Wiltenshire Geographic Location in the Heartless Whole | World Anvil
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A line of dust draws close to a lone fields of grey dotted with swamps, marshes, broken solitude. Little creatures dramble and bumble through long, curved snake-grass, grey, but not totally hideous, just antismal.

The Pools

  Wiltshire is home to marshlands, creeks full of stagnant and dirty water. It is said that it is due to the horrendous water source, akin to that of cesspools, that the inhabitants grow grey skin.   You'll see full bodies of insects growing within pools of green and black liquid, stagnant from hundreds of years of waters filling into the holes dotted all over the ground. Wiltenshire is not particularly rainy, but when rain comes, it is known as a bad omen for the day, as the holes fill up with more stagnant water, and as the years drag on, the more horrendous the stench emanates like that of your broken old granny's nook after supper time.   Crevices are crammed full of the ancient sewage from long gone days. You might find lost items dropped by careless Droops sunken amongst the holes and cracks within the pools, but it is also home to a breed of Sunken skinned Culasurshurs, fish with sizzling jaws that live off in the acidic waters, sucking the acidity in the sewage to their own teeth    

Wrath of Corrosion

    When one dips themselves in the pools of Wiltenshire, he or she must wear a corrosion resistant coat, a hazmat suit, a magically altered piece of clothing and a mask, or else they must suffer 1d10 of acidic damage every minute they remain in the pools.   This is due to high acidity, provided by decades of neglect over the pool's accumulation of toxic waste and bacterial growth.  


  The acidity of the pools had attracted a mutation which caused the local Scamps (fish) to convert to poisonous, acid-feeding chemovores. Although they tend to stay away from flesh due to their chemical diet, they still pose a threat to anyone preventing them from ingesting the acids within the pools.   They are highly acidic themselves, with a pH of under 2.0 inside their bodies, and any careless wanderer may dare their bite, which will burn more than an arrow wound. (+6 to hit, 3d10 acid damage, 1d6 piercing damage)   In addition, their bodies are full to bursting with sizzling enzymic activity, which comes from their diet of corrosive pool water, such that their meat is very reactive, especially to alkaline mediums like the insides of a creature's mouth. Any brave fishermen who wishes to eat their meat may do so at their own risk. When consumed, it is said that you would have your mouth sizzle at such a degree that it would feel as if your mouth would be gone entirely due to the numbness created. Bubbles world froth and it is said that you would feel as if you ate the hottest thing in your life. Surprisingly, some select few individuals like the type of sensation brought forth, such that it is a worth 40gp per fish.   Fishing bait for the fish is not available on the market, as the fish tends to only consume acid indigenous to the lake so the only way to catch it is is by hand.  

The Heartless Whole @randomchipzz

Culashurshur CR: 1

Small fish, unaligned
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 36
Speed: 0 ft , swim: 35 ft


17 +3


8 -1


11 +0


3 -4


1 -5


4 -3

Damage Immunities: Acidic
Condition Immunities: Sleep, paralysis, stun, charm
Senses: Acid sense --- able to detect pH values of liquid areas visually.
Challenge Rating: 1
Culashurshur by the Heartless Whole" target="_blank">randomchipzz


Acid chomp range 5 ft. (+6 to hit, 3d10 acid damage, 1d6 piercing damage)

They live in the pools in Wiltenshire. Stagnant, acidic waters prone to flooding from rainwater and left untended for years to come such that it is highly corrosive.

Regional Effects

Creatures must suffer 1d10 of acidic damage every minute they remain in the nearby waters.   This is due to the high concentration of acidity in the liquids in which the Culashurshur resides.

Feeding off of acid, this is the most sporadic treat yet. Have it in your mouth, and it'll be the hottest thing ever. Although fishing bait is not available, you may catch it with your hands ---- be careful of it's nasty bite though.

Suggested Environments

Found in: Swamps and Marshes



  Home to Droops, Culashurshurs   Important figures born here include: Asash Normar


  • Wiltenshire & Gardens of Uzero
    Wiltenshire on left, Gardens of Uzero on right, below are the flesh fields beyond the mounds.
Wetland / Swamp
Inhabiting Species
Asash Normar
Character | Jun 17, 2021

Mentor of Face-Reading of Uzero

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Cover image: Wiltenshire by


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