Weird Maggie Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Weird Maggie

Nobody really knows the real story of Weird Maggie. She’s a strange old bag lady who lives in Southside, although she has turned up as far across the city as Lantern Hill and Hanover on occasion. She can be seen from time to time trundling her shopping cart full of bags filled with who knows what, wearing a shapeless old coat and a battered hat with crumpled silk flowers. Her wild gray hair looks like it hasn’t been washed in years, and what teeth she still has are yellowed. She tends to mutter to herself most of the time.   Most of the things Maggie says make people think she’s crazy, but they also make some people wonder. She claims to remember what Lantern Jack was like when he was alive. She mentions knowing George Washington and President Ulysses S. Grant. She recognizes people with magical abilities on sight, and she sometimes seems to know what’s going to happen before it does. She says she tried to warn people once, but, “nobody ever listens to weird ol’ Maggie, no they don’t,” so she stopped trying. She and Lucius Cabot apparently know—and despise—each other.

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