Entropious Character in The Galaxy of 9 | World Anvil
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Entropious, the law god of death, the unending annihilation, the abomination of time, is the physical embodiment of entropy and the ultimate bane of life itself.

Holy Books & Codes

There are several holy books devoted to Entropious before the Orphelian wars such as Singers in the Night and The Coarse Whisper: A Vengeance of Time Itself These were related to the death cults that existed in the Age of Myth that either died through suicidal pacts or natural desires moving towards pro life sentiments during the war.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When the Gods of the 9 went into their seeding, or Orphelial states, to follow their physical contract with time itself Entropious did the unthinkable. It lied about its intention, and faked an Orphelian to lull the 9 into a false sense of security. With the power balance now shifted in its favor, Entropious began to steal the Orphelians from their places of rest and feed upon their vast powers to keep the terrors of time at bay. At first Entropious's feeding was going well, and not only did it stave off crippling but empower its design. Being the god of entropy, this manifested as expansion of the universe and a weakening of life itself.   The sentient races, outraged by the deed and frightened by the threat of total destruction through heat death, fought back. It was in these Orphelian wars that Entropious invaded the minds of the Hongru to elevate them as its children. Thought Entropious and the Hongru eventually lost the Orphelian wars, the god has refused to sleep. Certain that slumber would lead to capture and attempted destruction, it continues to fight for the energy needed to mantian against time. This push/pull dynamic has been the major catalyst of wars for the past 5,000 years with Entropious employing many crafty bids for energy troves. Originally attacks were on the Doi due to their high energy fuel, but as defenses built up targets shifted.   In turn The 9 have been unable to locate Entropious, only knowing that it usually resides somewhere in the Energy Cloves deep within the Outer Colds. Through nature or Entropious's cloaking, navigations do not work in the Energy Cloves which has led to many failed expeditions.

Intellectual Characteristics

The base intelligence of individual gods has long been subject to debate. While their power is always awesome to behold, they do appear capable of making mistakes. It is also not clear how their intelligence typically manifests. The Orphelians were known to "speak" to their favorites before they went to sleep, they did this by means of visions, dreams, synchronicities, and direct dialogue in the individuals mind. These communications appeared more frequent and powerful with closer proximity, implying a "zone of control" as put forth by Heinz Kohut XI, an early Entara philosopher.   Entropious has communicated with those trying to hunt him, typically by infesting their sleep with unsettling dreams.

Morality & Philosophy

Entopious is not evil from a purely theoretical sense, although it often seems that way to mortals around it. From speaking with other gods before their sleep it is known that the powerful unipolar focus of the gods blinds them to the potentials of other living systems. Entropious is important to the mantenance of life, without a entropic downgrade of energy systems could not operate as energy could not seperated and used. Systems would remain whole, but immobile. Entropious appears to believe that rapid energy cycling is vital to a healthy operation (a vision that seems to make more sense when one has some control over the concept of heat death). It's main allies of the Hongru and Triskotto are able to "devour" energy rapidly and break it down into heat. However, they are also capable of long periods without notable energy usage. In this way it is clear that Entropious is not "against life" but does seek to destroy the complex systems which keep energy rolling slowly throughout the universe.
Divine Classification
Evil God

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