The Devil's Advocates Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The Devil's Advocates

Under the leadership of Link “Angel” Thomas, the Devil’s Advocates became Freedom City’s largest and most feared motorcycle gang, as well as a well-organized and trained fighting force. The Advocates earned fortunes smuggling drugs and guns, and spent them just as fast on beer, bikes, and babes. Anyone who got in their way got crippled or got dead!   Along the way, Thomas recruited three trusted lieutenants: Duke “Buddy” Kisum, Jake “Cueball” Duncan, and Danny “The Born Loser” Carmody, bonding as four outlaw brothers through their shared interests in bikes, violence, and partying. However, the gang’s success came too easily for Thomas, and his search for spiritual fulfillment led him into satanic mysticism and zealous devil worship. Using his growing knowledge of unholy magic, he organized black masses with his three lieutenants to offer their souls to Lucifer in exchange for eternal youth and earthly power; one midnight a demonic entity calling itself “the Devil” appeared and granted their wishes.



Link Thomas learned early on that size, strength, and violence got him whatever he wanted. He eagerly embraced the outlaw biker lifestyle and joined the Devil’s Advocates as soon as he was old enough to ride. Nicknamed Angel by his club, he rapidly moved up in the ranks to become their president.   The “blessing” bestowed by the devil conjured by Thomas’ mystical dabbling heightened his physical abilities to superhuman degrees. In addition, he was granted supernatural abilities derived from one of the Biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, channeling the power of Death itself to slay mortals with merely a curse, a touch, or a gaze.   Overjoyed to meet and receive the blessing of his Satanic Majesty, Angel became even more dedicated to raising Hell on Earth. Thomas now wholeheartedly embraces hedonistic evil, devoutly faithful to his demonic master and confident in his sinister teachings.   He relies on tough talk and his charismatic and threatening presence to command. If provoked, he becomes joyously cruel and ruthless.  

The Born Loser

Struggling musician Danny Carmody, a starving artist making ends meet by breaking legs and selling illicit “diet pills” for quick cash, became the first of Thomas’ lieutenants. To Carmody, nicknamed the Born Loser, the deal with the Devil made his life into an even crazier ride, killing the boredom until the world finally recognizes his musical “genius.”   The “Devil’s blessing” heightened his physical abilities to superhuman degrees. In addition, he was granted supernatural abilities derived from Famine of the Biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, transforming victims into horrifically emaciated skeletal weaklings.   Carmody believes he’s outgoing and personable, oblivious to how off-putting his general boorishness is. When discussing or performing his music, he becomes insufferably self-important and petulant. He is fond of permanently disfiguring those who cross him.  


Second to rise to lieutenant rank in the Advocates was “Buddy” Kisum, a lover of ladies (including many he shouldn’t have) seduced by the gang’s many available “mamas.” Kisum’s disease-ridden form would likely have ended his days prematurely, but with the Devil’s blessing his party is never going to end.   This “blessing” heightened his physical abilities to superhuman degrees. In addition, he was granted supernatural abilities derived from the Biblical Horseman of the Apocalypse known as Pestilence. With these powers, he can infect nearby crowds with a debilitating pestilence at will.   The lecherous “Buddy” Kisum, although crude, borders on being likable. In truth it’s a ruse to get him all the women, drugs, and alcohol he wants. While not afraid of violence, he prefers inflicting pain over maiming or killing, making him the most “gentle” of the Advocates.  


The last lieutenant recruited was Jake “Cueball” Duncan, widely feared for his violent nature, ability to take a beating, and eagerness to fight anyone who dared challenge him. Cueball joined after Thomas became the only man tough and twisted enough to earn his respect.   All the powers he gained for selling his soul made Duncan even more violent than ever. His physical abilities were heightened to superhuman degrees, and he was granted superior fighting abilities derived from War of the Biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Duncan’s lethal War Axe is his signature weapon, making him a deadly hand-to-hand combatant.   Supremely self-assured and belligerent, Duncan occasionally loosens up and enjoys some laughs, beers, and mamas with his brother Advocates. Most of the time, he is either in a fight or looking to start one. Those who anger him wind up dead, swiftly and without exception. Freedom City 


The members of the Devil’s Advocates (usually totaling about thirty bikers) obey Thomas and his lieutenants unquestioningly, out of loyalty or fear. Thomas sees them as pawns, sacrificing them in battle as they weaken and distract opponents while the supernaturally powered members of the gang bring their special abilities to bear.

Public Agenda

Angel switched the gang’s focus from terrorizing the decent folk of Freedom City to the much more lucrative job of acting as enforcers for the infernal law firm of Cabot, Cunningham & Crowley. Additionally, the Advocates serve as security for the new House of Usher’ organized debaucheries in exchange for beer and free admission.


With numerous outstanding arrest warrants against the gang’s members, the Devil’s Advocates wisely remain as mobile as possible. When the Advocates do stop traveling to indulge their vices until they pass out, they favor isolated spots around Freedom City like the Wharton State Forest, abandoned buildings and lots in The Fens, or the House of Usher.   Both the House of Usher and the law firm of Cabot, Cunningham, and Crowley patronize the gang and regard it as a valued asset—and one they are more than willing to introduce to other powerful entities of the criminal or supernatural underworld.
Illicit, Gang

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