Xenobiology Hive 3h Settlement in The Future | World Anvil
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Xenobiology Hive 3h

Xenobiology Hive 3h is an Anansi hive on Nordic Frog Beach. The Hive is placed in an island to the West of Awal Dalu, Nordic Frog Beach's only land continent. The island is a solid jut of stone out of the ocean to an elevation of two hundred feet (61 meters). This rock formation is riddled with numerous tunnels, inside of which the Anansi have built numerous clay and stone structures. Inside of the structures are various pieces of scientific measuring equipment.   On the seashore, the caves have been carved until they also connect to the ocean. Several submarines can always be found here, used by the Anansi to make sojourns into the deep ocean to study the life down there. Resting around the mountain edge are several large multi-legged excavation machines, which were used to carve the mountain.   Hive 3h is the home of three Queens. Overqueen Frog Mountain Island is in charge here. She is known as a dedicated scientist purpose-bound to sequencing and describing all undersea life on Nordic Frog Beach. The two Queens she has below her are known as Frog Cartography Queen and Frog Biology Queen. These Queens determine the priorities for all of the remaining Workers and Soldiers. That in turn determines the priorities of the settlement in general.


This settlement is an autocracy. The Overqueen makes all of the final decisions that shape the settlement and all of its workers. If she determines a priority that affects the entire settlement, she is capable of overriding the other Queens' commands and focusing the might of the entire hive on the problem.   However, in normal times, the Overqueen does her own research. She leaves the overall functioning of the Hive to her two underling Queens - the Cartography and the Biology Queens. Each of those two Queens is in charge of feeding and watering half the hive, as well as discovering the most-pertinent information assigned to their chosen discipline. The Queens direct their Worker researchers to perform fieldwork and analysis pertinent to whatever scientific priority the Queen has designated to be most pressing.


The Anansi are equipped with their web-shooters, which can temporarily restrain creatures that are monstrously large. Anansi policy during emergencies is to first web all aggressors. Next is to evacuate the most key personnel with the gliders and the submarines. One submarine heads to New Alexandria to inform the humans, a second submarine heads to the portal to inform Homeworld, and a third submarine hides in the nearby reefs. The remaining Anansi wait for rescue. They are to study their aggressors to see whether "fight to the death with claws" or "die waiting for rescue" is the preferred outcome.


This settlement has a stone dock large enough to land four submarines. It has a field of solar panels on the surface to supply power. It also has wave generators in the tidal regions around the island supplying even more power. Thirdly, it has several large advanced wind turbines to supply tertiary power. The Anansi do not use large-scale batteries, and can only expend power at the rate it is generated. There is, finally, a stone glider hangar that holds up to three gliders. The gliders are used with a simple wind-up catapult to send Anansi explorers onto a similar hangar on the continental mainland.


This settlement has access to:  
  • Three deep-sea submarines that can each seat four and descend to the bottom of the ocean.
  • Four industrial construction vehicles that can grind through stone.
  • Scientific equipment capable of detailed physical analysis of large objects.
  • Two large gliders that can seat one Anansi or two humans that are designed to fly up to 500 miles (800 km).


Architecture in Anansi hives is light. Holes that lead to the outside are equipped with weather blocks that still leave room for Anansi to exit the hive. Several of the inside tunnels near the entrance and near the docks are used as research zones. The vertical tunnels shelter sleeping Anansi. The tunnels that lead to the peak contain parts, such as those used in the maintenance of the gliders and the solar panels.
Founding Date
Nordic Frog Year 230
Alternative Name(s)
The Anansi Island
Inhabitant Demonym

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