Andromeda C11 Geographic Location in The Galactic Mesh | World Anvil
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Andromeda C11

A sandy planet on the edge of the Andromeda galaxy. The Research Base C11 is located there, along with the archeological site, where the Aaerool were discovered. A former colony of the creators of Aaerool.


A bunch of sandy plains with black rocks scattered around with occasional mountain or two. There is underground water and ice caps south pole, which is always shielded from sun.


Cacti-like plants dominate the habitable areas of the planet (but they are still scarce), relatively big, hostile insectoids feed on the nectar of these plants (and on the blood of any living organism that comes close to them). These insectoids are mostly avoided by local predatory canine-like wildlife. The canine-like animals hunt small reptiles which live under the sand.   Every organism that enters some ancient structures is torn apart by small amorphous black shapes. (Unless armed with specialised weapons)

Natural Resources

The planet's sand can be used to create high-quality bulletproof glass in high-temperature crucibles. The black rocks can be harvested for carbon. The cacti-like plants and the insectoids that feed on them are a rich source of natural adhesive, as well as drinkable water.


Formerly used as a mining colony by whatever race created the Aaerool (as hinted by the equipment left behind in the ancient structures and the lack of natural resources around said structures). Before it's discovery by General Bionics, it was abandoned for centuries.
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