Quaestor Rank/Title in The Golden Age | World Anvil
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The Quaestor acts as a Treasurer for Rome, and is accountable to the Eternal Senate for any funds or boons collected.


This appointment is only open to Equestrians and Patricians


Appointed by a Magistrate


The Quaestor serves as procurator, and shall oversee any purchases made collectively by Rome. This includes any funding granted to the Aedile for their event.

The Quaestor shall maintain a list of the Roman combatants at every event.

The Quaestor shall maintain a list of all boons owed within their city.


1 Lictor

Status: Guardian, Prominent

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Can be removed my either the Magistrate that appointed them or a majority vote of the Eternal Senate
Civic, Political
Equates to
Equivalent to a modern nights Harpy
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Until removed my the city Magistrate or Eternal Senate
Current Holders
Reports directly to
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