The Hexorcist Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The Hexorcist

Emil Graystone

The others on Project Freedom were recruited, but Emil Graystone is a true volunteer. The bedraggled figure simply appeared one day on the Big House dock, dripping wet despite leaving no footprints. He was eager to join the “band of repentant ne’er-do-wells in helping right this sorry world,” and while Ms. Wainwright was wary at first, she ultimately obliged. Hexorist had not been seen in several years and was in fact presumed dead following the mass breakout at the Buckner Ridge super-prison.   Emil Graystone had originally learned the dark arts in abandoned dungeons once used by the Spanish Inquisition. The coven with which he studied spellcraft practiced a gruesome initiation ritual to learn magic from a powerful demon—sacrificing neophytes like Emil in exchange for knowledge. But Graystone outwitted his otherworldly tutor and consumed the fiend’s heart, gaining fantastic occult might. As the Hexorcist, he spent years trying to usurp supernatural power by acquiring arcane relics and devouring other fiends’ hearts. He ultimately ran afoul of the demon Belial, who stole Graystone’s soul while his body languished. When Hexorcist awoke, it was not as a maniacal sorcerer but a humble and helpful man who eschewed violence. He graciously accepted his status, behaved as a model inmate, and ministered about the horrors of Hell to others—at least until an escape and disappearance even Emil is at a loss to explain.   Whatever the truth, Hexorcist’s passion for Project Freedom’s mission is undeniable. Though resolute in purpose, Hexorcist is neglectful in his personal habits, needing reminders to eat, bathe, and groom. He also seems a bit wrathful when dealing with the less-forgivable villains faced by the team, claiming whatever punishments he meets out are “for their own good.” These developments are troubling, but Graystone’s arcane skills are so useful Ms. Wainwright has a watchful wait-and-see attitude regarding his presence on the Project.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Though he claims to loathe his demon-infused sorcery, the Hexorcist remains a powerful sorcerer. Emil Graystone’s extensive occult knowledge grants him a wide variety of spells, as well as an intuitive understanding of language. The horrors he suffered while trapped in a diabolic realm render Hexorcist impervious to mortal fear, pain, and deprivation—the worst human torture is like a gentle caress to him. Even slowed by a withered leg, he is a surprisingly effective fighter, wielding a wickedly potent demon-slaying blade.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Deep beneath the soils of Spain, in the caverns of the Black School, magicians practiced the dark arts under the tutelage of a demon claiming to be Old Scratch himself. The price of study was simple. The graduating class would flee for the exit, with the student exiting last losing limb and soul to the rapacious devil. Emil Graystone was one of its pupils, and with a gimp leg, he was everyone’s favorite to lose. He didn’t disappoint. With everyone racing for the door, Graystone hobbled as fast as he could, casting spells to trip the others. In the end, though, he lapsed far behind his classmates and fell to the floor.   The demon descended upon Graystone, only to discover he’d been lured into a trap. Graystone was prepared and, through the element of surprise, destroyed the demon and ate his heart to seal his power. Thus began Graystone’s (impossible, some would say) quest to ascend into demonic princedom and usurp the very fallen angels that first rebelled against God.   Over the years, Graystone, AKA the Hexorcist, sought the hearts of many supernatural entities to gain their magic. His quest to ascend to the Demon Thrones and rule over the host of the fallen, however, has been repeatedly thwarted by many different champions. But still he returned, each time with a new scheme in mind, new artifact to recover or new sacrifice to make. Finally, Hexorcist pushed the gambit too far. After acquiring several of Lucifer’s feathers and a fragment of the Archangel Michael’s sword to empower him further, Hexorcist tried usurping the demon Belial. Belial, however, slapped Hexorcist down… hard. While his body remained intact, the Hexorcist’s mind and soul remained trapped in Hell, suffering through an eternity of torture with each passing minute. The Feds took custody of the comatose Graystone, then later transferred him to Lockdown PHU about a year ago.   Graystone awoke eight months ago, claiming to have escaped Hell and utterly willing to better himself to avoid the infernal fate he knows awaits him now. The authorities remain unconvinced, though Graystone has since eschewed his Hexorcist persona and remains heavily active in the prison community. For all intents and purposes, he’s a changed man. Now whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but Incursion has brought up one interesting possibility… that it wasn’t Graystone who fled Hell and returned, but another escapee now inhabiting the Hexorcist’s body   The old Graystone was power-hungry and completely infatuated with Judeo-Christian mythology, demons, and angelic magic. In his final days as Hexorcist, he was power mad and verging on delusional. The new Graystone is surprisingly sober and well-adjusted, however. He claims Hell put matters in perspective for him, but Hell doesn’t change one’s speech pattern… does it? Graystone claims he spent several lifetimes in Hell, and believes he’s suffered enough for his admittedly heinous conduct. Now he wishes to serve his time in “prison,” which he considers an outright delight compared to his previous accommodations. In fact, Graystone is probably the most exuberant, affable prisoner in Lockdown, which is more frightening to some than the eat-your-heart kind of guy he was previously.

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