Shattenwelt Geographic Location in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The Shadow World

There is a dimension of darkness, dubbed Shattenwelt (“shadow-world”) by The Thule Society in Nazi Germany. It is a realm of endless, inky blackness; not just the absence of light, but darkness made manifest. The Shattenwelt is a source of power for wielders of its dark energies, in particular the Nazi super-soldier Nacht-Krieger. Some sorcerers call upon the Shadow World for power, but such power comes at a price.   The darkness of Shattenwelt has a predatory, life-draining nature. It is almost alive, and it “hungers” for light to consume, including the “light” of living souls. So far as anyone knows, such victims are snuffed out by the eternal darkness, consumed by nothingness and oblivion. Mystic texts describe forbidden rituals for sacrificing souls to the Shadow World for power or even exchanging one’s own soul for pure darkness, becoming a conduit for the power of shadow.   There is some evidence of a connection between certain undead creatures and the Shattenwelt, particularly life-drainers like vampires and “unliving shadows.” Thule necromancers used its power to animate zombies, and Thule adept Wilhelm Kantor used the power of the Shattenwelt to endow Nacht-Krieger with his shadow-powers
Dimensional plane

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