Chapter 4: All the Magister's Men | Session XV: Where to Next? - Report Report in The Golden Reach | World Anvil
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Chapter 4: All the Magister's Men | Session XV: Where to Next? - Report

General Summary

Scratch and Brachii having just had an altercation the previous night, the party wakes exhausted and ready for a friendly face. They head through the swamps towards Bobby's cottage.
  Along the way they encounter an Ettin harassing a familiar sight: a swamp chicken! They quickly dispatch the giant (Scratch understands the expletives!), and gather up the poor fowl.
  The party treads swampland, eventually coming to the outskirts of Bobby's home. Quickly, though, they realize the area had been overrun by undead sometime after they left; Paul the alligator lies almost dead on the ground. The Dungeon Bois dispatch the rest of the zombies, Leslie stabilizes Paul, and the rest of the party tend to Bobby and Betty inside. Bobby, stabilized but missing an arm, tells the group that legions of zombies came from the east during the night and started heading west; many assaulted his small hut, though Paul did valiant battle with them. The party resolves to take Bobby, Paul, and Betty (and her new paramour, Farts-in-Swamps) with them to Bridgetown.
  The party travels for a few days to the port city of Bridgetown, arriving with minimal dramatics, save for a small merchant who Brachii attempts to steal from.
  The group is quickly sent to the Guard Tower, where they are told Bobby and friends will be taken care of. What the guards failed to mention was that denizens of the Marshland were being gathered by the guard for quarantine! Bobby, Paul, Betty, and Farts are taken to an unknown place, though the implication is dire.
  Seeking more information and an actual bed, the Dungeon Bois speak with a barkeep in a tavern, who tells them that swamp folk refugees, criminals, and political outcasts were being rounded up by the guard, who claimed to be "cleaning up the streets." No one was really sure where these groups were being put, though those who asked too many questions were usually silenced. They are told to either seek an audience with the leader of Bridgetown, Magister Ferdinand the Clever, or the head of the city guard, Sir Desmond Ular.
  Before seeking aid, the Dungeon Bois go shopping! The group sells off their treasure and seeks new gear; Belladonna gets clothes and new armor, Brachii gets a receipt for specialty armor and a battering ram, and Leslie gets a fancy rod. Brachii also attempts to buy Scratch a small weasel by a sketchy animal dealer, though the tabaxi doesn't take too kindly to the gift.
  Brachii, curious about the shady dealer, attempts to track him down, leading eventually to a derelict warehouse in Old Town Bridgetown. Brachii attempts entry, but doesn't succeed in persuading the criminals inside. They attempt to kill him, but Brachii makes his way back to the Dungeon Bois home for the night.
  The party commiserates about what to do, and decide that they will attempt to make contact with Sir Desmond and the Magister the following day. They all turn in for the night.
  Scratch lays down to pray, and doesn't receive a vision, but does have a dream of Brachii being kidnapped. Brachii, meanwhile, is being drugged and kidnapped.

Rewards Granted

  • Experience and loot
  • New armor

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Bandits on the Roads - Completed!
  • Investigate Swamp Rot - Maintained
  • Bobby's New Home - Received, Progressed
  • Burning Bridges - Received, Progressed
  • Brachii or Bust! - Received

Character(s) interacted with

  • Spoke with many a guard
  • Spoke with a few civilians
  • Brachii stalked an animal dealer

Created Content

  • Farts-in-Swamps
  • Sir Desmond Ular
  • Magister Ferdinand the Clever
  • The Internment of the Swamp People
  • Bridgetown Thieves Guild
Dungeon Bois: Voyage of the Damned
Leslie Lemonhead
Level 4/1 Half Elf Chaotic Neutral Warlock/Sorcerer
37 / 37 HP
Report Date
10 Dec 2019

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