As they rise higher in the ‘church’, the Guilders will rarely make any decisions themselves, instead letting fate decide any course of action, even carrying dice or flipping coins to that end. Darker Grey Guilders not only place their own lives in the Nightfather’s hands, but also the lives of others, spreading misfortune and death in the process. Their dice are always of onyx or jet. Such tarnished Guilders often mutilate half their face in reverence to the Nightfather as they dispense life and death at the flip of a coin.
Divine Classification
God, Profundos

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