The Proselytes of the Eternal Flame Organization in The Galaxy of Stardust | World Anvil
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The Proselytes of the Eternal Flame


The Proselytes are led by the person known only as The Adjudicator, a highly religious individual who promises glory to all who follow him around the galaxy. To them, his word is all as he leads. Under him directly is his Left Fist and Right Fist, his most trusted and most deadly officers. Under them is a group of Archons. For the most part, Proselyte groups around the galaxy follow him for his promise of glory while not necessarily as religious as his closest ones.

Public Agenda

The Proselytes seek to take over the galaxy in their quest for glory. What exactly the High Archon's true intentions are is unknown.


Millions of soldiers, about a hundred capital ships and frigates, thousands of interceptors, thousands of speeders, tanks, and other ground vehicles.

Demography and Population

The Proselytes only have complete control over two planets but have settlements or bases on planets across the galaxy to establish influence.


Their home world is Genovelis with territories on Addes, New Rebon, Nisso, Shoilaria, Rockaden, Braxta.


The Proselytes are almost solely a military organization.

Technological Level

Compared to the Galactic Crusaders, the Proselytes are much less advanced. Their weapons are leftovers from the old war and their ships and vehicles are scrap heaps that can barely fly.


The Proselytes have a fascination with Stardust, the ones closest to the High Archon see it as what they need to ascend to glory. The common grunts see Stardust more as what they should strive for to obtain more power.

Foreign Relations

Planet to planet, The Proselytes try to gain influence leaders to join them. In terms of the Crusaders, they are at war with them.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Training Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Galactic Credits
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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