High King of the Great Realm Rank/Title in The Great Realm | World Anvil
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High King of the Great Realm


A legitimate descendant of the line of Leongling, descended from the First King.


By coronation at the hand of the Archbishop, on behalf of the Gods, and by formal acclaim at Convocation.


To steward and maintain the Great Realm.


The High King is responsible for leading the Great Realm and keeping the peace amongst his vassals. The primarily responsibility of the High King is to maintain the integrity of the realm and ensure the bonds of fealty sworn to the First King are maintained. The High King is also the Prince of Forte and therefore acts as the liege of Forte.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Since the days of the First King the High King has been associated with the Leongling Relics. These are:   
  • Rhioden, the sword of Leonglings;
  • Ardon, the shield of the Leonglings;
  • The Armour of the King, a full set of plate armour styled with dragon motifs;
  • The King's Cloak;
  • The Leongling Ring;
  • The Trinity Crown.
  • History

    The rank of High King was created in 0 AF, after the First King fought and defeated the Other King. He united the realm in his quest to defeat his great opponent under the alleged instructions of the Gods, who told him that only he could forge a partnership amongst the other lords and bring the animals together. Having then successfully held back the Other King and won the respect of the warring tribes of the Great Realm, the other leaders of the lands consented to appoint him High King. He was crowned by the Archbishop near the end of 0 AF and in this moment changed the very fundamentals of the way the Great Realm was managed.    The status of the High King remained relatively unchallenged until Jacob Cobbler overthrew the king of the time, Cipicies II, in 645 AF. Initially supported in order to curb the king's power, the nobility then realised that Jacob's attempt to introduce democracy in the form of Convocation was in fact a grave threat to their own power. As a result they helped Cipicies escape and killed Jacob. Nonetheless, the incident was to have a profound effect on the office of High King. Cipicies introduced his own form of Convocation as an advisory body which naturally led to an encroachment on his prerogatives. It also saved the monarchy and allowed the High King to seize the control of the agenda, therefore maintaining the lion's share of his political power.

    Notable Holders

    Martin III, the Unifer. Martin III was responsible for resisting the first Simian Invasion and truly uniting the Great Realm.    Cipicies II. Cipicies saw his power nearly overturned by Jacob Cobbler, and introduced the first form of Convocation.   Edward VII, Martin Leondric Lexel Mithimanian Leongling's father. He was the subject of the Bobcat Plot and also led the defence against the Second Simian War.
    Nobility, Hereditary
    Form of Address
    His Majesty
    Alternative Naming
    The King
    Source of Authority
    The Trinity of Gods
    Length of Term
    First Holder
    Current Holders
    Related Organizations
    Related Professions

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