The Pitch Prose in The Funhouse | World Anvil
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The Pitch

This first story will be a version of the most basic story told by humankind: that of someone struggling to get home.  It is the story of ER (Eldest Ravenhill) the first of the new clan, and how he accidentally ended up stranded on the other side of the continent from his home village, with nobody to help him journey home across the Reflections.  As of right now, the story will be divided up into 6 distinct parts, or sections, or chapters, or somethings.  I am not really sure how long each of these portions of story will be yet, so I don't quite know how to quantify them or describe them, but that will come later.  Each will have its own plot, at least to a certain degree, with different supporting characters, conflict drivers, and settings.  There are several reasons for this segmenting of the story, but those are less important here.  As the different sections are developed and fleshed-out, information about each of them will be posted as appropriate.


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