Turkey Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Turkey is a nation struggling between its long history as an Islamic state and the center of the once-great Ottoman Empire and its modern desire to exist as a secular nation (albeit one with a large religious population) and a part of the European Union, containing many of the nation’s former rivals.   The modern Republic of Turkey was founded in 1922, following an armed rebellion led by Mustafa Kemal Pasha to expel the occupying forces of the Allies from World War I. The new government declared Ankara its capitol and proceeded to set up a new constitution intended to formally end the Caliphate and reform Turkey as a secular and democratic state. Mustafa Kemal became the new nation’s first president and the parliament bestowed upon him the honorific Atatürk—”Father of the Turks.”   Since the start of the Cold War, Turkey has allied itself with America and the Western world, becoming a member of NATO and the European Economic Community (precursor to the European Union). Since 2005, Turkey has been in negotiations to formally join the European Union, but there have been stumbling blocks, including economic and cultural issues, and concern over the potential extent of Turkey’s influence within the EU as a member state.   Turkey’s most powerful superhuman is Kargasa (“Chaos”), a criminal extortionist possessed of the power of a rampant earth elemental, who has blackmailed the government with threats of earthquakes and other natural disasters. His powers are similar to those of Italy’s Duca Nefando (see The Mediterranean).   Other known Turkish superhumans include Zihin Kiz (“Mind Girl”), a Lor halfbreed with awakened psionic powers; Dag (“Mountain”), empowered by the same elemental energies as Kargasa; Hayvan Kral (“Animal King”) able to assume different animal forms, and Kadin Avci (“The Huntress”), a mysterious vigilante with super-senses wielding a bow, with a moon-goddess motif.
Geopolitical, Country

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