The hold of belkzen homebrew The Sacking
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The Sacking


-5102 AR to -4294 AR

The orcs arrive upon the surface of Golarion.

Upon emerging onto the surface world in -5102 AR, orcs were well suited to the sunless world engulfed in the Age of Darkness, needing little adaptation from their former environment.   However, the orcs lacked the know how of the land. Many died to disease, the foreign fauna and poisoning from new and foreign foods and flora. As such the orcs took to raiding settlements and pillaging resources for their survival, easily taking advantage of the chaos reigning amongst the survivors of Earthfall and overpowering what little resistance they met. This era is known to them as "The Sacking". It was during that time that Orcs developped ranged weaponry such as bows and arrows but also spears and whips, though orcs will always prefer their powerful Great Axes and swords, developped after their emergence.

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Timeline of the orcs on Golarion