The Infraverse Geographic Location in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The Infraverse

The Infraverse is a spatial domain accessible through quantum matter compression, in other words, shrinking. Beyond a certain sub-atomic threshold, a shrinking subject crosses the infra-barrier and shifts out of the material universe into another, altogether different, universe. Although the Infraverse is often described as a “subatomic cosmos” it is not accurate to say that it is made up of atoms or even sub-atomic particles, although it may appear so.   The black void of the Infraverse is dimly lit by a reddish glow and filled with complex orbiting bodies, some of them in chains, rosettes, or other formations that resemble molecules (including complex ones like DNA). Although an airless void, the space between bodies in the Infraverse is not as dangerous as the depths of space in Earth’s universe: the reddish “lifeglow” somehow sustains beings in the absence of air, allowing them to survive, and even speak, normally. There is no gravity in the void, so those without means of propulsion float helplessly. However, gravitational attraction is unusual in that “falling” onto even a planetary body causes no more harm than falling a relatively short distance. A normal human can make “worldfall” with essentially no lasting harm.   The Infraverse’s curiosities don’t end there; many of the various planetary bodies are inhabited, some by humanoid beings, others by strange aliens. The “lifeglow” also appears to establish a low-level telepathic connection that allows intelligent beings to communicate regardless of linguistic skills. Some worlds feature entire races of beings, others strange patchwork collections of intelligent species, often with no rhyme or reason. Some inhabitants of the Infraverse are immigrants, brought there by scientific experiments, spatial warps, magical misfires, or other incidents.   In spite of the relatively forgiving life-support conditions, life in the Infraverse is relatively harsh. Most of its civilization is based around city-states and roving bands of nomads (some of which even travel from world to world). Survival is paramount, and the strongest leaders most able to protect their people rule, until a rival overthrows them. Conflict is common, although the Infraverse is thinly populated by Earth standards. An entire world might have no more than a handful of city-states totaling a few million people. Large swaths of settled worlds remain untamed and unexplored, along with entire “wild” worlds and planetoids.
Dimensional plane

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