Raul Diaz Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Raul Diaz

Famed sculptor Raul Diaz originally hails from Costa Rica, although he moved to the United States with his family as a child. He embarked on his career as an artist as a young man in New York City, NY, earning critical acclaim for his work. He met Michael O’Connor, Jr at a gallery showing in 1991, where O’Connor purchased some of Diaz’s work for his own collection.   As mayor, O’Connor engaged Diaz’s services to provide pieces to enhance Freedom City, particularly The Sentry Statue standing at the tip of the peninsula, which is Diaz’s largest and greatest work to date. Raul now lives in Freedom City and has his own gallery in Riverside where he displays and sells his work, in demand worldwide. He has a small studio of artists trained in his style so he doesn’t have to be the one to always repair and fix his statuary after the latest super-battle.

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