The C&C Club Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The C&C Club

One exclusive club in Freedom is the upscale and utterly discrete C&C Club, located in a rebuilt Tudor-style mansion on 52nd Avenue across from Liberty Park. Unknown to the general public, the C&C stands for “Cape and Cowl,” and the club caters solely to costumed adventurers, super and otherwise, offering them a place to meet and relax in the presence of their peers. The club’s history and tradition dates back to when it was known as the “Black Mask Club” in the 1930s.   Club rules require proper attire and prohibit costumes, although members are not required to reveal their real names and masks are permitted (and even provided, if a member wishes). More than a few club members attend in some sort of disguise not involving their usual masks. Concerns about eavesdroppers are alleviated by the club’s hidden security; any attempts at surveillance by any means only pick up scenes from various Marx Brothers films rather than the exposed faces of club guests. No one asks how the security works, but everyone is glad it does.   The Club is well known throughout the superhuman community, and people come from all over the world to visit it (particularly those able to travel quickly and discretely). However, entry is by invitation only unless someone is a member or a guest of an established member. The club’s owners remain anonymous, although rumors abound, claiming everything from a trio of retired heroes active in the 1940s own the Cape and Cowl to it’s a secret government operation to monitor supers, a front for super-criminals, or The Albright Institute's latest means for gathering information, to name a few.
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