Ulktorov's Keep Settlement in The Gates | World Anvil
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Ulktorov's Keep

Ulktorov's Keep is the capital of Moraq. It includes the surrounding city and the underground castle-like structure where the brown elder wyrm Ulktorov reigned over Moraq before his death 308 years ago. The surrounding city was renamed Sa'hran in year 0 to help move beyond the dark history. Surrounding this city is the Ulktorov Desert.   This city is located on the prime material plane of Taranel, it is not located in the Spirit World.


The city of Ulktorov's Keep is mostly inhabited by humans, sand-colored kobolds, sand-colored dragonborn and half-dragons, half-orcs, half-elves, and the occasional warforged from the old war.   Goblinoids, especially goblins, are considered good luck here along with tieflings and elves thanks to the efforts of an entrepreneurial goblin that ended the war and saved Moraq from the tyranny of Ulktorov.   The dragonborn and half-dragons still make up a great deal of the guards that inhabit this land. This is a remnant of their time spent in this role from Ulktorov's reign.


After the death of Ulktorov, this land was able to create sustainable canals, roads, and all sorts of technological advances after rejoining the rest of society.


The earliest known and common knowledge history in Moraq is the war that took place between Moraq and Voldtaren.   During this time Moraq was ruled by Ulktorov, an elder wyrm Sand Dragon who had ruled over Moraq from his keep in the desert. The keep was thought unapproachable because of the sandstorms, whirlpools that sucked anyone that tried to traverse, and because of its expanse which caused crossing to be incredibly dangerous even without the aforementioned dangers. This combined with various worms, and lesser dragons made the keep impenetrable to most.   The people of Moraq lived in fear and fought in Ulktorov’s war against Voldtaren. Ulktorov hoped only to expand his territory into Voldtaren for their resources, position and just for the challenge it presented. If anyone was out of line they would be met with beatings, re-educations and fear for their lives from Ulktorov’s half-dragons, dragonborn and kobolds. Sand/Brown Kobolds, Dragonborn of various colors, Sand/Brown Half-Dragons.   The orcs from Aldagdsan would make appearances now and then but mostly just used their Navy to attempt to attack Voldtaren and its allies from the ocean.   Towards the end of the war Moraq had made it to Voldtaren’s Palace and was about to defeat them. However, unexpected and mysterious reinforcements (warforged) appeared along with a human man from a far away land. This man delivered the Warforged to Voldtaren before departing never to be seen by Moraq scouts again. Not too long after this the tied turned once more and Moraq was now being pushed back into their territory. The warforged were brutal and numerous easily disposing of any assault Moraq could attempt.   Then Selch appeared, a goblin with pale off-green skin that reportedly had eyes that shined like prisms. This goblin found himself in Ulktorov’s Keep and reports of this encounter described him being with a green tiefling named Wax and a human woman with a staff named Kharel. Selch came bearing a treaty written by his tiefling friend, Wax, which proposed an end to the war. The main caveat being Ulktorov’s head. Most accounts report people around Moraq ecstatic to end the war though unable to show it as the fear of Ulktorov still loomed.   A battle ensued between Selch and the dragon which ended, according to the one living witness that managed to escape, with “A blinding light, every color that I could see and some that I could not perceive. A presence was there, imperceptible, and every time I tried to look at it I could feel both a comfort and trust like home, and a terror so great I’d gladly jab my own eyes out at the sight. Shortly after this light faded from the room Ulktorov lay dead, his head at the feet of the trio.”   Order was brought back to Moraq and over the years they rebuilt with the help of Selch and his engineers. With the treaties signed and the tyrannical leader dead a statue was erected in the now more habitable capital of Moraq depicting the heroes standing over Ulktorov’s head. Selch erected a wall between Moraq and Voldtaren and declared the area around this wall a neutral zone per the treaty. Only certain officials can enter or cross. Though this wall is now largely just a marker for the borders as the "neutral zone" is no longer needed.   Modern day Moraq has roads connecting each village, port and city. Ulktorov’s Keep is a city built on an oasis. The statue to Selch and his allies stands in the town center and people celebrate the death of Ulktorov and the signing of the treaties every year. Since the treaties were signed a great deal of time has passed, hundreds of years, and since then relations between Moraq and Voldtaren have been stronger than ever.


The architecture is reminiscent of real-Earth Ottoman architecture, though some sinister architecture of Ulktorov's reign still remains.
Founding Date
Too long ago, likely around 1000 Before Calm Era
Included Locations

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