Baali in The Golden Age | World Anvil
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Demon worshippers, serial killers, diabolists, and traitors -- the Baali are all these things and more. The Baali represent the darkest side of the kindred and provide a mirror which reflects our darkest desires. They live a life of fear, forever hiding from vampiric society, pretending to conform, just as many of us do every day of our own lives.  

A Brief History of the Baali

The Baali believe that the Lineage arose in the mythical first city. Their sire, Baal, was one of the third generation, and was the younger brother of Saulot in both the mortal and vampiric sense. Both brothers were scholars, and maintained a highly competitive relationship. Each sought to show up the other and win the favor of Caine. Each delved into great mysteries, communed with ancient spirits, and sought the council of moonbeasts. One night Saulot came to Baal with a plan to contact the infernal powers. Baal initially resisted, but finally the lure of knowledge swayed him and he collaborated with Saulot in a series of rituals. Saulot however had betrayed him, the next night when Baal began the ritual, Saulot arrived with Caine and the Second and Third Generations. Caine was horrified by these dealings and before Baal could raise a word in his own defense Caine, father of all kindred, slew him . Caine cursed all of Baals' offspring (for he had sired in order to gather information from around the world) to forever live in fear of the one above's true sign, creating the lineage's weakness.  


When the Third Generation came together after the flood, the children of Baal were not among them. Instead they founded cities in what was to become Mesopotamia, flourishing with the passing years and gaining great strength from the infernal powers. When the Second City fell, the cities of the Baali still thrived, but several centuries later, a coalition of lineages attempted to destroy the Baali, each for their own reason. The Capadoccians (forerunners of the Giovanni) led the assault, hoping to gain the dark knowledge of death and the afterworlds that the Baali possessed. They were supported by the Followers of Set who sought to expand their own powers of corruption, the Brujah (True Brujah?) who sought, for their histories, the ancient records of the cities, and the Tzimisce whose goals remain unknown. The Salubri did not participat, Saulot apparently having had a change of heart after his brother's destruction (he had apparently only expected a punishment of banishment). The battles raged for decades, with the vastly outnumbered Baali losing ground with each year. Just before the final assault, the Baali decided to win the war in the only way they were able: from within. They put in place the mechanism for the great dispersal whereby the surviving members of the lineage would infiltrate the other lineages from within and slowly corrupt them. They also swore undying revenge against the five lineages (including the Salubri) that had attempted to destroy them. When the allied lineages attacked the next evening they found only a few newly embraced kindred and a handful of ghouls. They declared the war over, the Baali destroyed and their dark knowledge forever lost. The Baali were stricken from the vampiric histories and in a few centuries forgotten.  

The Ancient World

The first taste of revenge on the Baali's lips was the destruction of the Brujah city of Carthage by the Ventrue led coalition of Lineages. Much of the 'evidence' the Ventrue used to prove Carthaginian demon worship was fabricated by the Baali (for who else had a better knowledge of demonic practices?) With Carthage's destruction the Brujah degenerated into the fractious rebels that they are today. The Baali had gained their first success.  

Views on Others

Mortals: Pawns and nothing more. Corrupt, kill, or aid them as you see fit -- they are of no value. The Inquisition: A reminder of the danger mortals can pose. They would surely destroy us if they knew of out existence. Black Hand: They do our work for us. By following the Aralu, they walk the same road as we do. Capadocius and his wretched childe. By their very nature they serve the darkness. Setites: Fools in the dark. They have not yet grasped the power of Hades. Still, in time they will serve us well.  

The Life of the Corrupter

The Baali are the darkest of the kindred. They serve the darkest powers in existence and strive to create a world of corruption, ruled directly by the great infernal Demon Lords. They are not, however, senseless killers. Rather they are the gentle corrupter who tempts mankind. They are the serpent in the garden, the dark voice in us all, whose tool is temptation. The Baali maintain a great masquerade, greater than that of all other lineages. They survive only by hiding amongst their enemies, slowly manipulating others to do their will. The Baali value this charade greatly, for it literally is the only thing that keeps them alive. They carefully maintain false identities, secret havens, cover stories, and hidden contacts. They are part of kindred society while forever being debarred from it. They can never drop their guard lest they be found out. They cannot trust those who trust them, nor can they even rely on others of their kind. Amongst the Baali it is survival of the fittest; and the weaklings do not survive long.  

Playing the Innocent

Baali carefully create identities beyond suspicion. They play the role of Caregiver, Loyalist, Traditionalist, and Mediator. Only those who infiltrate the darkest groups (such as the Minions of Set, or Black Spiral Dancers) allow even a fraction of their dark soul to show. They nurture friendships with kindred and kine alike, often going out of their way to help others. They commit selfless deeds, shy away from brutality, and advocate peace, but all with the goal of eventual corruption. They pursue the most far-sighted of plans and are meticulous plotters.  


Since the Great Dispersal, the Baali have held a very open structure. They are organized into Orders which fall into two main catagories: the Loyalist Orders and the Infiltrator Orders. The Loyalist Orders bind the Baali in corruption, each revelling in one dark power/emotion. They are the basic structure of Baali society. The Infiltrator orders were established to aid lineage members in their masquerade amongst the other Lineages.  

The Loyalist Orders

All Baali are members of one and only one of the loyalist orders.  

The Pleasurists

These Baali corrupt through pleasure. They are masters of the Dark Thaumaturgical path of Pleasure and are allied with Lucricia the Succubus (see Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat) or Empress Aliara, the Maeljin Incarna of Desire (see Book of the Wyrm) whom the Baali see as aspects of the same dark being. This is the most popular of the loyalist orders.  

The Seekers

Those Baali who seek Dark Knowledge above all else are members of this order. They are masters of the Dark Thaumaturgical path of Secret Knowledge. They are allied with Grantel the Mandragora (see Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat) or, less commonly, with Mahsstrac, the Urge Wyrm of Power (see Book of the Wyrm). This is the second most popular Loyalty Order, and the most ancient.  

The Terrorists

Baali who revel in fear are most often members of this order. They are masters of the dark Thaumaturgical path of Phobos. They are allied with Hakaken, the Bane-Totem of Fear (see Book of the Wyrm)  

The Bringers of Pain

The Order for torturers, the members of this dark order are all skilled in the Dark Thaumaturgical path of Torture. Their dark allies are Lady Aife, the Maeljin Incarna of Pain (see Book of the Wyrm) and Tivilio, the Injurer of Cats (see Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat). Many elder members of the lineage see this order as a bit juvenile as it seldom manages to corrupt the innocent.  

The Bearers of Pestilence

These Baali delight in the spreading of disease. They are allied with Thurifuge, Maeljin Incarna of plagues; Collum, Lord of Sludge; and Lady Yul, Mistress of Toxins (all see Book of the Wyrm). This order has been instrumental in the rising disunity and paranoia within the Sabbat.  

The Harbingers of Decay

Baali masters of the Hands of Decay. These Baali revere Knight Entropy, the Maeljin Incarna of decay (see Book of the Wyrm) although they have never managed to fully ally with it.  

Bearers of the Inferno

The smallest of the Loyalty Orders, these Baali are masters of the Fires of the Inferno. They have no specific ally although they have been attempting to make contact with Kerne, the Maeljin of Hellfire (see Book of the Wyrm).  

The Summoners

Specializing in the Path of Summoning (see Book of Madness for Mage), these Baali are few and far between. Their powers are amongst the most indirect of all the orders. Although they can call on great power through their contact with Banes, Wraiths, and Demons, they are not allied to any specific individuals.  

The Corrupters

Whilst corruption is the heart of Baali life, this is a small and powerless group within the lineage. This is largely due to the fact that its members specialize in the Path of Corruption, which is both a Path of Thaumaturgy and Dark Thaumaturgy.  

Infiltrator Orders

  As well as being members of the loyalist orders, most Baali are also members of an Infiltrator Order which helps them blend in with those around them. Most orders have several sub-orders based on the political separation of the lineage in question.  

Order of the Blind

They infiltrate any lineages that claim a line to Enoch. The orders name mocks the decedents of the Enoch the wise.  

Order of Service

They infiltrate any lineages that claim a line to Irad. The orders name mocks the decedents of the Irad the Strong.  

Order of the Lambs

They infiltrate any lineages that claim a line to Zillah. The orders name mocks the decedents of the Zillah, the Beautiful.  

Order of Moloch

This order is outlawed and reviled by the Baali. Its followers believe in the use of dark powers for the greater good. They hide amongst the other Baali, professing allegiance to the Loyalty and Infiltration Orders whilst secretly trying to convert their kin. Virtually none of its members hold much power among the Baali as the great dark powers are supremely corrupting; still they maintain enough power to survive under the noses of their dark kin.   The Order of Moloch was brought forth by Moloch's teachings. Unlike their Nergali cousins, who sought to use infernal means for their own ends, the Molochim sought to use infernalism and depravity only to keep darker forces at bay. After a disastrous civil war against the Azaneali under the command of the would-be Shaitan Azaneal, the surviving Molochim were shattered and fled north. They met with the Dracul, who offered them shelter in exchange for their knowledge to keep Kupala bound. Centuries of strife and secret battle against Infernalists followed. The Order of Moloch found its resources becoming unsustainably stretched with every member who fell in battle. They accumulated the most complete library of knowledge and artifacts in the world regarding the Children of the Outer Dark and infernalism in general, but their ranks of members depleted too fast. The Order of Moloch believes that most demonic activity on Earth can be traced to the Pentad, a group of five powerful demons (likely the Archdukes). They also revitalized the Path of the Hive by including a heretic movement called the Abelene Heresy into it, which claimed that Abel was the original vampiric progenitor, not Caine, and began to practice Dur-An-Ki. The symbol of the Order is a crescent moon with a curved dagger filling in the open edge of the moon, sunburst radiating away from the dagger.  

Shapechanger Order

One of the smallest and most prestigious of orders, these Baali masquerade as one of the changing breed (most commonly Garou). Very few are neonates and most have been members of other infiltrator orders before joining this one. The largest sub-order is that of the Black Spiral Dancers whom the Baali consider to be useful tools.    

Playing the Baali

Pure, unremitting evil is rare, and so are the Baali. They are not by any means stupid. They tempt others to let their dark side free. To just give in; after all it's so much easier. Baali players should be rare; they exist to try to corrupt kindred and kine alike to the dark powers without ever revealing their true identities. By playing a Baali we vent these dark desires, and thank every good power we know that such beings do not really exist. By looking at our own dark sides we can better ward against those of others, and become more aware of the danger of "just giving in." It is suggested that most player character Baali be followers of the Inner Light, the small seed of hope in the heart of darkness. Baali Endowments The Baali have a greater connection to the powers of darkness than any other kindred and this is reflected by several unique Disciplines, Merits, Flaws, and Rituals.  


Because of the structure of the Baali, different lineage members have affinity with different disciplines which help them in their masquerade. All lineage members have Obfuscate, Presence, and Daimoinon as their lineage disciplines. In addition, all members also have two semi-lineage disciplines. Semi-Disciplines are easier to learn than non-lineage disciplines but harder to learn than lineage disciplines (6 x current level). All Baali have Dark Thaumaturgy (see Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat) as one of these Semi-Disciplines, with the primary path determined by membership in one of the loyalty orders. Each Baali also possesses a second semi-discipline which is determined by membership in the Infiltrator Orders as follows: Assamite Quietus Brujah Celerity Gangrel Protean Cappadocian Necromancy Lasombra Obtenebration Malkavian Dementation Nagaraja Nihilistics Nosferatu Animalism Ravnos Chimersty Setite Serpentis Toreador Auspex Tzimisce Vicissitude* Old Tzimisce Animalism Ventrue Dominate Shapechangers Protean * the Tzimisce Order does not treat Vicissitude as a semi-lineage discipline, rather it is treated as a disease as described in the Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat.  

Changing Infiltrator Orders (and hence Semi-Disciplines)

To change Semi-Disciplines a Baali must pay experience points to convert the old Semi-Discipline into a non-lineage discipline and then purchase the first level in the new Semi-Discipline (if not already possessed). The experience cost is the quantity of experience points saved by the semi-discipline above and beyond what would have been saved as a non-lineage discipline. e.g A member of the Ravnos Infiltrator Order with Chimerstry 3 wishes to join the Gangrel order. To convert Chimerstry to a non-lineage discipline will cost 3xp (1 for the second level and 2 for the third level). It will cost the Baali a further 10xp to gain the first level of Protean as a Semi-Discipline (on the assumption that the Baali does not already possess Protean) for a total xp cost of 13. Had the Baali possessed Chimersty 5 (and no Protean) the whole thing would have cost 20xp. A large proportion of the Baali change Infiltrator orders at least once during their unlives.  

Merits and Flaws

Clear Sighted (3 point Merit)

Because of their connection with the powers of darkness, some Baali gain the ability to see through Obfuscate. The individual can see through any level of Obfuscate with a sucessful mental challenge-(win only)

Dark Faith (7 point Merit)

The opposite of true faith, Dark faith is the Baali's faith in the infernal powers. It may pre-date the individual's embrace or be an effect of it. The Baali now has a rating of one in Dark Faith, which adds to all willpower rolls. The exact nature of Dark Faith varies, although its relation to True Faith is constant. If a Baali tries to use Dark Faith against an individual with True Faith he must subtract the True Faith rating from the Dark Faith rating, If the result is negative (True Faith greater than Dark Faith) then the Baali is susceptible to the wielder of True Faith. Note: an individual with Dark Faith may enter a building/area with True Faith (such as a religious site) if her rating is higher than or equal to the area True Faith rating.

Piggy-Backer (1 point Flaw)

You have a small demon or imp along for the ride. Only you can see it and it is never of any help; in fact it is totally insane. This demon takes over at certain times and is quite a hinderance to you. Choose the occasion; it can be anything from "on the night of the full moon" to "whenever someone mentions avacado." Create the demon: give it a name, detail his madness, and give him some abilities. Play this out to the max when the situation arises. If the storyteller deems that you are not playing this well, he can declare that you have spent a willpower point to suppress the little imp.  


The Baali lineage discipline holds great power and great limitation. Daimoinon is a true Discipline, although few know of its sole 10th level power.

Demonic Assension (Level 10)

On achieving this power the Baali follows in Baal's footsteps (or is it hoof-prints?), ascending to become a True Demon (although one of only moderate power). At least one Baali (apart from Baal) has achieved this power, although there is great argument as to which demon this is. Common consensus tends most often to rest at the feet of Nubaris, Grand Vizier of Hades...  

Dark Thaumaturgy

Vampires may make pacts with demons in order to learn the secrets of blood sorcery, just as mortal mages do to learn other infernal magics; they do so at the cost of whatever soul they have left, sealing a bargain which is a quick route to magical power. The price of gaining knowledge varies depending on the demon bartered with, but even vampires generally consider any infernal cost too high. Dark Thaumaturgy is most often practiced by the Baali lineages. Paths

Apart from providing faster and easier access to more common Thaumaturgy paths, Dark Thaumaturgy has paths and rituals of its own which can only be learnt from demons. While all Dark Thaumaturgy relies on an infernal pact, these paths draw on the power of Hell for their effects, and are greatly feared.


Dark Thaumaturgy is always learned at a price, whether this be a generic bargain with the demonic instructor, or a specific affliction relating to the path learnt. Known prices for the paths are listed with their entries below.

Fires of the Inferno

Similar to the Lure of Flames, but the sickly green balefire conjured from Hell by this path has only one use: destruction. Like its untainted counterpart, the Path has no distinct levels, instead allowing for the creating of more dangerous fires. Price: Obvious balefire taints the user's aura.

Path of Phobos

This path conjures a foe's worst fears to assault him. Price: Horrific nightmares. Induce Fear: Cause a target to feel paranoid Spook: Cause a target to feel dread Terrorize: Cause a target to see illusions of their greatest fears Fear Plague: Cause a target to live through their most deep-seated phobias Leech of Fear: Transubstantiate fear into a vitae-like substance

Taking of the Spirit

Saps the willpower of the victim. Instead of distinct powers, each level of mastery allows the practitioner to strip willpower for more extended periods of time from a target. Price: Arrogance, manifesting as megalomania.

Path of Pain

Mastery over and the infliction of physical pain. Price: Addiction to pain. The Numbing: Become desensitized from pain Anguish: Cause a target to feel pain simply by standing in its presence Shattering: Cause a target's bones to break or its organs to rupture Agony Within: Cause a target's blood to transform into hooked tendrils that shred their arteries. Hundred Deaths: Cause a target to be covered in a million small deep cuts that constantly heal themselves and reopen.

Path of Pleasure

The creation of artificial, addictive pleasure and other drug-like effects. Price: The Beast's desires become harder to resist. Ecstasy: Make a target feel intense pleasure via touch Intrusion: Make a target feel intense pleasure via a telepathic command Daisy Chain: Cause your pleasure to spread mimetically to several persons Deadening: Cause a target to become emotionally desensitized and apathetic The Garden of Earthly Delights: Cause a target to become catatonic from intense pleasure

Path of the Defiler

Mystical corruption; possibly an infernal variation of the Path of Corruption. Price: Jealousy, manifesting as possessiveness of the user's victims. Call the Weakness: Learn enough about a target via conversation to gain an image of their character Tainted: Cause a target to feel intense shame about something Degradation: Change a target's nature temporarily Poisoned Soul: Affect a target's Humanity or Path rating Cancerous Blossom: Turn the victim's self-loathing into an actual physical deformity

Path of the Unspoken

The Path of the Unspoken deals with the acquisition of knowledge via blasphemous means. Considered a myth by most sorcerers. Price: Memory lapses. Whispers of the Unborn: Listen to the forces of entropy to gain the answer to one specific question Scribing the Unknown: Transcribe any written information Shadow Thoughts: Learn more about a target by conversing with their shadow Fragments of the Forgotten: Transcribe information from lost works (missing passages are often filled in with misleading informations) Forsaken: Cause a target to vanish from the collective consciousness

Path of Pestilence

The creation and spread of disease. Price: "The Rot", an ever-worsening disease. Illness: Cause a target to display symptoms of common illnesses Infection: Cause a target's wounds to become infected Miasma: Exhale obnoxious gases that blinds targets and infects mortals with diseases Parasitic Possession: Take control over a creature riddled by disease Vector: Infect a target with a virulent disease

Rego Venalis (Path of Corruption)

Mystical corruption. Possibly an earlier variant of the Path of the Defiler or the Path of Corruption. Night's Terror: Cow a target in fear by showing them images of personal damnation. Poison Heart: Give a target inclinations towards their darker urges. Fool the Heart's Eye: Assume the appearence of a target's loved ones Name the Crime: Suggest a sin that the target has to commit Unleash the Dark Soul: Slay a mortal and resurrect its corpse animated by its darkest desires.

Video Nefas (Path of Evil Revelations)

The acquisition of secrets of mortals and demons. See the Unseen: See into the spirit worlds Learn the Heart's Pain: See into a target's soul to learn its innermost regrets and grievances. Seize the Moment: Draw upon a specific memory of a target Casting the Bones: Use rune-carved bones to see into the future of a target Recall the Bloody Deed: Give a target's misdeeds and violence form as a minor demon that will exact retribution from them.

Rego Dolor (Path of Pain)

The infliction of physical pain. Note that this is different from the modern Path of Pain. Strike the Broken Limb: Cause an old wound to reopen Phantom Pain: Cause a target illusionary pain Curse the Senses: Shun one of the target's senses Feed the Corruption: Cause the victim to become infected by maggots and swarmed by flies Eternal Torment: Cause bleeding sores across the target's body that do not heal normally.

Rego Manes (Path of Spirit)

The conjuration of demons and the infliction of damage to all kinds of spirits. Rather than distinct powers, each level of mastery allows the practitioner to summon larger and more powerful demonic entities.  

Rego Calatio (Path of Summoning)

The summoning and controlling of demons. Rather than distinct powers, each level of mastery allows the practitioner to have greater control over the demons they have summoned. Price: The area where the summoning has taken place becomes sickened and corrupted.

Die Herrschaft des Wyrms (Tyranny of the Wyrm)

Developed by a Malkavian cabal in Hesse, this Path draws upon demons in service to a three-headed dragon. Price: When resisted, the powers turn back against the thaumaturge. Malfean Infection: Corrupt and lessen a person's True Faith Bane of the Soul: Graft a "Bane spirit" on a target to become a slave to its worst impulses Dissonant Miserere: Infect a target's mind with insane ramblings that attracts demons Feed the Wyrm: Cause a target intense pain that can only be allevated by pledging themselvse to the Wyrm House the Maeljin: Become temporarily possessed by an aspect of a Maeljin


Dark Thaumaturgy has many rituals, some of which are detailed here, although more are being created every day and many more are sure to exist.


Rite of Contact: This is a method by which Baali can announce their presence to others of their lineage in a city. When a half hour incantation is recited, with the Baali enveloped in total darkness, a telepathic message is sent to the oldest Baali in the area and then to all others in order of age. The ritual allows a one minute dialogue with each individual, contacted at their discretion. This ritual has also been used as a distress call.


Power of the Invisible Flame: as the Thaumaturgical ritual, Players Guide to the Sabbat except that it effects the Dark Thaumaturgical path Fires of Inferno.


Summon Gremlins: This simple ritual sends one chosen machine of small size haywire. This is especially damaging to computers which are usually irrevocably damaged, all their data corrupted and their hardware beyond repair. Shaft of Belated Quiescence: as the Thaumaturgical ritual, Vampire Players Guide.


Balefire: This ritual allows the Baali to draw upon the Balefires of Hades to bathe her body in a sickly blue green glow. The Baali is able to throw bolts of this toxic stuff at her enemies. Any number of bolts may be thrown, at the rate of one per turn, but each costs the Baali one blood point. Hitting requires a Perception+Firearms roll (difficulty 6 he take three points of aggravated damage and in addition mortal victims must roll stamina+4 and match the Baali's number of successess or suffer a damaging mutation (storytellers discretion). The material component is a piece of radioactive waste or raw uranium.

Drawing upon the Bound: as the Thaumaturgical ritual, Players Guide to the Sabbat.

Unlock Dormant Wisdom: This ritual allows the caster to gain some part of the knowledge of a dead being by consuming her brain. The age of the corpse is irrelevant, so long as some part of the brain is intact. The castr must role Intelligence+Occult versus a nine. The number of Successes indicate the degree of transfer (one for minor/most recent, five for total recall). This ritual can be performed on any being with a physical form (vampires, garou, mortals, etc.) except mummies (including bane mummies) but is ineffective on such creatures as demons or other spirits.


Bone of Lies: as the Thaumaturgical ritual, Vampire Players Guide.

Thirst Unquenchable: as the Thaumaturgical ritual, Players Guide to the Sabbat.

Level Seven

Shadow of the Wolf: as the Thaumaturgical ritual, Players Guide to the Sabbat. This is used by the masters of the Shapechanger Order.

Level Eight

Form Theft: The Baali have found it useful to take the forms of others. This ritual is a higher level version of Transfer Essence (see Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat). It allows the Baali to steal the body of a recently slain human, vampire, or shapechanger using the same system as Transfer Essence.


Bargaining with your Soul

The Soul is a valuable, although often undervalued resource. The Baali value souls more than any other kindred, whilst often giving them away in exchange for temporal power. All human based individuals (including Kindred, Lupines, Magi, and changelings) possess 10 soul points at birth. They may be sold off, (either whole or piecemeal) for worldly power. The most commonly granted powers are Investments, Disciplines and Paths, and Backgrounds.


Demonic Investments

The Baali's connection to demons gives them a source of power largely unavailable to the other lineages. This power does not come without cost however; the Baali literally sell their souls for this power. Each point of Investment costs 1 soul point (of the individual gaining the powers souls unless they are a Devil's Advocate -- see below).  

1 Point Investments

Basic Power: From vampire disciplines to lupine gifts, Fallen lores are never taught. Demons cannot, or will not, grant power with the Disciplines of Bardo, Valearen, and Temporis.

Basic Blood Magic Ritual: You must already have learned 1 basic blood magic discipline. Gain 2 basic rituals.

Traits: Gain any 1 other following. 3 Attributes of the same category (mental, physical or social). 3 Ability traits of the same traits (up to 3 past your generation max). 3 Backgrounds (up to a maximum of 6 in 1 background)

Aura Perception: The infernalist can see auras of other beings, the colours indicate their moods, identities and levels of hostility. This power operates in all ways as the second level Auspex power of the same name with one exception, the Auras of individuals with True Faith, or vampires in Golconda will blind a Baali viewing them for 1-10 turns.

Eyes of Hades: For the expenditure of 1 bloodpoint the Infernalist's eyes glow with hellfire (red if not observed closely). The Infernalist may then see objects via heat rather than by light (allows vision in total darkness). Anyone looking directly into the eyes will see dancing flames, and feel distinctly uneasy at the sight. The power may be 'turned off' at any time with no cost.

False Purity: The infernalists aura is permanently set at one specific colour, masking true feelings and diabolic taints.

Gaseous Form: The Infernalist is able to diffuse her body into a gaseous state; this takes only 3 seconds. However, the infernalist must expend one bloodpoint to become gaseous and expend another point to become solid again. The gaseous form remains cohesive in a strong wind. The infernalist emits a horrible stench while in this form.


2 Point Investments

Intermediate Blood Magic Ritual: You must already have learned 1 intermidate blood magic discipline. Gain 2 intermidate rituals.

Begin Decent: With the expenditure of one blood point the infernalist decends into the earth, thereby moving closer to hell. The infernalist can rest during the day without fear of exposure to sunlight. The power can only be used in soil or other loose material. It has no effect on stone or concrete surfaces. The infernalist can choose to end the power at any time, rising from the earth.

Willpower: Gain 1 willpower trait. Your maximum willpower also goes up my 1/10 of your total corruption points round down. You are also down that much willpower for any tests related to orders given be the masters.

3 Point Investments

Advanced Blood Magic Ritual: You must already have learned 1 advanced blood magic discipline. Gain 2 Advanced rituals.

Intermediate Power: From vampire disciplines to lupine gifts. Fallen lores are never taught. Demons cannot, or will not, grant power with the Disciplines of Bardo, Valearen, and Temporis.

5 Point Investments

Advanced Power: From vampire disciplines to lupine gifts. Fallen lores are never taught. Demons cannot, or will not, grant power with the Disciplines of Bardo, Valearen, and Temporis.

Devil's Advocate: One of the most subtle and devious of investments, Devil's Advocate allows the infernalist to act as a type of middle-man in the soul trade. By finding individuals willing to bargain away their souls the infernalist may receive a percentage of the take in the form of investments. During downtime you may spend 1 Occult Influence action to gain 1 soul point. During play you can charge extra (up to double and no more than 10 total soul points) to give someone an investment. They gain the corruption at the cost of the investment. Any soul points left over are yours to trade.

7 Point Investments

Elder Power: From vampire disciplines to lupine gifts. Fallen lores are never taught. Demons cannot, or will not, grant power with the Disciplines of Bardo, Valearen, and Temporis. You must be able to use elder level powers to take this.

8 Point Investments

Ignore the Blinding Light: This grand investment gives the Baali some degree of resistance to sunlight. In an area of high smog, or on days with significant cloud cover, the Infernalist has only to wear high SPF sunscreen on any exposed skin. In all other situations the infernalist takes only one aggravated wound per turn in sunlight (rather than the usual three).

9 Point Investments

Elder Power: From vampire disciplines to lupine gifts. Fallen lores are never taught. Demons cannot, or will not, grant power with the Disciplines of Bardo, Valearen, and Temporis. Even if you normally can't.

Level 7 Power: From vampire disciplines to lupine gifts. Fallen lores are never taught. Demons cannot, or will not, grant power with the Disciplines of Bardo, Valearen, and Temporis. Must be able to learn them normally.

10 Point Investments

Lower Generation: You can't go lower than 5th generation and you gain the flaw infertile vitae.


You gain corruption points equal to the base cost of the investment. As for every 10 points of corruption the soul point cost for an investment increases by a multiple. So of you have 10 points of corruption than the soul points needs for a 3 point investment is 6 soul points. If you have 54 corruption a 3 point investment costs 18 soul points. Only the person gaining the investment gains the corruption. So when using the Devil's Advocate investment, you only gain corruption when you purchase an investment for you.

Paths of Enlightenment

Many Baali had abandoned their Humanity well before the Embrace, and none maintain it afterwards. All Baali, therefore, follow Paths of Enlightenment. Currently, only two such Paths are sanctioned by the Baali council. These are; The Path of Revelations, and The Road of Sins (all variant paths). Order of Moloch Baali my take path of Caine or Hive


Character Generation Rules

Baali have a Corruption rating from 0 to 10 that represents how much of their soul has been given over for investments (0 indicates a normal human, 10 is a totally corrupted soul). All Baali must have at least 1 investment, and some have several. No player Baali can start with more than seven points of investments, and most have between 1 and 4.

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