Rsolk Character in The Golden Lions | World Anvil
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Rsolk was the leader of the Dead Rats branch in Neverwinter in the late years of the 15th century DR.  


Rsolk was a one-eyed wererat. He attributed the loss of his eye to a fight with Toytere. Rsolk wore an artificial eye of discoloured glass. In his Human form Rsolk was a thin, wiry individual of shorter than average height with pointed features, his hair was greying at the temples.  
Rsolk in his Human form.  


At some point before 1479 DR, Rsolk was sent to Neverwinter by Toytere, with the goal of expanding the Dead Rats' reach to Neverwinter. After the death of the Harper agent Cymril, the Dead Rats joined forces with the Nashers to depose Dagult Neverember. However, Rsolk's true objective was to eliminate the Nashers, whom he saw as rivals to the Dead Rats, and to establish a permanent alliance with Thay, which eventually came to naught.   As of 1495 DR Rsolk had established the Dead Rats' base within the abandoned sewer systems of old Neverwinter and had diversified the Dead Rats' portfolio in Neverwinter to include the trade of drudanae, an addictive narcotic plant.  

Encountering 'The Daggers'

During Ches of 1496 DR the Dead Rats observed a Halfling member of the group of thieves that arrived aboard the vessel signed the 'Gared-Guur' attempting to gain access to the Shadow Thieves' covert, predominantly out of curiosity and a desire to undermine the Shadows as best he could Rsolk had the Halfling followed. The following day Rsolk had engineered a seemingly innocent altercation outside the inn in which the Halfling and his cohorts were staying, taking the opportunity to slip a message into the Halfling's pocket, instructing them to meet. Rsolk had his men wait for the halfling and his cohorts and had them escorted (after having been blindfolded) to their base within Neverwinter's old sewer system.   Rsolk was fully aware of the mind-dulling properties of Drudanae and made liberal use of it when cutting deals with other denizens of the underworld, including his encounter with the thief Melkorian Osvarian, and his fellows who confirmed to Rsolk that they sought information on the De Luca auction house. Rsolk first invited the Halfling to join him in a smoke, and when he was declined had his men serve the pair beer laced both with powdered drudanae and the plant's sap. Melkorian had faked consuming some of the beverage which made Rsolk overconfident in the game of dice poker which followed between the two, which Rsolk handily lost and in a rage accused Melkorian (baselessly) of cheating.   Begrudgingly, Rsolk informed Melkorian where he would find an individual that would be able to provide them with an 'in' for the auction house, but as Melkorian moved to leave Rsolk countered that he had never said the group were permitted to leave and called for them to provide he and his men with entertainment, the stakes for this game, however, would be their lives. Outnumbered and lacking the home-field advantage the group acquiesced and were escorted to a drained cistern, many of the passages around which were blocked by gates or rockfalls, Rsolk had his men shackle the group to the four pillars that held up the cistern's roof and had his men release a beast they captured for entertainment, revealed to be an Otyugh. Rsolk observed with his men cackling all the while as the group fought the creature and came to congratulate them personally when they bested it admitting that the spectacle was worth the weeks they spent capturing it, Rsolk offered them a potion of healing and encouraged Melkorian to mention him if their contact refused to play ball.
Brown, one false made of discoloured glass
Brown, greying at the temples
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned
Aligned Organization

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