The Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths & Metalforgers Organization in The Golden Lions | World Anvil
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The Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths & Metalforgers

The guild is headquartered at the Metalmasters' Hall on The High Road in the South Ward of Waterdeep.   The current Guildmaster is Formik Ironspine, a dwarven smith whose works have gained him praise from Open Lord Laeral Silverhand herself. The guild focuses on wider applications of metalcraft from pitons to ploughshares, and maintains a strenuous competition with The Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths specifically in the field of armor-crafting. The order recently collaborated with the latter under commission by Achille De Luca, the famed merchant and auction house proprietor.
Guild, Craftsmen
Leader Title

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