Scriia Masha Species in The Galaxy of 9 | World Anvil
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Scriia Masha

Scriia are the top predators on Ooompach and are considered extremely dangerous to any who venture out into the wilderness. Unlike most keystone predators, Scriia are neither large nor physically intimidating. They average only three centimeters in diameter and have the appearance of a drying beet with their red coloring, leaf like fur stemming mostly from the top of their heads and deep set eyes/mouth. The Scriia possess an abundance of skin which results in multiple folds, their short arms are little threat but their four double jointed legs allow them to pounce up to three meters in a single direction.

How then is the Scriia a dangerous predator if they are barely capable of causing physical harm? Simply put the Scriia is the only known “genetic hunter”. The Scriia “leap” onto prey who can scarcely feel them, and then attach their bodies to the prey directly at the base of their skin folds. These folds hide soft skin tissue which is capable of secreting an acid which simultaneously eats through the preys skin and provides a vey powerful localized anesthetic/blood clotting agent. Through this opening the Scriia drips their saliva, complete with “Scriia seeds” a viral adaptation of Scriia RNA which infects the prey’s cells much as a virus would. However, instead of creating further viruses the seeds force the preys DNA to produce fatty tissue and lymphatic cells. The prey gradual becomes physically weaker until the primary muscles of the heart and other important organs fail resulting in death, being replaced by mostly fat, the Scriia is free to feast on this high calorie body and to implant their fertilized eggs within it for future hatching. They are considered genetic hunters because of their ability to literally alter the genetics of their prey, making them more useful as a food source and liable to die.


Scriia disease often takes months or even years to kill the host, but is only curable at the earliest stages. Due to this, Scriia are rarely able to eat the prey they infect and must rely on the natural dispersal of the worlds creatures. Sentient beings are just as prone to the disease as any other genetic entity, however the Aaalvric have developed methods to isolate the disease within themselves if it has not progressed too far. The fatty deposits must be destroyed lest they continue to grow. Other sentients are not so lucky, and can merely delay the inevitable.


Scriia are considered a class 4 threat to colonies, and are specifically checked for on all traveling ships from Ooompach. They soft bodied creatures are easy to kill with pressure, heat, or dehydration but have a solid presence on the world, many eradication attempts having failed.

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