Windy Harbor Settlement in The Gates | World Anvil
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Windy Harbor

Located on the “lake” on the southern end of the map is a pier which spans the entire diameter of the geographical feature. This pier/harbor is known as Windy Harbor due to the variety of different winds that can appear in the area, the free nature of the land.   At this harbor, folks can enjoy Sky Fishing, games, local food and shelter.
Nurend 19-30, 308
  Meets Travelers - While in town, she eagerly buys a Reverse Gravity Fishing Hook. Knowing that some of you were also eager to go Sky Fishing, she waits until those of you that are better are ready to go give it a try. A mothlight tree is located relatively close to the Windy Harbor, so getting there won't be too big of an issue and could easily be accomplished as part of the 10-11 days of downtime between the 19th and the 30th.   Those of you that go with her would discover Windy Harbor and get to see the southern edge of this map for the first time. The harbor itself appears to stretch all the way to the other side of this massive chasm which has a rocky shore almost like a lake. However, rather than it being filled with water it is filled with more sky. Similar to the sky above you, the sky below is covered with unusual pale beige-pink clouds. Along either side of this incredibly long pier one can see different attractions like games, rides and shops. It looks like an amusement park!   Smaller buildings can be seen which look to possibly be homes for some of the shopkeeps, and these homes have their own smaller docks which are attached to the much larger pier. Do they have boats or something? It's unclear... if there are boats they certainly aren't here now, perhaps more investigation would be required.   There are also smaller docks which seem to be uninvolved with any shops, games, rides or homes. Sky Fishermen can be seen casting lines up into the air and waiting for a bite. Now that's what I call FLY FISHING!   Meets Travelers eagerly runs about poking different pieces of machinery or games, she seems to be getting overstimulated, but a reminder of why you are here helps keep her on task and she finds a nice spot on one of the empty docks to throw her line for the first time. It takes her a few tries, and some improvised assistance from whoever came along (Kaswink?), but she eventually gets it just right with a look of possibly insanity levels of excitement on her face. The day ends with little to show for it, but the group would've caught the following fish: Needling Minisquid (2, 25 pounds each) and Glass-scaled Tuna (1, 130 pounds). Some of this is sold, some is left for Meets Travelers' meals, some is kept to be consumed/preserved.   The sun sets on this first day of Sky Fishing and as it does so the Windy Harbor becomes illuminated. Games and rides are still running, some shops close though there are food stands and small restaurants selling local skyfood.   Meets Travelers stays behind to enjoy the fun, though the rest of you have business back at the village. Perhaps she can be met again along with the rest of the pier in a future adventure.

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