Cearbhall Kingshield Character in The Great Realm | World Anvil
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Cearbhall Kingshield

Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cearbhall stands about average height for a goat and has quite a lean build though has lost some muscle from his younger days. He often carries himself hunched over and as such his shoulders have begun to round.

Body Features

Cearbhall has a few nicks and scratches on his body. His most prevalent scars are an arrow wound on his left peck, sustained during the war. The others were inflicted more recently as there is a large scar down his back, pink and raw where fur no longer grows, and a stab wound in his abdomen from his failed suicide attempt.

Facial Features

Like all goats, Cearbhall has grown a fine goatee that is starting to grey more than the rest of his fur in parts.

Identifying Characteristics

Cearbhall's only distinguishing feature is that part of his left horn has been severed and is a few inches shorter than the other. He suffered this blow at the hands of the Simian Commander during the Siege of Berwich

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cearbhall was born an ordinary peasant farmer and helped his parents work the land until age eight when he was a selected by Sir James Stout the Stoat to be his squire.   At age twenty, Cearbhall saved King Edward VII's life at a tourney by decapitating the King's would be assassin; Lord Ademere Longtail, the Dread Bobcat of the North. Cearbhall's reward was a knighthood with the title 'Kingshield' and he was awarded a new suit of armour and holdings to govern.   Cearbhall ruled well for the next twelve years as he massively improved every aspect of his holdings from its wealth to sanitation/living conditions and to its crime rate. During this period, Cearbhall also aided the King's Shield Sir Averon the Still in foiling a plot to blow up Convocation (Forte's parliament building).   When the Simian Empire invaded the island of Akanowa, beginning the Second Simian War, Cearbhall was dispatched by King Edward to the fort town of Berwich. There, with a mere one hundred men at arms and a small ranger company, Cearbhall withstood a siege for more than a year.   After the war, Cearbhall was made a member of King Edwards King Shield's but he did not acquit himself well at all and his antics eventually lead to his exile.


It was always noted amongst his peers that Cearbhall had never married once he became Vassal of Stophord. He himself would simply say he's too busy focusing on his work with the hold to settle down yet. The war did not help with the notion of him getting a wife.   After his exile, Cearbhall lived atop a glacier which overshowed a small farming village from which a star struck young goat named Shannon managed to persuade Cearbhall into agreeing to marry her. The marriage was not a happy one however as Shannon's star struck gaze would soon morph into a furrowed brow as her life was turned to misery as all she had to live on was potatoes, vodka and drunken rants from her husband.   Cearbhall himself was most likely too inebriated to know what was going on to perform his duties as a husband. As such Cearbhall is still a virgin and generally speaking has never particularly shown any interest in either sex, it's not important to him.


Born into a family of farmers, Cearbhall does know a thing or two about crop rotation and irrigation. He maintained an interest whilst ruling over Stophord and sought to deepen his very basic knowledge from childhood.   At age eight, Cearbhall was chosen by Sir James Stout the Stoat to be his squire. Cearbhall was taught how to ride, how to fight with sword, shield and spear. Cearbhall was also given a very basic education in reading writing.   Simply through his walk in life, Cearbhall also has a good understanding of both the peasant and noble world, being familiar with the customs of those both high and low.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aged twenty, Cearbhall slew Lord Ademere; the Dread Bobcat of the North, in one on one combat as the latter tried to assassinate King Edward VII. For this great deed, Cearbhall earned his knighthood and title of Kingshield.   Now as Vassal of Stophord, Cearbhall sought to emulate his King in how he ruled. He built a new sewage system to improve sanitation and combat disease. He dug wells and ensured that everyone within his lands had access to clean, fresh water. Like his King, Sir Cearbhall also cracked down on crime so that the people could feel safe and secure under the watch of their lord.   In 1051AF, Sir Cearbhall aided the King's Shield Ser Averon the Still in foiling an attempt to destroy Convocation; the Parliament and seat of government in Forte. Ser Averon gave his life to foil the plotters but it was Cearbhall's role in these deeds that lead to it being a mere formality that he would succeed Ser Averon as a King's Shield.   Cearbhall's best known achievements come from his role in the Second Simian War, which began in 1052AF and lasted till 1054AF. Sir Cearbhall was sent to the fort town of Berwich on the most north westerly point of the island of Akanowa. There with a mere one hundred men at arms and a small ranger company, Sir Cearbhall held off an overwhelming Simian force for over a year before King Edward arrived with reinforcements.   Upon his return to the world, Sir Cearbhall did perform quite admirably at the Tourney for Ardon. He defeated Dame Catherine Duchar in three blows during the melee and helped to lead Martins team to a landslide victory in the Test of Strategy event.

Failures & Embarrassments

Cearbhall considers his first failure to be all those who died under his command at Berwich. In particular the townsfolk whom he conscripted into a militia and most especially the loss of his own squire, Alfie, whom he considered as a sort of son/younger brother (but more to the son side).   After the war, Sir Cearbhall was hailed a great hero and saviour of the people and his seemingly inevitable elevation into the King's Shields was completed as he was taken back to the capital. However, by this point Cearbhall had become a terrible alcoholic and after two years of endless misbehaviour, the final straw came when, at a banquet in the Royal Court, Sir Cearbhall got so inebriated that he lost complete control of himself. He made advances towards the Queen, defecated on the Mithan Throne and, when the King confronted him, he uncontrollably urinated on the King’s legs. For this, Sir Cearbhall was stripped of his land and exiled.   At the tourney, Sir Cearbhall didn't do too well in the joust, but then again no one really did so it's not too bad.   During the Battle of Akanowa, Sir Cearbhall was not performing too well in aiding the Shogun and when faced his old nemesis, the Simian Commander from the Siege of Berwich, the Survivor of Berwich, Cearbhall turned and ran but only succeeded in having his spine shattered by the Simians axe. Broken in every sense of the word and more depressed and ashamed than ever, Sir Cearbhall sought to end his own life by performing harakiri but did not have the physical strength to carry it out.

Mental Trauma

Cearbhall did not deal with the pressures of command very well when the war started. Granted he was having to lead under extreme circumstances in his first ever campaign. With the constant loss of his men and the townsfolk he was there to protect, Cearbhall sank into depression which he alleviated by drinking heavily and inevitably became a raging alcoholic.   The Simian battle masks are also a strong focal point of Cearbhall's trauma, so much so that the mere sight of any mask will cause Cearbhall to either be rooted by fear or lash out violently.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cearbhall does still have quite a shrewd mind for stewardship, diplomacy and strategy on the field of battle when applied properly. Cearbhall also has a natural talent for gambling, especially at liars dice.

Morality & Philosophy

Sir James taught Cearbhall two lessons in how to conduct himself not only as a knight but as a person. The first was simple; be good, help people when they ask for it, help people when you see they need aid. The second was simpler still; be nice, be kind even if some is nasty to you, for treating people badly yields no reward.   Sir Averon taught Cearbhall only one lesson but it was perhaps the most important to Cearbhall in shaping his view of the world and his role in it. The lesson was to do your duty, you serve to protect the King and you must do everything you can, everything you must to carry out that duty. Loyalty to the King matters above all else.   King Edward was perhaps Cearbhall's longest serving mentor who taught him to be strong, upright and virtuous, above all in the face of adversity. There are those out there who prey on the weak and seek to crush them beneath their heel and it is your responsibility and obligation, as the strong, to defend the weak and protect the innocent.


"Never. Insult. King Edward. In front of me!"   Generally speaking Cearbhall does not like being asked personal questions or talk of the past, the war in particular. He is also especially sensitive around talk about those closest to him; ie Edward and Alfie.

Personality Characteristics


Cearbhall has a deep sense of loyalty to King Edward and has always been saddened by the fact that in the end, he disappointed his King. As Edward is now dead, Cearbhall seeks to fulfil his King's last request of him: to aid his son, Martin.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Sir Nikolai.   Dislikes: Nearly everything else.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is a raging alcoholic as Sir Nikolai is probably his closest companion these days.


He's a dirty old goat who probably hasn't had a bath for over a decade.


Contacts & Relations

The Four Stewards: Sir Cotswald Longstripe, Sir Townshend Swiftclaw, Dame Sally Thunderblow and Dame Liana Stormrider.

Family Ties

Both his parents are dead, the only remaining relation is his estranged wife.

Religious Views

Cearbhall is not an atheist but holds no regards for the gods. He has never prayed nor does he believe that they have any benevolent influence on the world, he has seen far too many horrors. Generally speaking Cearbhall has never really thought about the gods, they've never truly been a part of his life.

Hobbies & Pets

Currently has a large black bull who is yet to be named.


Cearbhall speaks with a gruff, harsh tone, often slurring his words but if he sobered himself up for long enough he could return to the respectful, yet heavily accented, eloquence of his youth.

Wealth & Financial state

Currently has 3 whole Leongrins.

Bane of the Dread Bobcat, Defender of Berwich, Slayer of Simians, Champion, Hero and Saviour of the People, The Peasant Knight, Defender of the Faith and Protector of the Realm, disgraced and exiled.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sir Kingshield, Bane of the Dread Bobcat, Defender of Berwich, Slayer of Simians, Champion, Hero and Saviour of the People, The Peasant Knight, Defender of the Faith and Protector of the Realm.   Cearbhall most recently made Sir Cotswald the official Vassal of Stophord.
Date of Birth
1020 AF
Current Residence
Glacier to the open road to Sir Sodo's dojo
5' 1"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My King ordered me to hold this fort and I intend to do so, I will never surrender... but I will happily accept yours, Simian."- said to the Simian Commander at the start of the Siege of Berwich   "Hold the line!"- his most used battlecry   "I grew these potatoes on top of a glacier, Magden, of course they're magical!"- said to Magden on the road when discussing his potatoes   "That's the thing about killing, Martin, it's the most unnatural, natural thing."- said to Martin just before the Battle of Akanowa
Known Languages
King's Fortish but also speaks and understands the different dialects and colloquialisms of the different areas of Forte. Speaks and understands basic Akanowan but can become lost when trying to understand Akanowan slang.

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The End of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

The legend recalling the second half of the Company's quest, detailing their adventures, trials and battles as they acquired all of the other relics, assembled an army, united the realm, crowned Martin, fought and defeated the Other King and set about restoring the realm before Sir Cearbhall's departure   It was then that Sir Cearbhall returned to Dojon. There he looked in on Mara, the wife of Sir Tawaka, and her child, making sure they were provided for and wanting for nothing. He visited the dojo and inspected some of the new students under the watchful eye of Sir Shang. Lastly he returned to the tea house in search of Ting but all he found was an upstairs room completely bare except for the green teapot and cups Sir Cearbhall had gifted her sitting in the middle of the room. Sir Cearbhall could do nought but smile.   With all of his farewells said, Sir Cearbhall returned to his ship and finally set sail away from the Great Realm. No one knows his destination or what became of him. Some say he enlisted a small army of the finest mercenaries in the land and, with a few more ships, sailed north and took the fight to the Simians, raiding their coast and even establishing a fortified outpost to ensure the Simians never sailed south again. Others speculate the he sailed to the Free Cities where he lived a life of wealth and leisure, becoming a pillar in the community. Some claim that he sailed into the Dreamlands and with his magical sword Foe Slayer at his side began to explore the mysteries of this unknown place. But there are those that think he simply returned to his mountain to live out the rest of his days in peace, content with the knowledge that his task was done and that is was now down to the next generation to forge a golden future.   Thus ends the tale and the life of great and noble goat. The end of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield.

A journey of goodbyes
The eve before departure

This will be the last entry I write in this journal. It has been a great help for me clearing my head, getting my thoughts in order and allowing me to reflect on my life. Here at last my life in the Great Realm comes to an end for tomorrow I shall begin my journey of goodbyes and fond farewells. I have lived a life a service, of duty and loyalty and I would say of selflessness, lapses here and there for sure, nobody's perfect but I know all to well the toll that can take on you. You always end up fighting someone else's battles and paying the price for it. As fulfilling as individual achievements can be, it is ultimately a life that leaves you empty, perhaps because you have never given anytime to yourself, you have only ever been a willing tool for others to forge something better for themselves. As a Knight and a soldier I helped two Kings forge their kingdoms. I am proud of the aid I gave but ultimately the full extent of the achievement is theirs and sincere congratulations to them but it's time I stopped being a pawn in someone else's life and became the king of my own.   Everything is in place, Martin very kindly gifted me a small ship to venture forth on, I think I shall call it The Company as that is the sense of feeling I wish to inspire in anyone who journeys with me. Takuma reforged his magical mask into a ring to alter my appearance and voice behind a glamour spell so long as I wear it that way no one will recognise me and remind me of my life here. I have my memories for that, the good and the bad. With these I shall see Sir Cearbhall Kingshield laid to rest. I think he will be looked back upon favourably by the people, not just as a warrior but a hero who sacrificed everything he had for his friends and the good of the realm. I doubt he could ask for more than that.   I still do not yet know where I will go but therein lies the beauty. I have a ship and three whole corners of the world I have never seen. I look forward to the adventure of exploring.   Farewell my friends, it has been an honour and privilege to have known and served beside you.   Sincerely,   Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

Aftermath of the final battle

I'm almost can't believe I'm here to write this but I am. We won. We won by a landslide given the literal endless force we were up against. Myself, Takuma and Martin were all victorious in our own duels, most of the King Shields are still alive, my former Stewards and thankfully most of the townsfolk. Takuma seemed to use his wits to out smart the 'lord of order and chaos', Martin channelled the power of the entire Leongling line to overpower and smite the Other King and I, well I simply repeated a feat I had accomplished before. I owed that bastard Ademere two lives for Sodo and Tawaka and I can't even begin to describe just how satisfying it was to cave his head in. We won, the threat is over, never again will our sky turn a blackish purple. We can look forward to the future with a clear sense of optimism and hope that the night has past, the dawn is here and nought but a sunny day lies before us.   I still don't know what the future will hold though. Martin will have to adjust to ruling rather than leading, there is a subtle but important difference, but I think he will be more than up to the task, I know he will. He has Takuma and Lady Jen to help guide him and I'm not going to leave just yet, I'll chip in with as much help as I can before I go. To that end it is even stranger to ponder my own future knowing that for the first time in my life the choice is entirely mine. I can go anywhere, do anything, I am master of my own destiny. A scary thought for someone middle aged who's never been faced with such a decision before but it wouldn't be the first challenge I've overcome.   For now though we must focus on the present. Stormont and indeed the rest of the realm needs rebuilding and I shall add my experience of such endeavours into the mix and see it all restored to its former glory and perhaps beyond. Safe to say we've all earned a little downtime too. It's time to rest, recuperate and rebuild. The future can wait a little longer.

What I want
4th Septembereth 1062AF

Here we are, on the road once more, again bound for Stormont. This I feel will be the last journey of our quest. Martin has been crowned High King by the new Archbishop and we are on our way to see to the former Queen. I'm not sure what to expect. Regardless of whether or not she's given birth, Martin has been crowned and all of the Vassals, Lords and Knights have sworn fealty, including Arthur. The entire realm is behind Martin now and surely even she can't argue against it. I suspect there may be some posturing on her account but when she faced with the cold light of day she'll back down and fall into line. All that will be left after that will be to gather the army and await the Other King's arrival, ready to send him back into the abyss.   There is still one thing that troubles me... or perhaps troubles is the wrong word. All of this looking ahead to the battle actually brings into focus the question of what comes after too. I know I've written before of not wanting to look ahead to the future and that I fully expect to die in this fight, and I still do, but I can't help but wonder 'what if?'. What if we win and our plans go off without a hitch? Martin will rule, presumably with Lady Jen as his Queen as she expects his child (incidentally when did that happen!? Did I miss something!?) and Takuma will be there as the Court Mage now he has Magdens power. I believe Takuma has grown enough to know that he has a great responsibility with this power and will stick around to help rather than return to his old ways. But what of me?   Martin claims to have found evidence of a fourth god, a god that embodies the Wyrd itself and as such means that there is a long lost seventh member of the King's Shields. He offered that position to me, reinstate me as a King Shield. I had to decline. It's not what I want, what I need. My time as a King Shield has past and so to has my time in the Great Realm. I realise this as I reflect on this journey. I wrote before of how I felt a great sense of freedom after my time in Dojon and that sense has only grown as each of my tethers have been cut, one by one. I will see this quest through as I have vowed and vowed before but it also stands as my last tether. I lived a life of duty and service and obligation all born from loyalty and as sense of honour. My honour will not be tarnished, I gave my word and I stuck by it but if we succeed and I survive, I will be completely free. I will be my own master for the first time in my life. Had I accepted Martin's offer, I would simply be repeating the life I lived before.   I don't know what I want but I do know what I don't want. I don't want to live the life of Knight, I don't want to live the life of a King Shield, of a Vassal, that's not me anymore. I have written before of how the people view me, of how they'll remember me and being victorious in this battle will only cement my legacy as a warrior and nothing more. In my youth that would have suited me, being remembered as a valiant and heroic Knight but not now. Not after I achieved longer lasting accomplishments and have faced the harsh reality of warfare and what it is to be a warrior. As long as I remain in the Great Realm I will forever be Sir Cearbhall Kingshield and everything that title brings with it. To the people it is a grand and epic tale, for me it is something to be proud of for sure but in the context of my life it is nought but a burden and I must shed it.   I am uncertain of what my life will be if I remain and so I cannot stay in the Great Realm if I want my inner peace.

Just one more mess
1st Septembereth 1062AF

Every time we hurdle yet another obstacle another one rears its ugly head in front of us. We arrived at the Chapel only to find that the Archbishop is dead and that the other bishops are still squabbling over who the successor should be. Do they not realise the importance of all this? Hang tradition and just put the bloody crown on Martin's head so we can go and finish this. Is the Archbishop imbued with special power that makes him the only one who can crown a King? If not then let us get on with it, we can't afford delays!   Whilst we waited Arthur raised his baseless issues again and the duel was fought. I am happy to say that Martin beat him, quite comfortably in the end. Martin did the honourable thing and chose to fight without using any of the artefacts so he and Arthur were on equal footing. Arthur is a skilled warrior and showed his prowess but as I said, Martin won out in the end. He ran Arthur through and then used his King's magic to heal him in front on everyone. Hopefully Arthur has seen the error of his ways and will get in line, he his a fine warrior and shrewd commander, we'll need him but I doubt he'll change.   All of this here just feels like one more mess to clean up, just one more mess to sort before we can continue. It is the end of the world we're facing so I shouldn't be too surprised that everywhere was in such a state. So far we've fixed everything we've come across and here will be no different. A new Archbishop will be chosen tomorrow (hopefully), Martin will be crowned and then we'll fight and kill the Other King and his army.

The end is near
24th Augustyth 1062AF

It feels like an age since I last wrote in here, so much has happened since. We traversed the swamp, claimed Rhiodan, Martin and Takuma spoke to and made a pact with a dragon! Yes an actual dragon that will come and fight with us! We found some of the lizard people who still had their senses, Others who had been corrupted by the Other Kings magic since Leondric destroyed the portal. Martin managed to break their curse with Rhiodan and now they too will fight with us. We escaped the swamp, entered the desert and from there Takuma acquired Magden's power, I obtained the armour and managed to recruit Lord Dodorian, God of Bulls and Martin was able to say a proper goodbye to Magden. I don't think anyone can express just how much good that will have done him. I too saw an apparition of Edward when I claimed the armour. I feel it was merely a test to see if I was worthy of obtaining it, nothing more.   From there we travelled to Kasal where the fool Arthur was waiting, trying to turn the Sultan against us and even challenged Martin to a duel. But an army of Others soon lurched over the horizon and we were pitched in a siege battle. I am amazed at how well we did. We repelled wave after wave, even defeating elites and basilisks, Martin even cleaved a troll into pieces with a mere two swings of his sword! We won. We were victorious with barely a scratch on us, save Takuma, I don't know how he ended up behind enemy lines but at least he wrecked some havoc and got out alive. Best keep himself in support for the next battle.   And now here we are travelling down to the chapel with a large host, ready to crown Martin, the last artefact. From there I feel it will be a simple case of assembling all of our allies and preparing for the final battle against the Other King. We've accomplished so much, created such a legend, especially Martin, and now the end is near. I've written before about how I believed this quest will claim my life but now I'm not so sure. With the end in sight and the victories we've had, I'm fairly confident we can do this. I feel better than ever and Martin has gone from strength to strength, increasing his abilities and his leadership, Takuma now has unmatched wyrdian power that not even the Other King's mages could withstand as a collective.   For the first time I truly believe that we're going to do this. We're going to win.

10th Augustyth 1062AF

Heal me, I'm heartsick I'm hungry and I'm broken I'm haunted and weeping The blood of heaven flowing like a river tonight Tears I can't fight on my own   I'm a haunted, heaving I'm hung and barely breathing The drowning ocean Snuff the sun in motion   There's a tear on my tongue A shot from the bolt The bottles bottom I'm lonely as a star   Father, free me Mother, woman, feed me A child of fury Lost his way but don't worry   I won't stop till the dawn No I'm in too long on the run I grow strong And restless as a storm   So heal me, I'm heartsick Hungry, thought I could survive on you Hear my heartsick, hungry cry I'm heartsick

Those that haunt us
10th Augustyth 1062AF

Today has been the most emotionally charged day I have experienced in my entire life and that's saying something. The day began with such promise, Martin all eager and enthusiastic to be delving into the tomb of his ancestors to acquire yet another relic, Takuma putting his expertise to the test and me, me still wrestling with feelings and emotions I had hoped I had long since buried. But a tomb is where you go to find that which is buried.   In many ways, today is a victory. The ring has been obtained and we are now in the marshes of the Great Swamp, ready to lay our hands on the next artefact we need. But today is also a day of tremendous loss. I did all I could to stop Martin from charging head first into a group of Others. We were outnumbered and outgunned. Admirable as it is, Martin's devotion to his belief that he must save every innocent, sometimes you must act for a greater good. That greater good being us getting away unharmed. I even turned back time to try and strategize our way out of that sticky situation, alas to no avail, I only succeeded in alerting them all the more. In desperate trouble we were and our end upon us when Magden of all people sprang to our aid. I wonder how long he had been tailing us, helping us perhaps. He has always worked in mysterious ways. Taking on Ademere, the Patchwork Monster and a group of Others all at once is perhaps the most incredible feat I have ever seen an individual perform. But such an exertion of power took the ultimate toll on Magden as he burnt himself out and dissipated into dust. A person wyrd is finite, so the old mage said, and once it is gone it is gone. Magden must have known what he was doing, he must have known what would happen. I hope he was a peace in his final moments. As I have said before, I never wholly trusted him but I believed that he always had the best interests of the realm at heart.   Poor Martin. I do hope he doesn't blame himself. I can imagine the number of ways in which he will. If he hadn't sent Magden away in the first place. If he hadn't charged down that hill. If he'd been stronger, learnt more spells. Gone after the artefacts in a different order. The list could be endless. I told Martin that I would mentor him properly, be there for him, listen to whatever he had to say, make him believe that there was nothing he couldn't come to me with. Well now I will truly have to show what my words are worth. I resolve to myself that I will be strong but there is some lingering doubt as I still wrestle with my own emotions.   So raw is the pain and the memory of Edward that I could not focus for a single moment whilst we were in the tomb. To be in his presence again for the first time since the night of my exile, the emotion was too much. Edward was my King, is my King, and I failed him. Fact. What I do for Martin has no bearing on Edward, it won't make it up to him. He's dead. He is dead. Everything I locked away inside myself, buried as deep as I could, things I said I'd overcome when I knew deep down I hadn't, it all came rushing to the surface and overwhelmed me in a way that has never happened to me before. Edward was my King, my mentor, my friend and I loved him, flaws and all. Loved him. What do I mean when I say those words? A subject may love their King, a student may love their tutor, a friend may love a friend and yet it feels more than that but I would never say that I am 'in' love. I don't and never imagined myself being Queen at Edward's side, nevertheless it is my love for Edward that made me come on this journey in the first place and it is what will make me see this to the end as I have resolved before and reaffirm now.   For now though we will rest a bit. We've managed to get a small fire going to keep warm and hopefully ward off anything nasty lurking amongst the reeds. I'll let Martin sleep, though I doubt he well, I can see him scribbling in his journal as I do mine. I hear the odd sniff. Takuma and I will take turns keeping watch but again I wonder if either of us will sleep. We are forced to press on with our quest trying not to let those that haunt us weigh us down too much.

What a true Lion looks like
6th Augustyth 1062AF

I just had to open my big fat mouth didn't I!? Just as I thought things were picking up, things were going smoothly, everything was falling into place, some over bloated, pompous, self important ass of a lion jumps in and ruins everything! What was Arthur thinking!? What was Baaga thinking!? How can these idiots not see what is right in front of them!? The Other King is coming and the end of our world is nigh if we don not band together and fight as one to stop it. Arthur, seemingly power drunk, actually scheming to assassinate Martin and turn the Raja to his side is just so utterly baffling after our discussion back in Stormont. Martin was even trying to save Arthur and the Queen's lives, he's not in this for power and glory but clearly Arthur is, he sees himself as the next ruler of the realm. I hope Martin truly puts that barbaric bastard in his place one day or I certainly will. Arthurs stupidity shows his lack of leadership, all the while Martin continues to grow.   This does throw a major spanner in the waterwheel for us though. Raman is now an enemy instead of an ally and Martin now talks of trying to gain the swamp dwellers support, as if they'd follow us. They're a mindless rabble of reptiles, they're murders and traitors, Martin would call upon them to fight? They believe in nothing and answer to no one. Though maybe they would answer to the King of Leondric's line. It's a long shot but if anyone can make it, it's Martin.   First however we must remain focused on attaining the ring from the Tomb of the Leonglings. Slowly but surely, one artefact at a time, we're getting there. I am a little concerned about me heading into the tomb however. It will be the first time that I'd have been anywhere near Edward for more than eight years and it is the final hurdle I must overcome, one last spectre of my past to face. I don't know if I'm ready, if I can overcome this. I believe I have accepted Edward's death but to actually see his resting place, to stand before it, I just don't know how I'll react. I pray I will remain strong, as Edward would want me too, and put aside my personal feelings and focus on the task at hand. Edward, now there is a lion that would not have suffered Arthur and the Raja's treachery. A true lion.

27th Julyeth 1062AF

Well here we are, the Origin Festival now behind us and we're back on the road heading to Indyan. I believe that things are coming together for us after our nightmares on the road and in the forest. I for once saw considerable success at the Origin Festival. I didn't expect to perform so well in the bull race as to come second nor write a poem that was initially so well received. This time I climbed the tree too, my last chance to, reaching the top first, there's life in these old legs yet. I recall refraining from these events last time I was here as I was in the company of not only the King but of the other leaders of the Realm and other distinguished nobles and knights. As a young and newly appointed knight I felt it unwise to upstage any of these veterans, it would have made me look like a big show-off.   I think the most important thing for me though is that I knighted Martin. With the Shogun, Rao Sahib, many prominent nobles and a hoard of commonfolk present, I must confess that I used the opportunity to knight Martin in as big a public way as possible as to draw the most attention to it. If I have regained any of my reputation then me knighting the disputed heir to the throne will hopefully only add legitimacy to his claim. The people will flock back to their homes and tell their families and friends of how they saw the Kingshield knight the Prince of Callic. You can't deny it's a striking story. But Martin has earned it nonetheless, I would not have knighted him otherwise. It was my timing that I chose so strategically.   Takuma too has recovered from his wounds and seemed in fine form in the courtroom just before we attended the festival. His silver tongue gleaming brighter than usual.   I feel as if we are all coming into our own a little bit more. Since formally becoming Martin's tutor, I must confess an increase in my confidence. I certainly take matters a lot more seriously, my mindset is almost how it was as I travelled from Stophord to Berwich at the start of the war. We are in a prelude to war after all. Martin continues to act with the authority he has without overstepping his bounds and remains very focused on uniting the realm in order that it might survive, who sits on the throne be damned especially if there is no throne. Takuma remains a pleasant companion to have. A calming influence when the Prince puts his foot in it (something he does a lot), able to smooth over any tenuous situation, a real diplomatic touch. A good drinking partner and a poor gambler, just my cup of tea.   Martin continues to make plans as to we may best combat the Other King and how the other realms may remain safe as we journey collecting the remaining relics. With the Raja himself our next stop, the Shogun already well on our side and even Arthur shoring up Stormont's defences, it would seem that Martin's plans are falling into place. I hope things continue this smoothly with the Great Swamp on the horizon.

A Letter to Mara
23rd Julyeth 1062AF

Dear Mara,   I must begin by apologising for not delivering the sword to you in person but duty keeps me on the road at Prince Martin's side, something your husband was keen I dedicate myself to.   I can only offer my deepest and most sincere sympathies for Master Tawaka's death. His passing was a great loss to me so I can only imagine what it has been like for you. No doubt you have heard many rumours about the circumstances surrounding the events that led to your husband's death so allow me to relay the facts of what happened, if nothing else to put your mind at ease of Master Tawaka's valour and honour.   We, the company of myself, Master Tawaka, Prince Martin and Takuma Yoshio, were journeying out of Rabbitown, heading towards Raman, when we were attacked by the same demonic servant of the Other King that slew Master Sodo at Berwich. Prince Martin and Takuma being highly trained and well skilled in the Wyrdian arts set about deploying magical runes around the town in order to save the townsfolk and move them to safety. Master Tawaka and I, being of more use with our swords, faced down this foe and engaged him in combat. Being nowhere near as adept as Master Tawaka, I wasn't much use in the fight and your husband spent most of it fighting the Other alone. He did so with great courage as he too had witnessed Master Sodo's death at this monster's hand and with incredible skill held his own and fended off the fiend allowing the townsfolk to gather in the town square so Prince Martin and Takuma could deploy their magic. However, the Other soon figured out our plan and turned his attention to our Wyrdians, Master Tawaka and I chased him down and engaged him in what became a brawl. Just as Prince Martin activated the spell to indeed teleport us along with the entire populace back to Stormont, the Other plunged his dagger into Master Tawaka's heart, killing him instantly.   Forgive the gruesomeness of my words but this is how it was. Your husband died a hero, giving his life so that innocents could escape danger and keep theirs. But as much as it was the Other who killed him, I must confess that I too am to blame for Master Tawaka's death. I was not strong enough, not fast enough, not skilled enough. Had I been, Master Tawaka and I could have fought as one, one solid unit, unbreakable and we'd have seen off this threat. This Other is Lord Ademere, the Dread Bobcat of the North, the very villain from all those stories of me in my youth, the assassin who tried to murder King Edward, resurrected by dark magic by the Other King. Being confronted by such a face from my past, I cannot help but feel as if I hesitated and that if I had not, your husband would still be with us.   I must beg for more forgiveness for my failings, for my further failings. Masters Sodo and Tawaka were the best teachers anyone could ask for but I failed to pick up their lessons quick enough to make a difference and in the end both of them had to step up when I could not and both times resulted in the very best of men losing their lives.   I pray that the gods watch over you Mara and your coming child, that you can find some form of peace with Master Tawaka's passing and indeed pride in the man he was.   yours repentantly,   Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

15th Julyeth 1062AF

I've been staring at the imagery on my shield for some time now and I think I'm able to pinpoint what it is that bothers me. The shield depicts me at the height of battle, facing off against my deadliest foe as the god of war looks on from above. I am a soldier, a warrior and that's all people see, that's all I am to them. Sure my seemingly greatest achievements have come in battle and I suppose I am a fine soldier and skilled warrior, but that is all I will be remembered for.   Few remember the work I did in my youth as I took up residence in Stophord, how I built waterwheels, sewage ways and improved irrigation for the farmland. And yes it was me, I put myself to work in their construction along with everyone else. I didn't sit in my ivory tower as most other lords would have. I curtailed all crime and banditry in my lands just as Edward did throughout the whole country but Stophord remained the safest place in all the realms. None went hungry, none slept without a roof over their head, none were idle, all had work. After Ademere's parasitic reign I built a real community that worked and cared for each other.   All that hard work was undone however by my foolishness and naivety but I've dwelt on that long enough and have since put it right. I have every confidence that Cotswald and the others will restore Stophord to its former glory.   I suppose all these recent loses of mine has me reflecting on what it is we leave behind. I have my memories of Master Sodo and Tawaka, I remeber them being a certain way but others will remember them differently. I wonder if how I remember them is how they wanted to be remembered. And as two famous swordsmen, the world will remember them too, though I doubt the general public will remember them as anything more than famed warriors. I am of a similar ilk to the people but I wonder how my Stewards would remember me, how Shannon would, Alfie's parents, Ting, Sir Shang and of course, Martin and Takuma. What is it that I will leave behind?   I lamentably laugh as I write about leaving people behind when it is I who am constantly left behind by others. Iomprior, the bearer of me, you carried me through my bad days and stuck with me when it got worse. You trudged back up that hill with me still on your back, regaining my strength. You were a firm companion, never judged, never complained, you just kept marching on. I am heartbroken by your loss and I will miss you my dear companion.   I have officially taken Martin in as my apprentice, tutor him, mentor him, finally do what it is I was brought along to do. This is what Master Tawaka was guiding me towards, this is what he meant. Hopefully I can be there for Martin and do for him what Master Sodo and Tawaka did for me. It's taken a long time for us to get to this point, most of it my fault but Martin too has had his turn of character. Finally we are both in a good enough place that I am willing and able to teach and he is willing to listen and learn from me.   Ah Martin, now there is a young man who is forging his own legend and legacy. Triumphed at the tourney, victorious in battle, obtained a magic cloak that was otherwise destroyed and now teleported an entire town to safety. Even if he were to die now (and he won't so long as I'm around) he would still be remembered for various things, not just his feats in battle. He has improved himself markedly the more this journey has gone on though I do not know how he would handle being King. Perhaps that is because I still don't really know him, but I look to change that.   I'm in for the long haul now, for better or worse, my sword is dedicated to this cause. With each passing battle however I begin to fear the power of this enemy more and more. Three times I have faced Ademere and each time felt like I have survived because he has allowed it, not because of my skill. The longer this quest goes on the more I realise that it will claim my life. But I am in for the long haul and I will see this quest succeed. Whatever my legacy may be, it will not be one of failure.

Sole Survivor
25th Juneth 1062AF

Is this it? Is this what I will always be destined to endure? To watch those I care about die before my eyes and leave me here, alone, the sole survivor. Sir James, Alfie, my men, the people of Berwich, Edward, Master Sodo and now Master Tawaka. Who is next? Who is left?   My name is 'Kingshield', born of protection for that is the purpose of a shield, to take the blow instead of the person behind it. I was meant to safeguard the realm, my King and my people. I failed.   In nearly every endeavour I have even taken I have failed, moreso since being dragged off the top of that mountain. Looking back, I can understand my failings at the beginning, I was out of shape, out of form, I needed help. But since Master Sodo took me in and guided me, I have tried, I have tried so hard, the best I could and still I have failed. I have lost yet more dear friends and mentors.   Who is next? Who is left? Having written these words earlier I now ponder them. Reflection is perhaps the greatest lesson Master Sodo taught me, I still have Martin and Takuma, my former Stewards, even Ting, a most valued friend, one I made when I was perhaps at my worst. A silver lining after all but one with a deadly edge, as much as those who remain are to be cherished, so too can they become the subject of my failure.   Master Tawaka, a real prick of a wolf, the best swordsman in all the realms save maybe Master Sodo himself, a man of honour, a wolf of battle, my mentor, my friend. I will miss our conversations.

On the road again
15th Juneth 1062AF

Well here we are on the road again, our visit to Stormont was by no means uneventful. Duke Arthur has been appointed as Lord Protector by the Queen and Martin but we the company have managed to form a political alliance with the Lord Chancellor without it seeming like we have. Hopefully things can stay stable enough for just a little while longer whilst we gather the remaining artifacts.   I must say that young Martin has surprised me yet again, this time in a good way mind. Since we last spoke he seems to have really reflected on himself, recognised some of his flaws and negative personality traits and then strived to correct them. Throughout our negotiations in Stormont, Martin frequently asked for mine and Takuma's input and listened to what we had to say. It is highly commendable. I know first hand that it is one thing to know what is wrong with you and an entirely different thing to then have the willpower and determination to correct it yourself. I certainly wasn't able to, I needed nothing but help and to a certain extent I still do. It would seem that that goodhearted and well meaning nature of Martin's is the foundation for his character, a cornerstone that will not be so easily supplanted.   Speaking of correcting ones failings, my thoughts turn to Shannon. Did we do the right thing in divorcing? Did I do the right thing in letting her go? To be honest I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't divorce her. To have turned her youth into nought but misery then abandon her to go on a quest only to summon her to the capital to say "I'm better now but I'm still going to be off travelling and will probably be killed along the way but you just go off home and get supper ready." The alternative being, "I'm better now but I'm still going to be off travelling and will probably be killed along the way so we might as well pack it in now, thanks for coming, see you later." Truly I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The only consolation is that she proposed the divorce first. This will all just have to go down as one of the more bizarre chapters in my life. Why did I agree to get married? Come to think of it, I don't remember if I actually agreed to it or if in her youthful exuberance she forced it upon me. Still, I wish her well, may good fortune and happiness smile upon her now she's finally rid of me. I am so sorry Shannon.   But we cannot dwell on the past forever and our current path leads us to Raman, a land I've only visited once when I joined Edward on his pilgrimage more than twenty years ago. Simpler times, happier times... so much for not dwelling on the past.

A Long Journey
1st Juneth 1062AF

Well here we are on the ship back to Forte, bound for Stormont. It's been a long journey thus far, full of ups and downs, twists and turns and I am certain there will be many more to come. I both hope that Shannon has and hasn't accepted my invitation. We have lived together for eight years but this would be the first time that I would ever have met her. I don't know what she would be expecting of me and certainly don't know what I expect of her. I suppose I will find out soon enough, for now I should focus on one problem at a time.   Master Tawaka is still with us. It would appear that the way of the Fortian Knight is a ridged and ultimately flawed one. It is not enough to simply wield a sword with deadly purpose, when you fight you must fight with your fist, your mind and the environment around you too. With each passing duel I lose to Master Tawaka the more I realise this, but I am getting closer. I suppose this is why he is the master and I am still the apprentice. We continue to discuss matters at length and even just chat generally, I must confess I'm growing rather fond of him, who would have thought it? It's as if he's the person I'm closest to right now.   It's been rather strange rejoining the company. Quite clearly they have all been through a lot, both collectively and individually and I've missed it all. I'm still unsure as to why Magden isn't with us, as much as I've never fully trusted him, if at all, I do know that he has always had the best interests of the realm at heart and we will need his power if we are to ever defeat the Other King. I feel that because I've been away and changed so much that I don't really know how to approach Takuma and Martin and they with me, though Takuma is always all ease and friendliness. There is a level of empathy between Takuma and I, we are both lost souls with broken pasts and understand the true nature of the world. That does help to bridge the gap.   Martin. Where do we start with you? Where did it all go wrong? A naïve boy with good morals and principles who always strived to do the right thing seemingly twisted into an arrogant, narcissistic tyrant who will heed no advice but his own. Takuma asked if it was our fault, I answered that neither of us were in the best position to guide him in the first place. Is it Magden's fault then? Were me and Takuma really the best he could come up with? Or is Sir Sodo correct that destiny and fate is all woven by the gods? I am beginning to believe in them or at least in a higher power. Martin's head is currently in a whirl, wrestling with all of these emotions he's bottled up and now questions his lineage and even talks of giving everything up, including the artifacts. At this point he seems truly not ready to lead the world into a war to save itself and I don't know if there is anything I can do to help. He believes me superfluous to the quest and himself my superior in every way.   Back in Tsoana Martin remarked that I seemed indifferent. Perhaps he is not wrong. Since rediscovering myself, I have found a sense of freedom in being unattached to my old life. My holdings have been passed on to a successor who will care for them and do right by the people and once this quest is over I will have no obligation to anyone. That's why I feel that I could never return to Dojon and live in the shadow of Master Tawaka, bound to serve. I am here for this quest and this quest alone because my dead King, mentor and friend asked it of me, I will take orders from no one, no one is above me. I am not indifferent to the mission to stop the Other King but perhaps I am indifferent to Martin. I don't truly know him and I don't have any real connection to him. We are both here simply to see this quest completed. He may still very well become King, but he will never be my King.

A Letter to Mrs Kingshield
20th Mayeth 1062AF

Dear Shannon,   I am writing to inform you that I will be back in the capital, Stormont, around the 10th Juneth and am humbly requesting your presence there. Hopefully the parcel will contain all you need to secure you lodgings, I recommend the Golden Lion Inn, mention my name to the innkeeper and he should see to any needs you may have. I will come and see you when I find appropriate time away from any official duties I may have. I hope you accept my invitation.   Sincerely, your faithful husband   Cearbhall

Thoughts and Images
Start date: 10th Aprileth 1062AF, End date: 19th Mayeth 1062AF

10th Aprileth 1062 AF   So Sir Sodo gave me this scroll and wants me to record my thoughts and feelings. He says it will help, I don't know if he's right but I've chosen to put my trust in him so I will follow his instruction.   It was a hard journey on the road here; my body feels heavy and aches all over. I did not receive a very warm welcome here either, Tawaka, a complete prick of a wolf and Sir Sodo's top student, took a very instant dislike to me. Still though, at least I managed to fulfil Sir Sodo's request of me and discover what was causing the dispute between Tawaka and Shang. Shang tried to do Tawaka a favour by touching up his painting; Tawaka overreacted by wanting to kill Shang. Like I said; complete prick of a wolf.   There was one positive I can take from this though, I had a pleasantly strange encounter with a young woman named Ting whilst I was at the tea house. It was clear I was an outsider, I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but she came and sat next to me, instructed me on what to do and we just talked. Only small talk mind you, exclusively about tea, but it was... nice and totally unexpected. I think I could grow fond of mint tea.   15th Aprileth 1062 AF   I'd been wasting away atop that mountain for so long that I'd forgotten what it was like to have any sort of routine. I begin each day with a bath, it's very refreshing and helps me to clean my wounds, I guess Sir Sodo was right. Tea in the morning, mint, I wander down to the tea house to get it. Yet to see Ting again though.   I've been here for almost a week now, light training has begun, I'm starting to build up my strength again and Sir Sodo has taken me back to basics, it's actually surprising how much of it still feels like second nature. With the basic steps covered so quickly, I'll be starting to spar soon. I don't know if I'm ready. Sir Nikolai has been idle for a while now and everything itches. I think I'll need him again after sparring.   17th Aprileth 1062AF   Sparring began today. Sir Sodo had Shang and Tawaka take it in turns, swapping out after each blow. I thought I performed well at first but their superior skill and my lack of it soon shone through and I was beaten to the ground again and again. Tawaka really doesn't like me being here, he certainly doesn't pull his punches and I really am beginning to suspect that he wants to kill me. Either way I am exhausted, a little lavender tea and Sir Nikolai should help me sleep tonight. I'm still uncertain if I can do this, if I can heal, if I can return to being a competent warrior.   I wonder how the others are doing.     19th Aprileth 1062AF   Today Sir Sodo had me roll a huge boulder off a hill then push it back up. It was bloody tiring I can tell you. My arms were sore and my whole body was aching afterwards, gods I was happy to dive into the hot springs and soothe my muscles. This lavender tea is going down a treat too tonight.   Sir Sodo has also been lecturing and speaking to me at length about how I feel, what I think I’m facing. He says the first thing to address is my uncertainty as it is uncertainty that can lead to other problems. He says I should reflect on it and what it means to me. I’m not sure what he means but as I think about it, more and more images of the war seem to flash through my mind.   Uncertainty Standing amidst death Always standing together Fading memories     20th Aprileth 1062AF   I went riding today. Sir Sodo had me race against Shang around a simple yet tricky course. I was unsteady at first, gained a lot of momentum but in the end came up short. Still though, I feel I performed admirably, Shang was impressed and Sir Sodo seemed pleased. I actually feel as though I’ve formed quite a bond with my bull, I even came up with an appropriate name for him given the journey we’ve been on. He’s a reliable companion; I can see now why Takuma is so attached to Amber.   I met Ting again today too. She was in the tea house, sat alone at the same table as before so I joined her. We simply chatted, making pleasant small talk. It was nice seeing her, she’s just easy to talk to, I don’t know what it is. Still, I hope to see her again.     23rd Aprileth 1062AF   It’s been nearly two weeks since I arrived here and it’s been nonstop intensive training but I feel that it’s starting to pay off. I’m much more comfortable in the saddle, I’m in the best shape of life since the war and my sword skills have greatly improved. Sir Sodo even taught me this special technique called the ‘Akanowan Slice’, I actually can’t wait to rejoin the others and restart instructing Martin. Having such an expert of a tutor like Sir Sodo perhaps I’ll be able to be a better instructor to young Martin, he may already be very accomplished but nothing can substitute experience.   I still worry about that though, looking ahead to the future. What if I don’t really have one? What if I fall at the last hurdle with my training here? Sir Sodo says that is the next step, uncertainty breeds fear and the only way to conquer your fear is to face it. He asked me what my biggest fear was. I answered truly becoming what people now see and say about me.   Fear Whispers drawing nearer Darkness grows and reaches out Cloaked in death’s armour     24th Aprileth 1062AF   I lost. I am lost.   Forced to fight a duel I never wanted, it was as if the whole world conspired against me, dragged me into it. Tawaka’s reasons for wanting to fight me had been proven baseless but because he is regarded as honourable, and I am not, I had two clear choices; fight now or fight later.   I was a fool to think that I could recapture any resemblance of my younger self. I have truly become what people now see and say about me; a cowardly washed up old drunk, a has been, a failure. I thought I could receive the help I needed here but it is clear I can’t do this. It doesn’t matter how good a master craftsman Sir Sodo is, if the materials he’s working with are utter shite then they’ll never be forged into anything of worth. I am a broken pile of rotten planks.     25th Aprileth 1062AF   Ting visited me first thing this morning, we shared tea and spoke as we usually do. She had obviously come to console and reassure me after yesterday’s defeat. I can say that it worked, Sir Nikolai remains idle. I don’t know how she does it, she just has a way of making me feel at ease, it’s as if I’ve known her intimately all my life. Our conversation was soon interrupted by a messenger informing us that the Simians had returned to Berwich. Sir Sodo quickly readied us all to move out. Tawaka came and gave me his old sword; that was weird.   We traveled at speed, not breaking once except for now in the evening just so we and the bulls can get a bit of rest before continuing. I resumed my conversations with Sir Sodo and he told me that dwelling on your defeats and allowing yourself to be consumed by them will only lead to ruin. You must reflect on your defeats in order to overcome them and move on, learn from your mistakes. Once you have been defeated you must learn how to survive.   Ruin Shattered and hopeless A remnant of our failure Broken and consumed   Defeat Resilient and strong Warriors fall, birthed anew Drowning and alone   Survival Giving life to all A wandering mind searches Riches left behind     27th Aprileth 1062AF   It’s been a hard ride, no rest save a few hours a night, eat whilst riding and not even any time to piss in a bush. Sir Sodo seems determined to get us to Berwich in record time. I must confess that I’m not sure I’m ready to return there again but with Sir Sodo at my back I feel like I can manage… I hope. I suspect that I’ll probably come across him again. Returning to Berwich is one thing but facing him again will be another.   Sir Sodo hopes we will arrive around evening tomorrow. I hope we’re all not too tired and that the situation we find isn’t too dire. I will say this though, having Sir Sodo ride out front, it reminds me of Edward and breathes life into the small flame of belief I hold inside of me, belief that we will win regardless of the odds.     30th Aprileth 1062AF   Sir Sodo is dead. Killed by a cloaked demon. So much so quickly it all feels like a blur. I should be reveling in my triumph, I killed The Survivor and partly redeemed my name but instead here I am, mourning the loss of a dear friend and mentor. I was stricken by the sight of his body, were it not for that voice I doubt I would’ve snapped out of it and helped Tawaka and Shang. That voice though, I know it, I know who she is. Being faced by such a foe as that Other I could think of nothing to do but pray and it seemed my prayer was answered. I find it hard to describe what it felt like, that light all around me, the power surging through my body, the sword actually piercing his armour. I may have never given it much thought in my life but maybe the gods are real.     3rd Mayeth 1062AF   Tomorrow we will arrive back in Dojon to hold a proper funeral for Sir Sodo. The journey back has felt quite lonely, I feel like I don’t really have anyone to talk to anymore. Shang is courteous and obliging enough and Tawaka’s mood towards me seems to have shifted for the better but still, it’s not the same.   I’ve been thinking about what I would say to Sir Sodo, what he would say to me.   “When you are uncertain you become fearful. Fear leads to your own personal ruin which is brought to light by defeat. When you have been defeated you must then learn how to survive.”   But what comes next? Survival means fighting, there is always struggle and strife as we all battle for our place in the world. A kingdom fights a kingdom just as a farmer fights a harsh winter. And I suppose a drunken old goat fights to simply not be a disappointment to everyone anymore.   Strife Unknown horizons Struggle and cry out for help Weakened from the fight     4th Mayeth 1062AF   Sir Sodo’s funeral was held today. It was quite a peaceful, calming affair which felt strangely appropriate. Tawaka performed this funerary rite where he sprayed a special kind of ink over the grove to spread and preserve the memory of Sir Sodo. I really like that idea; it’s a very comforting notion.   Tawaka offered to continue training me, to become my new master. His change of heart still seems quite radical to me but he is now the main master of this dojo and, I dare say, Sir Sodo’s equal as a swordsman. I accepted his offer because I know my work here is not finished and I cannot do it alone, I still need help and if Tawaka is offering to help me then I would be a fool to refuse.     6th Mayeth 1062AF   Tawaka and I left Dojon today; we will head to Tsoana as the day of the Shogun’s judgment arrives. I do hope that they were able to complete their quest and get the cloak; even more so that they’re all in one piece.   I am quite sad to leave Dojon, I shall miss it. The place has such an air of calmness about it, every aspect of life there seems designed to sooth mind, body and spirit. It’s the first time I’ve felt at home since before the war. I think in many ways I will miss the tea room above all, I can’t help but chuckle as I write, such a strange notion. Its atmosphere is so different to that of a tavern, there is noise and bustle sure but toned down, that air of calmness being its foundation.   And then there is Ting. A remarkable woman who truly embodies that calmness, emanates it. I cannot say or describe in any measure just how grateful I am for all that she’s done for me, nothing special, nothing outlandish just simple, honest, good-natured conversation. Sometimes that’s all you need, a dose of pleasantries to take your mind off the horrors of your world. I hope to see her again and keep my promise to share another pot of tea. I dare say she’s the best friend I’ve ever had and that’s no small feat.     13th Mayeth 1062AF   I have been reflecting on the discussions I had with Sir Sodo and my own thoughts on the various subjects. Last time I wrote about the struggle you must undergo to survive but what comes next? What happens when you have survived? And then the answer struck me; hope. Once you have survived you can start to hope again, have dreams again, look forward to the future. I hope to see Takuma, Martin and Magden again, to return to Dojon one day.   I brought these thoughts to Tawaka over the course of our journey and he seemed to agree but also added that once you have overcome the struggle, you can be at peace and that even the newfound sense of hope can lead to that feeling of inner peace. Looking back over my journey with Sir Sodo, Tawaka and I discussed it at length, concluding that with these realizations this stage of my journey is complete. When you were at odds with yourself but have battled through to now be at peace you have walked through fire and been born anew. The next part of the journey is continue pressing forward, remaining at peace, keeping that sense of hope and knowing that if you do falter again, you have the strength to overcome it.   Hope Safety surrendered A heart refusing to fail Stand tall and resist   Peace A hidden respite Gently cleansing, stand refreshed A new beginning   Rebirth A journey awaits A welcome escape from all Replace what was lost   “When you are uncertain you become fearful. Fear leads to your own personal ruin which is brought to light by defeat. When you have been defeated you must then learn how to survive. When you have survived you can begin to hope again and find your inner peace. Then you are reborn anew.”     19th Mayeth 1062AF   Well, tomorrow is the day. The Shogun must arrive with the cloak or she will be deposed and exiled in disgrace. Knowing what that’s like I do hope it doesn’t come to pass. But even though I should be hopeful of their return, all of them, triumphant and not a scratch on them, I cannot help but be uncertain and I fear the possibility they failed. If anything has happened to Martin then it is not just Akanowa we must worry about but the entire world. Who then to stand against the Others? I’ve seen them; I know what challenge they present.   But my thoughts also wander to the scenario of what if they have succeeded, what do I do then? Can I really just rejoin them like that? I’ve changed so much since we parted and I’m sure they all have too. If they have been successful on this quest without me then what need of me would they have in future? I struggle to see my place with them, I don’t know what I can offer them, if I can offer them something they don’t already have.   Perhaps this is just nerves. I failed them so badly last time throughout the entire journey that I can only hope they accept my renewed help and we can press forward together. Only time will tell and it’s no use me mulling over all possibilities now, I shall await and see what tomorrow brings. I believe they will all return triumphant. I may even give a little prayer to that end.

The Rebirth of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

It was just after Sir Cearbhall’s attempted ritual suicide that Sir Sodo Masuta, an old tiger and the greatest swordsman in the land, arrived at Berwich. The tiger’s original purpose was to guard the Shogun as she joined Martin, Takuma and Magden on their quest to obtain the cloak, the Shogun hoping to undo the past transgression of one of her ancestors. Upon hearing all about Sir Cearbhall and what had happened to him however, Sir Sodo took great pity on the old goat and instead chose to offer Sir Cearbhall his assistance.   Sir Sodo recognized what it was that was afflicting Sir Cearbhall’s mind, he was after all an aged veteran who had seen many battles and many soldiers trying to endure surviving them. Knowing how to best handle someone in Sir Cearbhall’s state, Sir Sodo approached him and offered him wise words of comfort and managed to convince the old goat to leave his depressed stupor and agree to join Sir Sodo at his dojo.   After a few days had passed and Sir Cearbhall had regained some of his strength, the pair readied for departure. Before that however, Sir Cearbhall said a sorrowful farewell to Takuma and Martin and even gave Foe Slayer to the fox believing himself no longer Sir Cearbhall and unworthy of wielding the blade. With tears almost piercing the back of his eyes, Sir Cearbhall waved his companions off and readied for his own journey with Sir Sodo.   The journey took the better part of a week and upon arrival, Sir Cearbhall beheld the sight of a quaint little village literally built on the doorstep of the dojo. The place had every basic necessity with a few small market stalls, a blacksmith and a small tea room. The first to greet Sir Sodo and Sir Cearbhall was one of the swordmaster’s students called Tawaka; a wolf of high standing and much skill. Tawaka had a very keen sense of honour and, having heard of Sir Cearbhall’s cowardice against the Simians, was quick to berate the old goat.   Tawaka seemed to have grievances with everyone as soon after he was seen arguing with a large black bear called Shang, another of Sir Sodo’s students. The old tiger turned to Sir Cearbhall and gave him his first task; to discover what the dispute was about. Shang was much more hospitable towards Sir Cearbhall but gave nothing away with regards to the task. Sir Cearbhall wandered around the village before heading into the tea room where it was made immediately apparent just how foreign he was. A young woman named Ting however seemed to take pity on Sir Cearbhall and sat next to him, lightly conversing about tea as she showed him how it was properly brewed and served.   Sir Cearbhall then set about Sir Sodo’s task and after questioning various people, it was Tawaka’s wife who aided him most in discovering what the dispute between Tawaka and Shang was about. Pleased with the result, Sir Sodo then stepped in and settled the matter between his two students.   Afterwards, Sir Cearbhall’s training began in earnest, training hard to condition his body and re-hone his sword skills. It was tough going at first, but Sir Cearbhall was always improving, slowly but surely. He improved his strength, became surer in saddle and even managed to begin to surpass his past skill with a blade.   Tawaka’s shadow continued to loom over Sir Cearbhall and once Sir Cearbhall was back to full strength, the bitter wolf challenged him to a duel of honour based on baseless injuries. Being the superior swordsman and driven by determination, Tawaka ended the duel in a single blow, humiliating Sir Cearbhall in front of the entire village.   Believing that his end had truly come this time and that there was no hope of rehabilitation, Sir Cearbhall set himself to plummet once more into a pit of despair when the young woman Ting approached him once more. With kind, soft and reassuring words, she comforted Sir Cearbhall, lifted his spirits and eased his concerns. It was as if she spoke the words of the gods.   Word came on that same day that the Simians previously defeated at Berwich had reorganized and were once again raiding across the coast. Sir Sodo readied all of the fighting men in Dojon and rode out to engage the enemy. Riding at speed, they made it to the fort in a mere three days and immediately set about tracking down the enemy.   The Simians had already managed to infiltrate the town and were seeking to throw open the gates to let more of their comrades in. But Sir Cearbhall, surviving an ambush, returned to form, dispatched the enemies and alerted Sir Sodo and the rest of the men as they hurried to the main gate. There Sir Cearbhall found himself once more face to face with his nemesis, The Survivor. As the men from both sides formed a circle around the two warriors, Sir Cearbhall engaged The Survivor in a duel.   This time, filled with determination and Sir Sodo’s wise words, Sir Cearbhall unleashed his fury on his enemy and overwhelmed the ape, sending him crashing to ground, raining blow after blow, shattering the Simians mask that had plagued the knights’ dreams for so long. Prolonging The Survivors suffering as long as he could, Sir Cearbhall ended the duel by decapitating his foe.   But the fight was not over as a large, hooded and cloaked figure emerged from the Simian ranks, seemingly unworldly, adorned in strange armour, wielding a blade that distorted the air around it. Sir Sodo stepped forth to confront this new enemy but only found his end. The figured grabbed Sir Sodo’s blade and snapped it in two before lifting the old master off his feet with one hand and snapping his neck.   Sir Cearbhall could only watch on in horror as Tawaka and Shang leapt forth at the figure, combining their attacks and deploying all of their skill. Alas it was to no avail as nothing seemed to hurt this enemy. Sir Cearbhall was brought back to his senses as he aided his allies, the three warriors fighting in perfect synchronization but again were unable to land a blow. Taking a knee, Sir Cearbhall prayed to the goddess Flori to grant him strength and was answered. This time when the figure was struck, Sir Cearbhall’s blade left a mark before the sword disintegrated. Acting unfazed, the dark figure chose to withdraw, vowing to destroy Sir Cearbhall should they meet again.   The following day, there was a solemn vigil held for Sir Sodo and the entire town came to say goodbye to their brave and noble champion. The townsfolk also presented Sir Cearbhall with a gift, a shield with the image of him fighting a Simian as Ram watches from above emblazed on it. Sir Cearbhall also took to the ramparts and marching to where the wall faced out over the ocean, he raised his banner high, catching the wind and displaying his sigil across to the Simian Empire, a warning that the Kingshield had returned and was ready to repel any future attacks.   Sir Sodo’s body was then returned to Dojon where his students held a proper funeral for their master. Seemingly at a loss and uncertain of his future once again, Sir Cearbhall was approached by Tawaka who offered to be his new master and continue his training. Sir Cearbhall accepted the offer and the two of them soon traveled back to the Akanowan capital as the day of the Shogun’s possible deposition drew near.   There in the throne room, with nary half a day to spare, the Shogun presented herself along with Prince Martin, his herald Takuma and their new, young companion Junpei. She announced the success of her quest as she presented the famous cloak but not all of the Lords of Akanowa were convinced. Tawaka and Sir Cearbhall however, stepped forth and gave their words of honour that they stood behind the Shogun. In the end, the Lady of the East kept her position and majority of support, the cloak had been recovered and her and her family’s honour restored. Sir Cearbhall rejoined the company with Takuma and Martin, the three of them set out to continue their quest and obtain the remaining relics.   This completed Sir Cearbhall’s proper return from exile as he exercised his demons and pledged himself in earnest to fulfilling his King’s last wish.   Sir Cearbhall Kingshield had been reborn.

The Fall of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

The great mage of the realm; Magden the Mad Magpie, along with Sir Cearbhall's old comrade in arms; Mongrel, Forte Ranger Captain who was stationed at Berwich, came to Sir Cearbhall's shack atop the icy glacier and dragged the drunken goat back into the world to aid them in seeking out the heir to the throne after King Edward's death. It was King Edward himself who had specifically requested Sir Cearbhall aid in this task. Not in control of any of his senses however, Sir Cearbhall believed that he was being taken to Edward's funeral to give a "beautiful eulogy".   Instead Sir Cearbhall and the rest of the company traveled to Rabbitown, an agricultural place populated exclusively by rabbits with two exceptions; Madgen himself, for his fabled tower was situated here, and a young, golden lion named Martin. Now this Martin as it turned out was the bastard son of King Edward and heir to the throne. King Edward had even named Martin as the Prince of Callic shortly before he died. Magden then revealed all to the group, who Martin was and what they were to set out to do; have Martin ascend to the throne, gather the magical relics of the realm so that the oncoming Other King could be defeated. Once Magden had explained the situation to all (Martin included for he was unaware of his heritage), the company headed out to the capital so that Martin could be officially presented at court and so they could perform in a tourney to begin their quest and attain their first relic; the fabled shield, Ardon.   When the company reached the capital they added one more member to the party; Takuma Yoshio, a sly, silver-tongued con-artist, with a heart caught between a mercenary scoundrel and a reckless daredevil. This young fox had just ran afoul of a group of peasants he was trying to peddle his false wares to when Magden decided to offer him a deal to join the party in aiding Martin. Not wanting to be lynched, Takuma reluctantly agreed and lent himself, his pet bull Amber and his cart full of ‘fantastical wares’ to the service of Magden and Martin.   After Magden had lead the party to the throne room so that Martin could be officially presented, the company departed for the tourney grounds to begin the competition for Ardon; a sacred relic of Forte and a symbol of the King, one that was vitally necessary for anyone who wished to succeed Edward to the throne. Martin would lead his troupe in his bid to win his father’s shield. Arthur Duke of Ascalon, a less impressive looking lion than Martin and brother to the Queen, lead his own bid as too did the Lord Marshall, a goliath of a rhino who was commander of all the armies in Forte. Lastly there was Sir Gregory Baraton, a large bear who was the head of the Brotherhood of the Martyr, a five hundred year old knightly order.   Martin’s company was by far the smallest as it consisted merely of himself, the newly recruited Takuma and of course Sir Cearbhall. Additions were made however as two King Shield’s honoured the young Prince with their allegiance, one was Sir Hnery Galbraith; Lord Commander of the King Shield’s. Also, upon receiving word of his return, Sir Cearbhall’s faithful Four Stewards arrived to support them. The last remaining soldiers of Sir Cearbhall’s company from the war, Sir Cotswald Longstripe, Sir Townshend Swiftclaw, Dame Sally Thunderblow and Dame Liana Stormrider rallied round their old leader and did their best to prepare Sir Cearbhall, Sir Cotswald went as far as to withhold Sir Nikolai from the drunk old goat.   Sir Cearbhall was set to fight in the melee, the first event of the tourney, against Dame Catherine Duchar, a member of Duke Arthur’s team. See Sir Cearbhall’s sigil raised onto the display alongside the Prince of Callic’s caused quite a stir amongst the crowd and there was much anticipation and excitement for the buildup of Sir Cearbhall’s return. There doubts amongst his own team however as to whether or not the old goat would make it to the fight but Sir Cotswald assured them he would and sure enough the legend did return, if only for a fleeting moment.   The last call had been made and there were rumblings amidst the crowd that Sir Cearbhall would not make it and would therefore have to forfeit. Suddenly the trumpets sounded out as Sir Cearbhall strode into the ring clad in full plate mail, a cape made from his banner flowed through the wind, sword and shield firmly clasped in hand, though the blade was not Foe Slayer. Nevertheless, within a mere three blows Dame Catherine lay unconscious on the floor and Sir Cearbhall strode out of the ring as nonchalantly as he had entered. The crowd erupted, the Kingshield was back and perhaps the claims of this out of the blue Prince were legitimate after all to have such a legend perform so authoritatively for him.   Martin and his team were in the lead after the melee as they swept aside all opposition and things would only get better for both him and Sir Cearbhall. The next event was a test of strategy where all four teams would take to the field and try to capture the others’ forts whilst protecting their own. With Sir Henry and Sir Cearbhall at his side, Martin was able to come up with a series of brilliant strategies that lead to a landslide victory. Sir Cearbhall led the main force against the other teams, fighting in unison with the Four Stewards. It was a master class display of teamwork as the five of them tore through the enemy, capturing many of them. The most impressive display however came from young Martin himself as the final engagement of the round saw him duel the Lord Marshall. The crowd looked on with baited breath, unsure of how it would go but most reckoned that the rhino would be the victor. But to everyone’s amazement it was the young lion whom emerged the victor as he wrestled the rhino into the mud, using the brute’s own weight against him. This all but cemented Martin’s victory at the tourney and his legitimacy as heir to the throne.   There was only one event left, the joust, the main attraction, but the night before a large banquet was held for those who were doing well to revel in their glory and for those who weren’t to drown their sorrows. It was at this party that Sir Cearbhall learned from his faithful companions what exactly the consequences of his exile had been. As the official Vassal of Stophord was no longer in residence or performing official duties there had been a series of heavy taxes levied on the hold, causing it to decline and all that Sir Cearbhall had built and achieved in his glorious youth was crumbling away. The Four Stewards had done all that they could to hold things together but without Sir Cearbhall’s presence it was a losing battle.   Deeply shocked and saddened by this news, for he truly did not know, Sir Cearbhall could only do what he had conditioned himself to do and, after a few days sober, returned to his drink. Whilst intoxicated, Sir Cearbhall had the brilliant idea to confront the Queen about the taxes imposed on his people. Naturally this would not have gone the way Sir Cearbhall had envisioned and it was Martin who stepped in and dragged Sir Cearbhall out of the banquet hall, though the young Prince did not know what he was really doing, he merely sought to remove a drunk before that drunk disgraced and embarrassed not only himself but any who associated with him.   The next day came the joust but Sir Cearbhall was still firmly fixed in his stupor and it is still debated today as to whether or not he was unseated from his bull by the lance of his opponent or his drunkenness. The joust in the end was null and void however as a bizarre turn of events occurred when a piece of the ground disappeared underneath the hoof of Duke Arthur’s bull as he charged against Martin. The phenomenon was credited to a strange mage who was viewing the joust from atop the terraces.   Martin won his father’s shield and in no small part thanks to Sir Cearbhall but the old legends good deeds were once again overshadowed by his disgraceful public display and so his name and image continued to be marred.   With the first objective of the quest complete, Magden readied the company of Martin, Sir Cearbhall and Takuma to leave the capital and head to the port city of Ascalin to sail across to Akanowa. Along the way, the party stopped off in Stophord for a few days. Seeing his old home in its current decaying form compared to the golden memories Sir Cearbhall held, the old goat’s heart sank even further. He endured a painful encounter with Alfie’s parents, still grieving and still angry at Sir Cearbhall for leading their son to his death and then abandoning his hold. Sir Cearbhall sought to rectify his mistakes and so wrote to the Chancellor, who was his Liege Lord, stating that he officially stepped down from the position of Vassal of Stophord and named Sir Cotswald as his successor, to continuing ruling with the help of the other three of the four. This was so the hold would have a lord in place meaning that the heavy taxes would cease and the land could once again be restored to its former glory. Sir Cearbhall also drew up a will stating that in the event of his death his possessions, like his armour and sword, were to be sold and the money given to his estranged wife.   Believing that all affairs were in order, the company readied to continue on but before they departed the Four Stewards came to Sir Cearbhall and presented him with a chest that contained a new suit of armour, just like his old one. They also gave their former lord a set of practice swords and shields and a strategy board so that he may fulfill his duty to help Martin by training him.   Shortly after the party had reached Ascalin, they were marked by a group of thugs and Takuma was capture and tortured, revealing to these petty bandits who everyone was and what their quest was. This did not prevent the young fox’s new allies from coming to rescue him as Martin, Magden and Sir Cearbhall burst in and engaged the cutthroats. Sir Cearbhall’s form however was the poorest as he clumsily swung his huge scythe around indoors, to no effect. In the end all Sir Cearbhall could do was headbutt and eventually impale on his horn the particular brigand he was fighting. That evening whilst the company were all resting in their small, shared room, the silence was shattered by the sound of Sir Cearbhall smashing his scythe into the wall just above Takuma’s head. Spectres of the past haunted Sir Cearbhall’s nightmares and in a fit of madness, the old goat believed Takuma to be an assassin sent to kill King Edward. Martin took that role in the physical. The stress of having to return to Akanowa, a place of much misery for Sir Cearbhall, was clearly getting to him.   A similar incident happened whilst they voyaging on the ship. At the mere mention of the Simians and their battle masks, Sir Cearbhall flew into a frenzy again and once more sought the slice poor Takuma in two. The terrified fox had to nimble and quick of thought yet again, this time he leapt from the ship and into the sea, believing the waves were a lesser threat than the enraged goat.   Sir Cearbhall did seem to calm down once they landed however and soon the party was off on the road out of Jian and heading for the Akanowan capital and seat of the Shogun, Tsoana. But as they were setting off, the company received word that the Shogun was in fact at the old fort town of Berwich. Along with a large force and accompanied by many of her lords, the Shogun was fighting to repel a grand Simian raid. It was not enough to call it an invasion but the Simians did outnumber the Akanowans. Eager to aid the Shogun, Martin led the party on though Sir Cearbhall had earlier made his desires to revisit Berwich known.   On the road to Berwich, Sir Cearbhall seemed full of quiet determination as he vigorously trained with Martin, doing his utmost to prepare the both of them for the coming conflict. Soon enough, the company reach the north coast and set about searching for the Shogun but instead found the enemy first. A small clutch of mercenaries who raiding a farming village engaged the party but were quickly dispatched. Sir Cearbhall brutally executed one of the mercenaries in front of Martin as their philosophies clashed; Sir Cearbhall adamant that, in battle, you had to kill every enemy in front of you, Martin believed exactly the opposite; that where didn’t have to, you shouldn’t kill.   As more mercenaries flooded into the village, the company was soon surrounded and their doom looked inevitable. Suddenly horns rang out as thundering cavalry charged rammed into the mercenary horde, ravaging their numbers. It was the Shogun herself who had led this charge and drove the remaining mercenaries back. Keen to discover the purpose of this rather odd looking band, the Shogun questioned them thoroughly but eventually brought the company to her camp upon discovering their identities and purpose.   The company stayed with the Shogun and her accompanying Lords as they devised a battle plan to defeat the coming Simian raid. Sir Cearbhall was instrumental in this as he suggested the very same strategy that had won King Edward the war; leave a skeleton force in Berwich, have small battalions stationed at each of the Simian landing spots and then have the main bulk of the forces roam from fight to fight, defeating the enemy whilst adding those smaller forces along the way. The Shogun and her Lords agreed to this, believing it to be the best strategy, it was a proven tactic after all. This plan sat very favourably with one Lord Lei Bei, a great panda and one of several lords who were displeased with the Shoguns ancestral lineage. These lords hoped that the Shogun would fall in battle so that one of them could replace her.   When the morn of the battle came, Sir Cearbhall was assigned to the Shogun’s company whilst the others in the group joined with Lei Bei’s contingent. The Shogun would naturally lead the driving force; Lei Bei was stationed at the most westerly landing point. The battle was rather mixed as Lei Bei did not make much of a commander but young Martin really came into his own as he stepped up and lead the Akanowan troops on, defeating the Simians at their post. For the Shogun however, things did not go well. Despite a promising start, her forces were soon overwhelmed and they began to be surrounded. Sir Cearbhall himself performed poorly, nearly being killed by a mere grunt as he was knocked off his bull. Feeling the need for some liquid courage, Sir Cearbhall consumed so much vodka that he fell unconscious, his body having to be dragged back into the Shogun’s ranks.   The perfect scenario for Lei Bei was playing out as he ignored the Shogun’s signals to send aid but once again it was the young Martin who stepped up. He rallied Lei Bei’s troops to follow him and with Ardon raided above his head, shielding and inspiring his men, Martin charged through the Simian ranks and carved his way to the Shogun, miraculously not taking a single life himself.   Before Martin came however, Sir Cearbhall regained consciousness and was met with a terrible sight seeing his allies surrounded and dying. Then a large, familiar and horrifying figure honed into Sir Cearbhall’s view. Adorned in shining silver armour and brandishing a huge war axe, the Simian Commander from Berwich, The Survivour, marched towards Sir Cearbhall, vengeance burning in his eyes. Initially paralyzed with fear as his trauma washed over him, Sir Cearbhall could do naught but turn and run but the old goat was not fast enough. The Survivor plunged his axe right into the back of Sir Cearbhall, shattering his spine and bringing him to the edge of death. The hearts of the Shogun and her men sank at the sight and their morale was almost as shattered as Sir Cearbhall himself.   It was at this moment the Martin arrived with reinforcements, drove the remaining Simians off and even defeated The Survivour in a duel, sparing his life and sending him running away with his tail between his legs. The young lion had outright succeeded where his mentor had so spectacularly failed. It was Martin who had won the day and saved the Shoguns life.   For the next few weeks, Sir Cearbhall lay in his hospital bed, tormented by visions and dreams as he slipped in and out of consciousness. Time was moving on and the company had to as well. With heavy hearts, Martin and Takuma discussed their plans with Sir Cearbhall to leave him in Berwich whilst they searched for the next relic, Martin even suggesting that Sir Cearbhall should return to Forte once he was able to travel. Such abandonment by his companions proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back as Sir Cearbhall’s depression completely consumed him. One evening, Sir Cearbhall struggled out of his bed and using his scythe as a crutch made his way up to the battlements via the darkest backstreets. There atop the ramparts, Sir Cearbhall collapsed to his knees, drew a dagger and performed hara-kiri. Only he failed in killing himself and only inflicted a small stab wound. So weakened was Sir Cearbhall that he no longer even had the strength to end his life in a noble and honourable fashion.   Truly the great legend and great man that was Sir Cearbhall Kingshield was dead.  

The Tale of Sir Cearbhall Kingshield

Sir Cearbhall (pronounced Car-rule) was born in the year 1020 to his father Art and his mother Eadaoin (pronounced Aye-deen). He grew up a simple farm boy, working on the lands of Sir James Stout. At the age of eight, Sir James requested that Cearbhall begin training as his squire and so a great and wonderful new world began to unfold before the young boy’s eyes. During the years of training, Sir Cearbhall was taught the ways of swordsmanship, how to ride, how to fight with armour and all of the other duties required of a squire to attend his lord. The boy who grew into a man dreamt of being a Knight himself one day, but the life of a squire was all that Sir Cearbhall could aspire to it seemed as he was forever too poor to purchase a Knighthood of his own. But fortune smiled down upon him.   In the year 1040, during the fifth year of King Edward VII’s reign, Lord Ademere Longtail, The Dread Bobcat of the North, a noble and decorated soldier, hatched a plot to assassinate the King during the King’s own annual tourney. King Edward had spent the early part of his reign curtailing the criminal elements in his Kingdom and this did not sit well with Lord Ademere as he had had many dealings with these criminals. Lord Ademere managed to make it through to the final of the melee, opposite the King himself, who always took part in his own tourney, and it was then that The Dread Bobcat struck. Having sharpened his famous axe, Forlorn, Lord Ademere sought to end the King in one blow and cut through the King’s armour almost piercing his heart.   Lord Ademere’s followers suddenly sprang into action as they massacred the guards and nobles who came to the King’s defence. Sir James was one such noble but he managed to instruct the young Cearbhall to protect the King and it was this unknown but valiant squire who managed to stop the axe just before it struck the King’s head. Cearbhall then managed to hold The Dread Bobcat off as he bundled the King to the relative safety of the throne room. From there, the young squire defended the entrance against Lord Ademere and his assassins.   Cearbhall and Lord Ademere duelled and eventually the squire proved the victor, shocking everyone who saw and heard of the deed. He decapitated The Dread Bobcat before the King’s very eyes, the stroke of his sword actually causing a scratch on the Mithan Throne. For damaging the King’s property, the squire had his armour confiscated.   But for his bravery and valour, King Edward had the young Cearbhall knighted there and then by the Hand of the King himself, despite his poor background, making him a King’s Knight, granting him land and new armour to fit his station and he was issued one hundred men at arms to help defend his new holdings. As a King’s Knight, he had the power to knight others. Thus he became known as Sir Cearbhall Kingshield, Bane of the Dread Bobcat, for his actions in defending the King.   Sir Cearbhall would go on to become one of the realms most storied heroes as he was always brave, upright and just as he championed the people whom he once called kin. Upon taking lordship over his lands, Sir Cearbhall immediately set about personally improving the condition of his holdings. He built a new sewage system to improve sanitation and combat disease. He dug wells and ensured that everyone within his lands had access to clean, fresh water. Like his King, Sir Cearbhall also cracked down on crime so that the people could feel safe and secure under the watch of their lord. Sir Cearbhall also tried to introduce the idea of a minimum wage, where every worker would be paid in money, each man free to forge his own path, free of titles such as ‘master’ and ‘servant’ and become ‘employer’ and ‘employee’. But this policy was far too radical and extreme and even the peasants, whom it would benefit most, did not understand it. He was so fixated on his work that he never took the time to marry and have children. Nevertheless, Sir Cearbhall was loved by his people, his men and his King and became known as The Peasant Knight as he symbolised just how high an ordinary person could rise.   But the fog of war would soon loom over the land of Forte as the Simian Empire crossed the sea, seizing the Island of Akanowa and attempting to conquer all of Forte, Ardhi and Reman in one swift stroke. In the year 1052, King Edward tasked Sir Cearbhall and his men to ride to the small fort town of Berwich, just north of his holdings, with the express order to hold the fort against the oncoming Simian forces until reinforcements arrived. Sir Cearbhall did as commanded and with his hundred men secured the fort. Berwich was important for its strategic position as it ensured that Forte could maintain its supply lines in the south.   Overwhelmed by an initial force of two thousand Simians, the odds of survival looked slim, but the Kingshield stood firm and held the line as he and his men repelled attack after attack after attack as they endured the siege. Simian reinforcements arrived and so Sir Cearbhall set about training all those within Berwich who could fight to do so, thus forming a militia of two thousand men, women, children and elderly. All were put to task in assisting with the war effort.   But the siege continued and there was no sign of the King’s reinforcements. The pressures of command and the ever increasing loss of life began to take a heavy toll on the Kingshield. He took to drink to drown out the voices and the screams of the dead and dying around him, to block out the faces of all those he’d killed, the Simian masks haunting his every waking moment. Yet still Sir Cearbhall, his men and the good people of Berwich endured.   Finally, after the siege had reached just over a year in length, King Edward arrived with reinforcements and drove off the remaining Simian troops. The Siege of Berwich Fort was over and Sir Cearbhall was hailed as a hero and saviour of the people. King Edward embraced him as they raised the King’s banner together to mark the victory.   Though to Sir Cearbhall, the victory felt hollow. A mere nine of his hundred men remained and more than two thirds of the population of the town lay dead. His own squire had not survived the siege. The voices could not be silenced, nor the masks of the enemy removed from sight. And the drinking persisted as the only means of coping.   In the year 1054, the war ended as the Simian Empire was driven from the Island of Akanowa. Sir Cearbhall had continued to demonstrate his prowess in battle, living up to his name’s meaning- “one who is fierce in battle”. A champion of the people and now a war hero, Sir Cearbhall Kingshield; Bane of the Dread Bobcat, Defender of Berwich, Slayer of Simians, Champion, Hero and Saviour of the People, The Peasant Knight became a much talked about man as stories of his deeds in battle, wielding his famed blade Foe Slayer, became more and more widespread.   The King rewarded Sir Cearbhall by making him an official King’s Shield and bringing him back to the capital. The Kingshield accepted and looked to his only four remaining men to watch over his holdings whilst he would be away in the capital. He knighted each of them for their loyalty, their bravery and their valour throughout their time in service to him.   But the capital for all its delights and splendours could not ease the mind of Sir Cearbhall and his drinking habits became more and more severe. This lead to many an incident where he brought shame, dishonour and embarrassment down upon himself, the Kingsguard and the King himself. The final straw came in the year 1056 when, at a banquet in the Royal Court, Sir Cearbhall got so inebriated that he lost complete control of himself. He made advances towards the Queen, defecated on the Mithan Throne and, when the King confronted him, he uncontrollably urinated on the King’s legs.   There was no turning back for Sir Cearbhall for these offences and so, with a heavy heart, King Edward exiled the Kingshield, taking away his lands. Sir Cearbhall refused to be addressed as such from that point on and personally relieved himself of the title of Kingshield. He abandoned his armour but could not bring himself to part with his sword as he left the capital and wandered into the mountains.   There atop a glacier, Sir Cearbhall returned to his roots and built himself a small farm but conditions made it tough and all he was able to grow was potatoes. These were his only source of food and from them he also brewed vodka to quench his alcoholic thirst. He took a local girl for his bride, but her star struck gaze would soon morph into a furrowed brow as her life was turned to misery as all she had to live on was potatoes, vodka and drunken rants from her husband.   Sir Cearbhall continued with this existence for eight years, his famed blade Foe Slayer tarnishing as it lay idle next to the fireplace, used as nothing more than a farming tool as all else Sir Cearbhall had was a huge scythe.   But fortune would smile once more upon this favoured son of Forte as King Edward himself called Sir Cearbhall back from exile to aid in a quest of the utmost importance…


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