Bestiary February
Wilderness Weeks
Titans are creatures who born from the purest form of nature - such as fire or tree, then shape themselves to fit into the flawed rules of this world. They're tremendous in size, seize great power and hold a big threat to civilizations if not be careful.
Archivio dei Titani, or Adesseus's Archive of Titans - made by Adeseseus Sirrchon in the 12 century. It's a complete encyclopedia holding all information about gigantic titans dwelling in the Goble Realm.
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1. Wings
2. Stripes (WIP)
3. Horn (WIP)
4. Shell (WIP)
5. Colorful
6. Noctural
7. Mythical
8. Prey
9. Monstrous
10. Danger
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11. Purr
12. Roar
13. Shriek
14. Howl
15. Tamed
16. Pack
17. Burrow
18. Bond
19. Stinky
20. Gentle
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21. Messenger
22. Food
23. Vicious
24. Silent
25. Parasite
26. Predator
27. Stalk
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