New Horizon Media Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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New Horizon Media

Freedom’s largest local corporation is the sprawling New Horizon Media empire, with interests in virtually every local media outlet, including the Globe Broadcasting Network. New Horizon owns film studios, newspapers, magazines, and publishers. Their Freedom City offices are scattered across three different skyscrapers in the Parkside area, including the GBN Tower, though the central corporate offices are the top seven floors of the Hayward Building, which overlooks Liberty Park.   New Horizon has a provocative reputation for the content of its news and media outlets alike. Some media watchdogs question the company’s standards and ethics, but NHM points to its success as proof it’s only giving the public what it wants.


New Horizon’s owner is media mogul Henry “Hank” Allard, a man well known for both his business savvy and ruthless boardroom dealings. Already incredibly wealthy, Allard works hard to increase and maintain his corporate empire every day. He parlayed a small personal fortune into a corporate media empire through his negotiating skills and shrewd sense of what the public wants. Those qualities, coupled with a willingness to do whatever it takes to win, have put Henry Allard at the top of the media heap.   Hank Allard is in his 50s, with short, black hair, gray at the temples and on his Van Dyke beard and moustache. He smokes expensive cigars and wears fine suits and expensive jewelry, including a ring set with an emerald. His eyes are gray and hard as flint, particularly when he’s angry or wants something out of someone.   Over the years, Hank Allard has done everything in his power to distance himself from any superheroes or supervillains. He doesn’t talk about it much, but many suspect it has to do with a love affair that fell apart after Quirk transformed the restaurant in which he and a date were dining into a pie-throwing monster during a super-battle more than fifteen years ago. Since then, Allard has avoided anything to do with supers apart from sending his reporters out after their stories (they do, after all, get ratings).

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