The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors Organization in The Golden Lions | World Anvil
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The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors

The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors was the guild of wizards and sorcerers for the city of Waterdeep. However, while technically a guild, the Watchful Order functioned primarily as a mage academy, Waterdeep's largest. The Watchful Order also policed the use of magic within Waterdeep, encouraging wizards to use magic wisely. The Order's headquarters; The Tower of The Order, is situated in the Castle Ward on the Street of Bells, near the middle of the block between Selduth Street and Buckle Alley. The tower itself is heavily enchanted, with the interior existing as a manner of extra-dimensional space with the tower's relatively ample facade playing host to a sprawling academy with wide marble-floored corridors and rooms each alone larger than the very circumference of the tower's facade by at least a factor of three, the many windows within the academy somehow provide a view of the Street of Bells and the surrounding buildings as though the halls of the enormous structure were indeed but one small step on the tower's stair peering through the window.   The Order boasts many notable alumni, among which was the wizard Praxidor, a researcher of obscure artifacts and a professor of the arcane at the academy.   The Order provided many services to its members, including a venue for trading spell components and magical items. The Order served Waterdeep by providing spell wards for wealthy inhabitants and fire fighting through the use of water elementals. The Order also maintained important wards throughout the city.   The Order also provided many services to the city. Members could earn extra money serving as a fire guard, firefighter, or spell guard. A fire guard was hired to stand watch over a building and squelch any fires that may start as well as alert the firefighters. A firefighter is just that - they are summoned to put out fires with magic. A spell guard serves as a bodyguard to counter magical attacks. Pay was typically 5, 15, and 20 gold pieces per night/day, respectively.   The order recently collaborated with both The Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers and The Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths under commission by Achille De Luca, the famed merchant and auction house proprietor.  

Symbols & Heraldry

The formal emblem of the order.   The order's emblem typically consisted of a blue-coloured open hand, palm facing outwards, with a gold four-pointed star in its centre, the hand is typically surrounded by a fractal pattern of blues, purples, and whites.  


  Lord/Lady Master of the Order (Rank 5.)   The highest rank attainable within the order, and its undisputed head as well as leader of the order's academies. To be eligible to become the Lord/Lady Master a member needs to have served as a Master for a minimum of five years and attain a majority vote for the position from among all voting members of Master rank or above.   Speaker of the Order (Rank 4.)   Hand-picked by the Master of the order, the Speaker is the public face of the order and is tasked with much of the day-to-day running of the order including intimating the Master's orders and directing the order's activities. It is generally accepted that one chosen as Speaker is likely to succeed the Lord/Lady Master as the next leader of the order.   Watchlord (Rank 4.)   Typically already a Master of the Order and existing member of the Wizard corps of Waterdeep's City Watch; when one ascends to the rank of Mage Civilar (commander of the Watch's Wizard corps) within the Watch the title of Watchlord is customarily bestowed by the Order in turn; given the Order's long history with the city of Waterdeep it is not surprising that their ranking structures have become somewhat interwoven.   Dean of the Order (Rank 4.)   Recognised as the headmaster/headmistress of one of the order's academies, typically a member with long-established service as a Master and to have gained a significant level of renown with the order to be appointed the position by the Lord/Lady Master.   Master/Magister (Rank 3.)   Recognised by the order as masters of their art, these members are expected to have at least two years served as a Journeyman and to have displayed the ability to cast spells of a level significant enough to be awarded the rank of Master, though some exceptions have been observed in terms of years served.   Journeyman (Rank 2.)   Recognised as prominent and rising Wizards within the order, permitted to formally work within their chosen specialty, albeit under the direction of a Master. Typically a Journeyman is expected to have served at least three months as an Apprentice and displayed the ability to cast spells of at least Level 3 or above before being awarded this rank, however, the majority of Apprentices join at a young age and thus spend much longer as a Student of the order's academic system before progressing to Journeyman status.   Apprentice (Rank 1.)   The lowest formal rank among the order, bestowed upon those wishing to join after they have been formally accepted into the Order, most Apprentices join at a young age and progress through the order's academic system for a number of years before being apprenticed to an existing Master of the order.   Student (Rank 0.)   The title bestowed upon those studying within the order's academic system, typically a Student will experience between four and six years of study before graduating and being presented with the offer to formally join the order as an Apprentice.    

Notable Members

Guild, Mages
Controlled Territories

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