Zapp Brannigan Character in The Frontier | World Anvil
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Zapp Brannigan

Captain Zapp Leslie Brannigan (a.k.a. The Velour Fog, The Big Z, The Zapper, etc. (Self-Titled), The Velour Jackass (Given by his second in command Ffik Hopper))

Zapp Brannigan is the single most renowned Human captain currently alive. He has recieved accolades and recognition from being involved in some of the largest military campaigns in recent history. However, beneath his trade mark bravado and gung-ho demeanour lies a cowardly and incompetent man more obsessed with his own comfort and image than the lives of his men or anyone that is not him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slightly Obese, Muscle to Fat

Body Features

Wide shoulders, narrow waist, slight paunch visible through his form fitting velour uniform, and unnaturally hairless over his full body most noticeably his exposed legs from mid-upper thigh to mid-calf.

Facial Features

Ruggedly hansome with a well proportioned nose, strong chin, and full smile. He is beginning to develop crow's feet around his eyes which is of great distress to him.

Apparel & Accessories

  • A maroon-burgundy hued velour captain's uniform
  • Stark white leather gloves and boots with faux-gold trimming
  • A male girdle worn under his uniform
  • Mental characteristics

    Gender Identity

    Identifies as a straight male that exemplifies what it means to be manly. Is passively derogatory to any person or species that identifies outside of his binary view of gender. Eg. Has been known to criticize his soldiers for "crying like a woman" or refering to the monarch of Hermaphrodon IX as "dude" and "bro".


    Believes himself to be the epitome of male sexuality and attractiveness. He has been known to make homophobic comments about males he believes are "not manly" enough.


    Unknown, known for frequent grammatical and pronunciation errors.


    Captain of the Democratic Order OF Planets (DOOP) Flagship The Nimbus

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Defeated an army of Killbots by sacrificing his troops until the bots' pre-set "Kill limit" was reached. Rented self a medal after leading a successful assault on the Spiderian home world Tarantulon 6. Led DOOP to victory over the peaceful Ball-People of planet Spheron 1. Single-handedly defeated the Retiree People of the Assisted Living Nebula. Annihilated the Pacifists of the Gandhi Nebula. Conducted a triumphant carpet bombing on Eden 7. Authored Zapp Brannigan's Big Book of War, which is likely a plagiarized version of Sun Tzu's The Art of War.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    Numerous, full extent is unknown due to his scapegoating of subordinates and allies.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Headstrong, Confident, Buys into his own Hype

    Personality Characteristics


    Personal Gain and Glory Preservation of his own skin

    Likes & Dislikes

  • Himself
  • Women
  • The feel of velour on his skin
  • Steak and other "manly" foods

  • Dislikes:
  • People that steal his thunder
  • Putting in effort
  • Physical Exercise
  • Himself (secretly)
  • Virtues & Personality perks least he's not a villain?

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Numerous, Too many to summarize here


    Frequently showers and bathes, regularly shaves his body and applies cologne, can be theorized to brush his teeth regularly as he has a complete set of real teeth.


    Contacts & Relations

    Somehow knows everyone important in the galaxy at least in passing.

    Family Ties

    Unknown, several illegitimate children

    Religious Views

    Practically worships himself as a deity.

    Social Aptitude

    Capable of talking his way into/out of anything and anywhere. Capable of inspiring anyone that in not under his direct command with tales of his (supposed) valor.


    Loud Bold Deep High Pitched (when acting cravenly)

    Wealth & Financial state

    Varies wildly between fabulously wealthy and completely destitute.
    Lawful Stupid
    Date of Birth
    June 30th
    Year of Birth
    542 Pt.S. 34 Years old
    Current Residence
    DOOP Flagship The Nimbus
    Male, He would state "I'm so male, the concept of manliness looks at me and feels insuficiently manly!"
    Blonde, Thinning, Enhanced with a toupee
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Caucasian, Mild spray tan
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    “If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.”   “The way to a woman’s bed is through her parents. Have sex with them and you’re in.”   “We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like. But we can assume this. They stand for everything we don’t stand for. Also they told me you guys look like dorks.”   “I am the man with no name. Zapp Brannigan, at your service.”   “In the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces.”   “I’ve never heard of such a brutal and shocking injustice that I cared so little about!”   "When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."   "Call me cocky, but if there's an alien out there I can't kill I haven't met him and killed him yet. But I can't go in alone. That's why I'm ordering every available ship to report for duty. Anyone without a ship should secure a weapon and fire wildly into the air."
    Known Languages

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